Topic de CapitanSparrow :

[PUCE] Bill Gates annonce le puçage de la population mondiale

je préfère mourir que de me faire pucer comme un animal.
Je n’ai rien à me reprocher, je n’ai pas peur de mourir

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:31:22 HomoLudens a écrit :
Faire leur tatouage, puce, faire un pret, ce l'enlever/bruler/arracher soit meme et basta. Ya rien.

Bill Gates a dit de manière explicite sur reddit que l'accès à la nourriture et aux soins seraient interdite au personne non pucé et non à jour dans leurs vaccins.

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:31:10 PlanetePlate a écrit :
Dites bonjour a la monnaie virtuel également ce virus aura été une sacré opportunité pour mettre en place de nouvelles choses :)

Décidément :)
On se dirait PRESQUE que ça tombe vachement bien :)

D'autant que la population à déjà largement accepté le discours guerriers, martial et le confinement par peur :)

Imaginons un instant que les médias ont abusés... Il est alors possible que tout ça soit provoqué seulement par la couverture médiatique :)

Ce qui révèle un pouvoir phénoménal : modeler à l'envie l'actualité, les sujets qui s'impriment dans les esprits et donc l'orientation politique du pays, sans compter la création d'une morale bien-pensante validée par ces institutions :)

Tout cela est passionnant mais qu'en pense Patrick Cohen ? :(

Le 20 mars 2020 à 16:21:46 Temp84 a écrit :
"gneugneu le pucage di la population va arrivé"

Avec les milliards de smartphone dans le monde, la population mondiale est déjà largement fiché. Donc arrête de t'exciter trisotin et revient sur terre.

Jai déjà pas de smarthpone, c'est pas pour me foutre une putain de puce dans le corps.

je choisit la marginalisation perso
C'est une réalité le pucage servira simplement a enrichir des sociétés déjà riche de base.

Gilles de Rais la main droite de Jeanne d'Arc est un pédophile sataniste lisez sa confession

Donc Jeanne d'arc aussi ça vient d'(((eux))) ? :ouch:

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:30:10 Anthracite1 a écrit :

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:27:43 PlanetePlate a écrit :
Black mirror devient réel :) le capitalisme en rêvait il l'a :)

Black Mirror et Netflix comme source de savoir

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:28:16 PlanetePlate a écrit :
Par contre le religieux tu peux partir stp :)

Par contre pas la Bible, vade retro hein, c'est pas comme si ils adorent les prophésies de la bible

Mais tellement :rire:

"Regarde l'épisode 3 des simpson avec la souris et le chat qui s'entretuent pendznt qu'homer boit une bière c'est comme *insérer évènement* :ouch:"

"La bible ? Mdrr paye ta source :rire:"

Il faudra créer des villages de non-pucés un peu comme les amérindiens non-civilisés

On devra chasser, cueillir, fabriquer...
Pas le choix

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:36:15 HamonAvenir a écrit :

Gilles de Rais la main droite de Jeanne d'Arc est un pédophile sataniste lisez sa confession

Donc Jeanne d'arc aussi ça vient d'(((eux))) ? :ouch:

Tiens, bonne chance pour la lecture, perso j'ai vraiment vomis moi :hap:

In his confession, Rais said he committed his first assaults on children between spring 1432 and spring 1433.[27] The first murders occurred at Champtocé-sur-Loire, but no account of them survived.[28] Shortly after, Rais moved to Machecoul, where, according to his confession, he killed, or ordered to be killed, a large but uncertain number of children after he sodomized them.[28]

The first documented case of child-snatching and murder concerns a boy of 12 called Jeudon (first name unknown), an apprentice to the furrier Guillaume Hilairet.[29] Rais' cousins Gilles de Sillé and Roger de Briqueville asked the furrier to lend them the boy to take a message to Machecoul, and, when Jeudon did not return, the two noblemen told the inquiring furrier that they were ignorant of the boy's whereabouts and suggested he had been carried off by thieves at Tiffauges to be made into a page.[29] At Rais' trial, the events were attested to by Hilairet and his wife, the boy's father Jean Jeudon, and five others from Machecoul.

In his 1971 biography of Rais, Jean Benedetti tells how the children who fell into Rais' hands were put to death:

[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles.[29]

Rais' bodyservant Étienne Corrillaut, known as Poitou, was an accomplice in many of the crimes and testified that his master stripped the child naked and hung him with ropes from a hook to prevent him from crying out, then masturbated upon the child's belly or thighs. If the victim was a boy he would touch his genitals (particularly testicles) and buttocks. Taking the victim down, Rais comforted the child and assured him he only wanted to play with him. Rais then either killed the child himself or had the child killed by his cousin Gilles de Sillé, Poitou or another bodyservant called Henriet.[30] The victims were killed by decapitation, cutting of their throats, dismemberment, or breaking of their necks with a stick. A short, thick, double-edged sword called a braquemard was kept at hand for the murders.[30] Poitou further testified that Rais sometimes abused the victims (whether boys or girls) before wounding them and at other times after the victim had been slashed in the throat or decapitated. According to Poitou, Rais disdained the victims' sexual organs, and took "infinitely more pleasure in debauching himself in this manner ... than in using their natural orifice, in the normal manner."[30]

In his own confession, Gilles testified that “when the said children were dead, he kissed them and those who had the most handsome limbs and heads he held up to admire them, and had their bodies cruelly cut open and took delight at the sight of their inner organs; and very often when the children were dying he sat on their stomachs and took pleasure in seeing them die and laughed”.[31]

Poitou testified that he and Henriet burned the bodies in the fireplace in Rais' room. The clothes of the victim were placed into the fire piece by piece so they burned slowly and the smell was minimized. The ashes were then thrown into the cesspit, the moat, or other hiding places.[31] The last recorded murder was of the son of Éonnet de Villeblanche and his wife Macée. Poitou paid 20 sous to have a page's doublet made for the victim, who was then assaulted, murdered and incinerated in August 1440''''''

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:37:39 HamonAvenir a écrit :

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:30:10 Anthracite1 a écrit :

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:27:43 PlanetePlate a écrit :
Black mirror devient réel :) le capitalisme en rêvait il l'a :)

Black Mirror et Netflix comme source de savoir

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:28:16 PlanetePlate a écrit :
Par contre le religieux tu peux partir stp :)

Par contre pas la Bible, vade retro hein, c'est pas comme si ils adorent les prophésies de la bible

Mais tellement :rire:

"Regarde l'épisode 3 des simpson avec la souris et le chat qui s'entretuent pendznt qu'homer boit une bière c'est comme *insérer évènement* :ouch:"

"La bible ? Mdrr paye ta source :rire:"

Notres génération va en vivre des choses
:) mais bon honnêtement esque c'est vraiment mal dans le fond ? Remplacer les monnaies actuels par une monnaie mondiale pourrait être une bone chose si on oublies le fait que les sociétés ce gaveront de nos données, honnêtement je préfére être pucé et vivre en démocratie que vivre pucé mais dans une dictatures comme les chinois :)
Aya les fautes, merci jvc mobile :mort:

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:38:40 DieHsLibai a écrit :

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:36:15 HamonAvenir a écrit :

Gilles de Rais la main droite de Jeanne d'Arc est un pédophile sataniste lisez sa confession

Donc Jeanne d'arc aussi ça vient d'(((eux))) ? :ouch:

Tiens, bonne chance pour la lecture, perso j'ai vraiment vomis moi :hap:

In his confession, Rais said he committed his first assaults on children between spring 1432 and spring 1433.[27] The first murders occurred at Champtocé-sur-Loire, but no account of them survived.[28] Shortly after, Rais moved to Machecoul, where, according to his confession, he killed, or ordered to be killed, a large but uncertain number of children after he sodomized them.[28]

The first documented case of child-snatching and murder concerns a boy of 12 called Jeudon (first name unknown), an apprentice to the furrier Guillaume Hilairet.[29] Rais' cousins Gilles de Sillé and Roger de Briqueville asked the furrier to lend them the boy to take a message to Machecoul, and, when Jeudon did not return, the two noblemen told the inquiring furrier that they were ignorant of the boy's whereabouts and suggested he had been carried off by thieves at Tiffauges to be made into a page.[29] At Rais' trial, the events were attested to by Hilairet and his wife, the boy's father Jean Jeudon, and five others from Machecoul.

In his 1971 biography of Rais, Jean Benedetti tells how the children who fell into Rais' hands were put to death:

[The boy] was pampered and dressed in better clothes than he had ever known. The evening began with a large meal and heavy drinking, particularly hippocras, which acted as a stimulant. The boy was then taken to an upper room to which only Gilles and his immediate circle were admitted. There he was confronted with the true nature of his situation. The shock thus produced on the boy was an initial source of pleasure for Gilles.[29]

Rais' bodyservant Étienne Corrillaut, known as Poitou, was an accomplice in many of the crimes and testified that his master stripped the child naked and hung him with ropes from a hook to prevent him from crying out, then masturbated upon the child's belly or thighs. If the victim was a boy he would touch his genitals (particularly testicles) and buttocks. Taking the victim down, Rais comforted the child and assured him he only wanted to play with him. Rais then either killed the child himself or had the child killed by his cousin Gilles de Sillé, Poitou or another bodyservant called Henriet.[30] The victims were killed by decapitation, cutting of their throats, dismemberment, or breaking of their necks with a stick. A short, thick, double-edged sword called a braquemard was kept at hand for the murders.[30] Poitou further testified that Rais sometimes abused the victims (whether boys or girls) before wounding them and at other times after the victim had been slashed in the throat or decapitated. According to Poitou, Rais disdained the victims' sexual organs, and took "infinitely more pleasure in debauching himself in this manner ... than in using their natural orifice, in the normal manner."[30]

In his own confession, Gilles testified that “when the said children were dead, he kissed them and those who had the most handsome limbs and heads he held up to admire them, and had their bodies cruelly cut open and took delight at the sight of their inner organs; and very often when the children were dying he sat on their stomachs and took pleasure in seeing them die and laughed”.[31]

Poitou testified that he and Henriet burned the bodies in the fireplace in Rais' room. The clothes of the victim were placed into the fire piece by piece so they burned slowly and the smell was minimized. The ashes were then thrown into the cesspit, the moat, or other hiding places.[31] The last recorded murder was of the son of Éonnet de Villeblanche and his wife Macée. Poitou paid 20 sous to have a page's doublet made for the victim, who was then assaulted, murdered and incinerated in August 1440''''''

Putain je sais plus quoi penser

Je voulais me convertir au christianisme ( j'ai commencé la lecture de la bible y'a quelque jours j'en suit encore à la génèse )

Et je me basais justement sur jeanne d'arc qui avait refusé l'obéissance à l'Eglise , pour ne moi-même pas prendre la voie du catholicisme

Maintenant je suis de retour au point de départ avec protestant , catho et orthodoxe :snif2:

Plutot revenir vivre seul dans la forêt que de me faire pucer , c'est une atteinte a toutes les libertés

Le 20 mars 2020 à 17:36:03 PlanetePlate a écrit :
C'est une réalité le pucage servira simplement a enrichir des sociétés déjà riche de base.

Oui, c'est pour l'intérêt du marché :)

Mais les innovations vont drôlement dans le sens dénoncé par les paranos complotistes, avec bien sûr un discours bien maitrisé pour faire passer la pilule :)

Derrière grâce aux pucage on pourras dire merci a des avantages considerable tant que l'ont reste une démocratie et un pays libre objectivement je vois pas le mal

Depuis 2012 on est au courant du danger de la puce RFID et pourtant les pnj vont gentiment accepter dû au contexte social tendu :)

Comme quoi le Bon deux siècles avant est toujours aussi pertinent dans ses analyses :)

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20 mars 2020 à 15:46:08
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