Topic de S0n-F0rget :

Pourquoi Bulma a choisi Végéta et pas Sangoku ?

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:12:02 atoutlerien a écrit :
Mon exemple vous explose en fait fallait lire le manga :rire:

Ouais bref encore un bouffon de troll qui vient foutre en l'air un topic avec son attitude d'attardé

So I thought what I think might be the IQ of each DBZ character, let me know what you all think about this.

Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ. However, in DBS his IQ would probably be around 55...

Vegeta: 106, for most of the time, Vegeta appears to be average intelligent, he never really has extremly smart moments at any time.

Piccolo: 115, he often shows that he's able to think in a very smart way, he's often been leading the Z Fighter Team in a smart way. He's really good at figuring stuff out. This is just his regular iq, after his fusions, his IQ should probably increase to at least 150

Bulma: 190, She's able to build impressive stuff like e. g the Dragonball Radar, she's the definition of the smart scientist in the series. It's just logically, since her father was a famous scientist too and she's the richest woman in the world because of the breakthroughs Capsule Corp. had, because of Dr. Brief and, last but not least, because of Bulma.

Frieza: 150, While often doing 'dumb' things, like attacking GOD Toppo in base form, he is still very smart, being able to manipulate very well and always planning evil stuff, just like building his army as well and making people believe stuff that's not true and betraying them.

Gohan: 135, Gohan seems to be extremly intelligent, even at a young age he's already way smarter than his dad and often stops him (or tries to stop him) from doing dumb things. He also seems to be teachable as well. Also considering he got offered an assistant Professor Job at the age of 23, he's definitely way above average intelligence.

Trunks: 106, While having the looks of her mom, Trunks seems to be just as intelligent as Vegeta, most of the time, he wants to fight instead of learning,

Goten: 98, not as smart as his brother, but not as dumb as his father too. Especially in DBS he seems to be more on the smart side, but overall he's just average.

Krillin: 86, often doesn't understand simple stuff or acts dumb, but he's also not as dumb as goku by far as shown already in the original DB.

Buu: 30, Buu is like an animal, he never gets anything, he just eats, sleeps and fights and that's it.

Android 17: 115, Android 17 is shown to be pretty smart, he has many good ideas and uses tricks to fight against guys way stronger than him, this puts him slightly above average intelligence.

Android 18: 105, not dumb and not very smart, she's pretty average most of the time, even though she's also too introvert to really tell.

Tien: 105. I think Tien is just very average smart, he has a lot of knowledge about martial arts, but mostly his intelligence isn't outstanding at all, though you can't tell because we don't see him often as he's busy teaching his students.

Yamcha: 89, a little difficult with Yamcha, but he often acts dumb and is only good at sports, he has some good ideas but is really stupid to e. g not understand why they won't take him to the TOP or tell Beerus he's the smartest and hit him.

Master Roshi: 100, he's not higher because he's just very wise in terms of martial arts due to his age, and often has good ideas due to having way more experience than the other characters, however he's not more than average.

Dende: 120, being the God of Earth at a rather young age, Dende must have high intelligence, he's also very smart for a kid in DBZ, he often makes good decisions.

Vegeta est encore plus une victime que krillin

"Oh lala ça arrive à goku d'être plus intelligent que Vegeta mais t'es un gros troll":rire:

"oH LAla vraiment un attardé ce mec" :rire:

Bordel pls un topic entier de mecs qui n'ont pas lu un manga et les voir rager, ce délice exquis :rire:

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:14:27 PrinceJeanNain a écrit :

Car il est plus viril (maghrébin)

Effectivement il l'est (quoi je ne le précise pas):

Eternel perdant
Envieux et jaloux à en crever de tous ceux qui le surpassent
Enorme rageux
Toujours de mauvaise humeur
COMPLEXÉ en puissance

Se fait mettre en PLS par casiment TOUT LE MONDE :
- La première fois qu'il vient sur terre repart agonisant parce que Goku un Saiyen "inférieur" l'épargne :) Se fait poutrer par un nain chauve, un gosse de 5 ans et un petit gros qui ne s'est casiment jamais entrainé de sa vie parvient à lui couper sa précieuse queue
- Sur Namek se fait démonter par Zabon, par Reecom et finit même par CHIALER quand Freezer lui met la misère
- Se fait humilier par une gonzesse (C18)
- Se fait humilier par Perfect Cell
- Réalise qu'il devient un BOULET pour Gohan quand celui ci s'interpose pour le sauver d'une boule d'énergie de Cell
- S'entraine comme un acharné pendant deux ans dans la salle de l'esprit et du temps Goku n'y reste même pas un an complet et est plus fort que lui ce qui le fait rager comme jamais, Goku lui dit même "oui je suis beaucoup plus fort que toi" :)
- Sur Terre après la résurection de Goku subit l'affront ultime : celui ci ne se bat pas contre lui à pleine puissance pour ne pas heurter sa sensibilité de gros fragile
- S'est laissé manipulé par Babidi pour gagner en puissance et ça n'est même pas suffisant pour surpasser Goku
- Lance une attaque kamikaze contre gros Buu en hurlant "Alah Akbah" mais il ne parvient même pas à le tuer
- Son fils est un gros fragile insupportable pourri gâté
- Est tellement complexé qu'il en vient à essayer de se rassurer parce que Trunks a battu Goten alors que Goten est plus jeune que Trunks, vient à peine d'apprendre à voler et Trunks s'entraine dans des installations hyper sophistiquées avec son père alors que Goten ne s'est casi jamais entrainé de sa vie et pourtant ils sont d'un niveau proche
- Lors de l'affrontement Trunks - Goten on dirait que Vegeta met sa vie en jeu, il devient furieux quand Goten se transforme en SSJ tant il place ses espoirs en Trunks parce qu'au fond il sait que Goku le dépasse

Voilà donc le guerrier auquel s'identifient une certaine ethnie :)

Ta oublié le passage ou il flippais de se faire éclaté la chatte par freezer et son père quand ils arrivaient sur terre

Vegeta ce cuck, c'est goku qui a vu en premier la ch*tte de bulma :rire2:
Parce que Son c'est son meilleur ami le débile
Les mecs débate sur la vie sentimentale de personnage de mangas a 3h du mat et s'étonne d'être puceaux
car vegeta a du sang pur

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:18:49 135kbanque a écrit :
car vegeta a du sang pur

mdr...en corrélation avec ton avatar.. lol

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:17:27 ELFAMOSOELF_2 a écrit :
Les mecs débate sur la vie sentimentale de personnage de mangas a 3h du mat et s'étonne d'être puceaux

C'est pas le sujet :)

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:20:20 s0n-f0rget a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:17:27 ELFAMOSOELF_2 a écrit :
Les mecs débate sur la vie sentimentale de personnage de mangas a 3h du mat et s'étonne d'être puceaux

C'est pas le sujet :)

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:16:19 atoutlerien a écrit :
"Oh lala ça arrive à goku d'être plus intelligent que Vegeta mais t'es un gros troll":rire:

"oH LAla vraiment un attardé ce mec" :rire:

Bordel pls un topic entier de mecs qui n'ont pas lu un manga et les voir rager, ce délice exquis :rire:

Où tu vois de la rage ?

ça serait pas toi qui rage plutôt, en spammant les ':rire:' et en n'essayant même plus de contre-argumenter ?

Pseudo supprimé

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:14:59 FinnnementCon a écrit :
So I thought what I think might be the IQ of each DBZ character, let me know what you all think about this.

Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ. However, in DBS his IQ would probably be around 55...

Vegeta: 106, for most of the time, Vegeta appears to be average intelligent, he never really has extremly smart moments at any time.

Piccolo: 115, he often shows that he's able to think in a very smart way, he's often been leading the Z Fighter Team in a smart way. He's really good at figuring stuff out. This is just his regular iq, after his fusions, his IQ should probably increase to at least 150

Bulma: 190, She's able to build impressive stuff like e. g the Dragonball Radar, she's the definition of the smart scientist in the series. It's just logically, since her father was a famous scientist too and she's the richest woman in the world because of the breakthroughs Capsule Corp. had, because of Dr. Brief and, last but not least, because of Bulma.

Frieza: 150, While often doing 'dumb' things, like attacking GOD Toppo in base form, he is still very smart, being able to manipulate very well and always planning evil stuff, just like building his army as well and making people believe stuff that's not true and betraying them.

Gohan: 135, Gohan seems to be extremly intelligent, even at a young age he's already way smarter than his dad and often stops him (or tries to stop him) from doing dumb things. He also seems to be teachable as well. Also considering he got offered an assistant Professor Job at the age of 23, he's definitely way above average intelligence.

Trunks: 106, While having the looks of her mom, Trunks seems to be just as intelligent as Vegeta, most of the time, he wants to fight instead of learning,

Goten: 98, not as smart as his brother, but not as dumb as his father too. Especially in DBS he seems to be more on the smart side, but overall he's just average.

Krillin: 86, often doesn't understand simple stuff or acts dumb, but he's also not as dumb as goku by far as shown already in the original DB.

Buu: 30, Buu is like an animal, he never gets anything, he just eats, sleeps and fights and that's it.

Android 17: 115, Android 17 is shown to be pretty smart, he has many good ideas and uses tricks to fight against guys way stronger than him, this puts him slightly above average intelligence.

Android 18: 105, not dumb and not very smart, she's pretty average most of the time, even though she's also too introvert to really tell.

Tien: 105. I think Tien is just very average smart, he has a lot of knowledge about martial arts, but mostly his intelligence isn't outstanding at all, though you can't tell because we don't see him often as he's busy teaching his students.

Yamcha: 89, a little difficult with Yamcha, but he often acts dumb and is only good at sports, he has some good ideas but is really stupid to e. g not understand why they won't take him to the TOP or tell Beerus he's the smartest and hit him.

Master Roshi: 100, he's not higher because he's just very wise in terms of martial arts due to his age, and often has good ideas due to having way more experience than the other characters, however he's not more than average.

Dende: 120, being the God of Earth at a rather young age, Dende must have high intelligence, he's also very smart for a kid in DBZ, he often makes good decisions.

C'est cohérent par contre Krilin doit avoisiner les 95-100. Il est pas plus bête que Goten (je me fous de DBS ça compte pas pour moi)

Quand il était gosse il était plutôt dégourdi pour son âge. Quand à Freezer c'est moins, il est intelligent pour diriger une telle armée mais c'est pas non plus un génie sinon il ne serait jamais retourné sur Terre après que Goku l'ai casi tué sur Namek

laisse il troll. y a 0 rage en plus :rire:

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:05:10 s0n-f0rget a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:02:27 6cdw a écrit :
Bite de végéta = Large et 18 cm, parfait :ok:
Bite de Sangoku = Fine et 25cm, merdique :ok:

Son choix s'est donc porté sur végéta

Je suis pas certain que Bulma encaisse du 18 cm large. Je l'imagine assez serrée pas toi ?

Elle a du se faire tous les sayiens pour essayer, c'est l'équivalent de 5 accouchements de quintuplés, crois moi bulma est aussi large qu'un parking poids lourd :ok:

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:21:48 PrinceJeanNain a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:14:59 FinnnementCon a écrit :
So I thought what I think might be the IQ of each DBZ character, let me know what you all think about this.

Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ. However, in DBS his IQ would probably be around 55...

Vegeta: 106, for most of the time, Vegeta appears to be average intelligent, he never really has extremly smart moments at any time.

Piccolo: 115, he often shows that he's able to think in a very smart way, he's often been leading the Z Fighter Team in a smart way. He's really good at figuring stuff out. This is just his regular iq, after his fusions, his IQ should probably increase to at least 150

Bulma: 190, She's able to build impressive stuff like e. g the Dragonball Radar, she's the definition of the smart scientist in the series. It's just logically, since her father was a famous scientist too and she's the richest woman in the world because of the breakthroughs Capsule Corp. had, because of Dr. Brief and, last but not least, because of Bulma.

Frieza: 150, While often doing 'dumb' things, like attacking GOD Toppo in base form, he is still very smart, being able to manipulate very well and always planning evil stuff, just like building his army as well and making people believe stuff that's not true and betraying them.

Gohan: 135, Gohan seems to be extremly intelligent, even at a young age he's already way smarter than his dad and often stops him (or tries to stop him) from doing dumb things. He also seems to be teachable as well. Also considering he got offered an assistant Professor Job at the age of 23, he's definitely way above average intelligence.

Trunks: 106, While having the looks of her mom, Trunks seems to be just as intelligent as Vegeta, most of the time, he wants to fight instead of learning,

Goten: 98, not as smart as his brother, but not as dumb as his father too. Especially in DBS he seems to be more on the smart side, but overall he's just average.

Krillin: 86, often doesn't understand simple stuff or acts dumb, but he's also not as dumb as goku by far as shown already in the original DB.

Buu: 30, Buu is like an animal, he never gets anything, he just eats, sleeps and fights and that's it.

Android 17: 115, Android 17 is shown to be pretty smart, he has many good ideas and uses tricks to fight against guys way stronger than him, this puts him slightly above average intelligence.

Android 18: 105, not dumb and not very smart, she's pretty average most of the time, even though she's also too introvert to really tell.

Tien: 105. I think Tien is just very average smart, he has a lot of knowledge about martial arts, but mostly his intelligence isn't outstanding at all, though you can't tell because we don't see him often as he's busy teaching his students.

Yamcha: 89, a little difficult with Yamcha, but he often acts dumb and is only good at sports, he has some good ideas but is really stupid to e. g not understand why they won't take him to the TOP or tell Beerus he's the smartest and hit him.

Master Roshi: 100, he's not higher because he's just very wise in terms of martial arts due to his age, and often has good ideas due to having way more experience than the other characters, however he's not more than average.

Dende: 120, being the God of Earth at a rather young age, Dende must have high intelligence, he's also very smart for a kid in DBZ, he often makes good decisions.

C'est cohérent par contre Krilin doit avoisiner les 95-100. Il est pas plus bête que Goten (je me fous de DBS ça compte pas pour moi)

Quand il était gosse il était plutôt dégourdi pour son âge

totalement d accord.
enfin un mec qui comprend les interactions.
ouai reserve pour dende j aurai mis piccolo devant..

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:21:48 PrinceJeanNain a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:14:59 FinnnementCon a écrit :
So I thought what I think might be the IQ of each DBZ character, let me know what you all think about this.

Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ. However, in DBS his IQ would probably be around 55...

Vegeta: 106, for most of the time, Vegeta appears to be average intelligent, he never really has extremly smart moments at any time.

Piccolo: 115, he often shows that he's able to think in a very smart way, he's often been leading the Z Fighter Team in a smart way. He's really good at figuring stuff out. This is just his regular iq, after his fusions, his IQ should probably increase to at least 150

Bulma: 190, She's able to build impressive stuff like e. g the Dragonball Radar, she's the definition of the smart scientist in the series. It's just logically, since her father was a famous scientist too and she's the richest woman in the world because of the breakthroughs Capsule Corp. had, because of Dr. Brief and, last but not least, because of Bulma.

Frieza: 150, While often doing 'dumb' things, like attacking GOD Toppo in base form, he is still very smart, being able to manipulate very well and always planning evil stuff, just like building his army as well and making people believe stuff that's not true and betraying them.

Gohan: 135, Gohan seems to be extremly intelligent, even at a young age he's already way smarter than his dad and often stops him (or tries to stop him) from doing dumb things. He also seems to be teachable as well. Also considering he got offered an assistant Professor Job at the age of 23, he's definitely way above average intelligence.

Trunks: 106, While having the looks of her mom, Trunks seems to be just as intelligent as Vegeta, most of the time, he wants to fight instead of learning,

Goten: 98, not as smart as his brother, but not as dumb as his father too. Especially in DBS he seems to be more on the smart side, but overall he's just average.

Krillin: 86, often doesn't understand simple stuff or acts dumb, but he's also not as dumb as goku by far as shown already in the original DB.

Buu: 30, Buu is like an animal, he never gets anything, he just eats, sleeps and fights and that's it.

Android 17: 115, Android 17 is shown to be pretty smart, he has many good ideas and uses tricks to fight against guys way stronger than him, this puts him slightly above average intelligence.

Android 18: 105, not dumb and not very smart, she's pretty average most of the time, even though she's also too introvert to really tell.

Tien: 105. I think Tien is just very average smart, he has a lot of knowledge about martial arts, but mostly his intelligence isn't outstanding at all, though you can't tell because we don't see him often as he's busy teaching his students.

Yamcha: 89, a little difficult with Yamcha, but he often acts dumb and is only good at sports, he has some good ideas but is really stupid to e. g not understand why they won't take him to the TOP or tell Beerus he's the smartest and hit him.

Master Roshi: 100, he's not higher because he's just very wise in terms of martial arts due to his age, and often has good ideas due to having way more experience than the other characters, however he's not more than average.

Dende: 120, being the God of Earth at a rather young age, Dende must have high intelligence, he's also very smart for a kid in DBZ, he often makes good decisions.

C'est cohérent par contre Krilin doit avoisiner les 95-100. Il est pas plus bête que Goten (je me fous de DBS ça compte pas pour moi)

Quand il était gosse il était plutôt dégourdi pour son âge

Oué enfin Goku le plus débile... on sent chez lui une once d'intelligence lorsqu'il se reprend. Je dirais pas 76.

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:22:59 FinnnementCon a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:21:48 PrinceJeanNain a écrit :

Le 06 juin 2020 à 03:14:59 FinnnementCon a écrit :
So I thought what I think might be the IQ of each DBZ character, let me know what you all think about this.

Goku: 76, even though you might think his IQ could be even lower sometimes, he often proves he can do some smart things too, especially while fighting and especially during DBZ. However, in DBS his IQ would probably be around 55...

Vegeta: 106, for most of the time, Vegeta appears to be average intelligent, he never really has extremly smart moments at any time.

Piccolo: 115, he often shows that he's able to think in a very smart way, he's often been leading the Z Fighter Team in a smart way. He's really good at figuring stuff out. This is just his regular iq, after his fusions, his IQ should probably increase to at least 150

Bulma: 190, She's able to build impressive stuff like e. g the Dragonball Radar, she's the definition of the smart scientist in the series. It's just logically, since her father was a famous scientist too and she's the richest woman in the world because of the breakthroughs Capsule Corp. had, because of Dr. Brief and, last but not least, because of Bulma.

Frieza: 150, While often doing 'dumb' things, like attacking GOD Toppo in base form, he is still very smart, being able to manipulate very well and always planning evil stuff, just like building his army as well and making people believe stuff that's not true and betraying them.

Gohan: 135, Gohan seems to be extremly intelligent, even at a young age he's already way smarter than his dad and often stops him (or tries to stop him) from doing dumb things. He also seems to be teachable as well. Also considering he got offered an assistant Professor Job at the age of 23, he's definitely way above average intelligence.

Trunks: 106, While having the looks of her mom, Trunks seems to be just as intelligent as Vegeta, most of the time, he wants to fight instead of learning,

Goten: 98, not as smart as his brother, but not as dumb as his father too. Especially in DBS he seems to be more on the smart side, but overall he's just average.

Krillin: 86, often doesn't understand simple stuff or acts dumb, but he's also not as dumb as goku by far as shown already in the original DB.

Buu: 30, Buu is like an animal, he never gets anything, he just eats, sleeps and fights and that's it.

Android 17: 115, Android 17 is shown to be pretty smart, he has many good ideas and uses tricks to fight against guys way stronger than him, this puts him slightly above average intelligence.

Android 18: 105, not dumb and not very smart, she's pretty average most of the time, even though she's also too introvert to really tell.

Tien: 105. I think Tien is just very average smart, he has a lot of knowledge about martial arts, but mostly his intelligence isn't outstanding at all, though you can't tell because we don't see him often as he's busy teaching his students.

Yamcha: 89, a little difficult with Yamcha, but he often acts dumb and is only good at sports, he has some good ideas but is really stupid to e. g not understand why they won't take him to the TOP or tell Beerus he's the smartest and hit him.

Master Roshi: 100, he's not higher because he's just very wise in terms of martial arts due to his age, and often has good ideas due to having way more experience than the other characters, however he's not more than average.

Dende: 120, being the God of Earth at a rather young age, Dende must have high intelligence, he's also very smart for a kid in DBZ, he often makes good decisions.

C'est cohérent par contre Krilin doit avoisiner les 95-100. Il est pas plus bête que Goten (je me fous de DBS ça compte pas pour moi)

Quand il était gosse il était plutôt dégourdi pour son âge

totalement d accord.
enfin un mec qui comprend les interactions.
ouai reserve pour dende j aurai mis piccolo devant..

J'aurais aussi mis Piccolo devant Dende

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