[Officiel] Venez jouer à Agar !
Citer Blacklister Alerte 23 mai 2015 à 18:12:34
Oui, le 18-25 a sa réputation sur agar.io!
Maintenant, on doit dire un truc par rapport au 1!-25 pour se reconnaitre, J'entre " 18-25" RSA" "18-25 "
Lead :
$ Kuba
Angela Merkel
Le 23 mai 2015 à 18:16:58 Entreprenheure a écrit :
Je suis en train de regarder tous les threads étrangés qui parlent du 18-25 sur agar.Ca rage SEC , On est célèbre les khey
envoie certains threads, ça me plaisir de les lire
Le 23 mai 2015 à 18:22:33 Mameloukk a écrit :
connect("ws://")Lead :
$ Kuba
Angela Merkel
Enfin ...
Remember to eat and gang-up all the faggots from [JVC] 15-18 or 18-25, they're cunts from a cancerous normalfag french forum and most of them aren't from this thread."
Carrément un blog sur nous : http://www.life6109.com/2015/05
Extrait:" If you have are playing Agar.io, you probably have noticed the 18-25 madness, that is, people with 18-25 tags helping each other. If you don´t have this tag, all 18-25 guys attack you, and if you have it, they help you. It was hard to survive so I changed my nickname to 18-25.. "
Sur un forum Turk " 18-25 diye grup kurmuş yabancılar yaşatmadılar valla saol atatürk yine de "
" Was playing as Postal's Ass and got massive. Too bad this other guy had 50 people with the same 18-25 number in their name helping him. I had first place for a while but eventually had to get killed by a green ball, which made him instantly absorb me. "
Qui veut venir je suis preums ?
Le 23 mai 2015 à 18:39:50 Kryms a écrit :
Qui veut venir je suis preums ?
J'essai de venir si j'ai pas de lag
Le 23 mai 2015 à 18:46:43 JeanMousse a écrit :
Il va falloir qu'on trouve un autre stratagème car, il doit y avoir beaucoup de fake dans les [18-25]
meme système de balise + un délire du forum
18-25 Pay my RSA
18-25 Jemiscor
18-25 Abarachien
des trucs indétectables
Le 23 mai 2015 à 18:33:38 Entreprenheure a écrit :
Remember to eat and gang-up all the faggots from [JVC] 15-18 or 18-25, they're cunts from a cancerous normalfag french forum and most of them aren't from this thread."Carrément un blog sur nous : http://www.life6109.com/2015/05
Extrait:" If you have are playing Agar.io, you probably have noticed the 18-25 madness, that is, people with 18-25 tags helping each other. If you don´t have this tag, all 18-25 guys attack you, and if you have it, they help you. It was hard to survive so I changed my nickname to 18-25.. "Sur un forum Turk " 18-25 diye grup kurmuş yabancılar yaşatmadılar valla saol atatürk yine de "
" Was playing as Postal's Ass and got massive. Too bad this other guy had 50 people with the same 18-25 number in their name helping him. I had first place for a while but eventually had to get killed by a green ball, which made him instantly absorb me. "
Sur le blog, le type parle des FAKE 18-25, que lui aussi en était un
je go sur connect("ws://")
Données du topic
- Auteur
- JteSavate_BAN
- Date de création
- 30 avril 2015 à 11:59:25
- Nb. messages archivés
- 23580
- Nb. messages JVC
- 23660