À quand une unification de l’Allemagne et l’Autriche ?
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:21:03 BenJonson a écrit :
Ah mais tout à fait, les princes allemands auraient tout de suite accepté de renoncer à leur souveraineté au profit d'une unification politique de l'Allemagne autour des Habsbourg (ou autour d'une autre dynastie)... L'unification de l'Allemagne était loin d'être facile à faire et Bismarck lui même devra bien jouer pour y arriver. Et pour ce qui est de la guerre de Trente ans, Frédéric V ne se serait pas mêlé des affaires de Bohême qu'elle n'aurait sans doute pas eu lieu. Par ailleurs cette guerre était surtout un affrontement entre la France et les Habsbourg.
Et ils avaient bien raison, quel prince allemand protestant aurait envie de se placer sous le joug des agents par excellence de la Contre-Réforme (qui d'autant plus est soumis - au moins en partie - à l'autorité d'un état étranger même pas allemand) ?
Et oui je suis bien d'accord pour Frédéric V mais il ne faut pas oublier que de un, Ferdinand était très intolérant et allait de toute manière raser le pays peu importe ce qui allait se passer à cause de la noblesse protestante, et de 2 Ferdinand a prolongé la guerre en violant illégalement la souveraineté du Palatinat.
Et encore une fois la guerre de trente ans n'est pas vraiment un conflit religieux, c'est avant tout une lutte entre la France et les Habsbourg à partir de 1635.
Je suis plus ou moins d'accord, il y a de multiples dimensions à ce conflit.
Oui bah on ne sera pas d'accord là dessus. Pour ma part je n'estime pas que la contre réforme était particulièrement un problème, d'autant qu'au XVIIIe siècle l'Autriche s'affranchira progressivement de Rome et des Jésuites, surtout sous Joseph II qui a mené la politique la plus anticléricale de l'époque. Mais déjà Marie-Thérèse avait mis fin au monopole du clergé sur l’enseignement.
je n'estime pas que la contre réforme était particulièrement un problème,
Bah pour certaines nations comme les tchèques et les hongrois ça l'a été. Et les conséquences de celle-ci sont bien au-delà de la simple religion. On connait la suite.
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:25:23 BenJonson a écrit :
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:24:14 CharlesTombeur8 a écrit :
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:21:38 BenJonson a écrit :
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:13:11 CharlesTombeur8 a écrit :
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:05:50 BenJonson a écrit :
> Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:03:17 Mr-Grey a écrit :
>> Le 04 octobre 2018 à 00:47:41 CharlesTombeur8 a écrit :
> >Moi je me demande surtout quand est ce que l'Empire d'Autriche-Hongrie va se reformer
> J’en rêve aussi ! J’ai souvent defendu le retour de cette empire qui semble plus probable que l’unification Allemande et Autrichienne.
Bonne chance pour forcer les hongrois, les tchèques, les slovaques, les balkans et tout ce beau monde à être dirigés par des Habsbourgs au 21ème siècle !
La nostalgie de la monarchie danubienne est présente dans ces pays (ce qui est bien normal, la période austro-hongroise représente un âge d'or pour la plupart de ces pays).
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:12:04 Mr-Grey a écrit :
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:05:50 BenJonson a écrit :
> Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:03:17 Mr-Grey a écrit :
>> Le 04 octobre 2018 à 00:47:41 CharlesTombeur8 a écrit :
> >Moi je me demande surtout quand est ce que l'Empire d'Autriche-Hongrie va se reformer
> J’en rêve aussi ! J’ai souvent defendu le retour de cette empire qui semble plus probable que l’unification Allemande et Autrichienne.
Bonne chance pour forcer les hongrois, les tchèques, les slovaques, les balkans et tout ce beau monde à être dirigés par des Habsbourgs au 21ème siècle !
Ah bah figure toi que la nostalgie de l’ex empire Austro-Hongrois est bien plus présent que tu le crois (mise à part dans les balkans)
We wuz Austrian n shiet
On peut difficilement nier que la période 1867-1914 est une période de grande prospérité pour les états de la Double-Monarchie, et que la chute de l'Empire fut une catastrophe
Je rigole, par contre je suis à 89,56 % certain que vous exagérez la nostalgie austro-hongroise dans ces pays Même si je doute pas que c'était une force positive à cette époque pour ces régions, depuis son effondrement la propagande patriote/nationaliste a dû largement prendre le dessus depuis.
En tout cas en allant à Prague je pu le constater Mais effectivement, ce n'est que de la nostalgie, pas une volonté politique
Le 04 octobre 2018 à 01:33:18 BenJonson a écrit :
je n'estime pas que la contre réforme était particulièrement un problème,
Bah pour certaines nations comme les tchèques et les hongrois ça l'a été. Et les conséquences de celle-ci sont bien au-delà de la simple religion. On connait la suite.
Tout de même, grâce à la contre-réforme Prague est une superbe ville baroque
On 2nd June of 1919, the Austrian delegation arrived at Saint Germain outside of Paris to receive their peace terms after their defeat in WW1. Thse delegation represented Austria who was not even close to be the size of what Austria Hungrary empire used to be. Even before 1919, the empire was in his way out, even the British and French's empires. The Hungrarians were the storngest minorities to want independence. Within the borders, you had serbs, croatians, poles, lithuanians, romanians, slovakians, slovenians. Even italians. All wanting independance or to return to their ethnic state. In Italian and Romanian case, in order to successfully gain independence, they needed a crisis. And It happened in 1914. Suddently, all the papers covering the empire began to desintegrate. The Empire exploded and the remained states were firmly in the Allied camp here. There was now one looming question. Who tp punish? Surely it couldn't be these new nations states who according to the nation states themselves were always on the Allied side despite the reality. But obviously all these ethnic groups fought on both side by choice or by force. This left Austria and confusingly Hungrary who was pusnih far harder than Austria to pay the bills. The Austrian state turned up to Versailles to avoid that. But the reality is that someone had to pay the debts. Carl Renner, the new Austrian chancellor, said to the Allies. : " We stand before you as one of the vanquished and fallen empire. In the same way, as the other nation states, our republic was sprung to life. Consequently she can no more than the former be considered the success of the late monarchy. " Many British legal experts agreed but many did not. Most of all, the Italians hoped to gain wathever they could at Austria's expense during the conference much to the annoyance of their allies.
British prime minister Lloyd George quite liked the Austrians and didn't have particular hostility. French prime minister Clemenceau's brother was even married to an Austrian. " Unlike Germany or Hungrary, Austria was too poor and too small to be a threat. It had no strong sense of nationalism. " In 1919, the reshape of Austria looked like a tiny body with huge head. Palaces, vast offices, churches, grands avenues, parade grounds, were built not for the rulers of not 5 but for 50 millions of people. Austria was the heart of the Austrian Hungrary empire. But a heart cannot function without the rest of the body. It was a state with no direction left to find his own way almost immediatly. The coutry was in a sorry state. In Vienna alone, there was 125 000 unemployed. The coutryside was a Barren Wasterland. The livestock had all been used up. Shops were empty. DIseases were rising. Even middle class girls sold themselves into prostitution in order to eat. And starving childrens line the streets begging for a morsel of food. Worse, people had to be ripped from their countrymen and had been assigned to others nation with no regard about what the Austrians themselves felt about it. The Czech took 3 millions of ethnic Germans with them. 2 fifth of the Austrian population was concerned with these movings. Austria was furious. Because after all, wasn't peace supposed to be after Wilson's famous self determination principle. Among the depression, an idea rised, the Anschluss. Chancellor Renner recalled : " The fear of famine and unemployment and the sudden contraction of the field for entreprise made everyone think of Anschluss as the only possible solution. ".
And it wasn't just people as a whole. On 12nd November 1918, the day after the war ended, the Austrians government passed a resolution in favor of uniting with Germany. Negociations were opened. The fear is that the Austrian catholic heritage might get swallowed by the protestant north. But reality is that the majority of German population was catholic and seemed to be getting alone fine especially Bavaria who shared by far the most cultural similarities with the Austrians. Both sides were cautious during the negociations however. The Austrians wanted their unique character to be respected. The Germans didn't want to annoy the peacemakers in Versailles before they received their terms. Not only it was not time for such union but the allies banned this idea mostly on the wishes of french representatives. French representatives in Austria even before this had warned Austria to not go ahead of such an union. If they did so thei said their terms would not be such benevolent. Austria, interwar, was in a confused situation. it was a small country with no direction. Mussolini in Italy saw it as a buffer state against Germany. As a result, the nation drifted politically toward fascism. In the north, people drifted toward national socialisme. Inflation post war was extremely though but eventually the nation maanged to get a handle on this. The Great Depression however, was an another story. The effects of the Wall Street crash absolutly rocked Austria. In May 1931, the biggest bank in the coutry collapsed. In a form of a custom union with Germany, the Anschluss came back as a solution for some. But they were once again denied.
Following year, Engelbert Dolphus of the social party took power and the nation slid into authoritarian regime. Dolphus was running a nation that was becoming more and more national socialist. Dolphus argue that Austria must remain separate for the sake of preserving their unique identity especially catholicism but since most germans were catholics, that could be interpreted as his wish to keep power only.
Mussolini was in good terms with Dolphus. They appeared to be friends both politically and socially. However what Dolphus and public wanted continued to widen although for now his position was safe as Hitler continued to move from strenght to strenght. Dolphus position still became more difficult as he desperatly tried to keep a lid on things in 1934. Issues would erupt to the surface in the form of civil war. This civil war was a failure and could barely be called a civil war at all due to its tiny and unorganized scale. But it showed direction things were taking. As a result of uprising, Dolphus cracked down hard and Hitler chose to keep safe distance from the situation. He would let his opportunity to feet up and let the Austrians chose their own future as it was clear which way wind was blowing even if Dolphus had not yet. realized this. In may, a one partystate was declared and the official title of the state was changed from Republic of Austria to the Federal State of Austria. Dolphus was forming his own and unique dictatorship. It was clear that him and his variation of fascism, austrofascism was declaring war on national socialism. Crackdown only increased after the one party state was annnouced which was rather understandable given the fact he didn't act. The national socialists would eventually come to power under a democratic system . Sadly for Dolphus the nation socialists had a diferent idea in their mind. Their response to the crack down was simply to get rid of Dolphus, the only that could realy stand in their way of their rise to power. On 25th July of 1934, 154 Austrian SS mens marched into the chancellery disguised as soldiers and shot Dolphus. The killer was a man named Otto Planeta. He himself would be executed in the vents to come. Buthe went to become something bigger for the Austrian nazis and the Germans up north.
He became a martyr for the national socialists, in the same vein as those Germans who fall in the failed beer hall put in 1923. in Munich. The assassination was a success. But the coup was not. A couple of 100 people died in all on both sides. 13 were executed for their role in the coup, including Planenta. 4 000 rebels were sent into prison including many police officers. Many more fled into hiding in neighbooring countries including Yougoslavia or Germany itself. Hitler on the other hand was absolutly livid. He flew into rage. It was evident that almost immediatly he would be blamed despite the reality being quite opposite. Mussolini came into the same conclusions. He had the task to tell Dolphu's family who were currently staying with him for a time visit. About the Chancellor's death, Mussolini offered Austria full support in case of Germany sending troops here. He said : " Hitler is the murderer of Dolphus. He is the guilty man. He is responsible for this. And he flew into rage about all the things Hitler from fuhrer's personnal life all the way down to national socialism in general or the German race.Luckily for Europe, war didn't break out, And Hitler didn't have any intention doing so. In fact when he heard there were negociations for the murderer of Dolphus to be sent to Germany, he went berserk. He said that he would have the expelled conspirators taken into protective custody and transferred to a concentration camp. " Kirchhausening was the man choosen to replace Dolphus. The crisis was just beginning however and Kirchhausening had quite tasks into his hands.
In 1937, Neville Charmberlain came to power in England and set up to find an understanding with Hitler. Many others at time including general public in Great. Great Britain were seeing some logics in Hitler's arguments. The Great War propaganda had worn off with time and in general, Versailles was seen as harsh and brutal. The msot hated aspect was the lack of self determination given to the Germans which was at the end of the day the entire reason they amde peace. The Germans had been locked into Denmark, Belgium, France and Italy. These, Hitler was willing to writte off. Sure he would prefer them at home but he simplyu wasn't worth the trouble. These coutries were stable and safe. The Germans got along well enough except maybe in Italy case where they were being italianized by Mussolini. Hitler was happy enough to write them off most of the annoyance of some in the party in order to appease Mussolini. The problem wasn't in Denmark, France, Belgium and Italy however. It was in Austria, Czechoslovakia and Lithuania. The Austrians had been refused the wish of an Anschluss. The Czechs absorbed 3 millions Germans who didn't want to be here at all. Their territory however was incredibly valuable to the Czechs. Without it it would fall apart, which it later did. The Lithuanians held Memel where the Germans once again weren't happy at all. Both of these latter cases, they were being mistreated.. At some point Hitler wanted them all back home. First crisis was not any of these however. It was in Austria. The Germans weren't mistreatened for their ethnicity. But regardless, the people wanted to come home and the barrers begin the desintegrate. There were 3 main characters in this. The Austrian government itself, Mussolini and the British. The french at this point, didn't really matter so much. Their foreign policy was just about an alliance with the British.
The Austrian government was stil determiend to keep Austria dependent. But this was harder than it sounded. By 1938, the public was actually clamoring the be united with Germany. Germany, had come from being economically completly ruined to being the leader of Europe within the space of 5 years. And the Austrians as Germans themselves wanted to be a part of it. Austrian Germans felt they could be proud of their people again and patriotic feelings were running high. Many grew tired and sicks of the excuses of the government kept coming for not such an union to happen. The Germans wanted this as much as the Austrians. There were still two barrers however. First was Mussolini. Mussolini as mentionned earlier saw Austria as a buffer state against Germany. But now him and Hitlers were allies in regard to foreign policies, they agreed to follow the same path during Mussolini's 1937 visit to Berlin. Hitler had given Mussolini a free hand into the Mediterranean. In return, supposedly, Mussolini had given way on Austria to Hitler. Mussolini was now no longer a problem. The British in the other hand were a more complicated issue. But finally there was some light at the end of the tunnel for Hitler; In november 1937, Lord Halifax came to Germany. The reason on paper was to attend a hunt to a girl ring. But in reality he was sent there to meet Hitler unofficially. Thus why Chamberlain sent him and not his foreign minister who he trusted far less. He said that the British would not interfere in the Austria case.Hitler at first couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he quickly got the hing, either Chamberlain had sent Halifax especially to drop this hint so the 2 nations could be reconciled or Halifax had completly let the cat out of the bag. In fact, Eden warned Halifax not to mention Austria beforehand. Regardless the messsage sent was clear. When the opportunity aroseregarding that Austria could afford to gamble less importantly but still notably even France was soft.
On 2nd June of 1919, the Austrian delegation arrived at Saint Germain outside of Paris to receive their peace terms after their defeat in WW1. Thse delegation represented Austria who was not even close to be the size of what Austria Hungrary empire used to be. Even before 1919, the empire was in his way out, even the British and French's empires. The Hungrarians were the storngest minorities to want independence. Within the borders, you had serbs, croatians, poles, lithuanians, romanians, slovakians, slovenians. Even italians. All wanting independance or to return to their ethnic state. In Italian and Romanian case, in order to successfully gain independence, they needed a crisis. And It happened in 1914. Suddently, all the papers covering the empire began to desintegrate. The Empire exploded and the remained states were firmly in the Allied camp here. There was now one looming question. Who tp punish? Surely it couldn't be these new nations states who according to the nation states themselves were always on the Allied side despite the reality. But obviously all these ethnic groups fought on both side by choice or by force. This left Austria and confusingly Hungrary who was pusnih far harder than Austria to pay the bills. The Austrian state turned up to Versailles to avoid that. But the reality is that someone had to pay the debts. Carl Renner, the new Austrian chancellor, said to the Allies. : " We stand before you as one of the vanquished and fallen empire. In the same way, as the other nation states, our republic was sprung to life. Consequently she can no more than the former be considered the success of the late monarchy. " Many British legal experts agreed but many did not. Most of all, the Italians hoped to gain wathever they could at Austria's expense during the conference much to the annoyance of their allies.
British prime minister Lloyd George quite liked the Austrians and didn't have particular hostility. French prime minister Clemenceau's brother was even married to an Austrian. " Unlike Germany or Hungrary, Austria was too poor and too small to be a threat. It had no strong sense of nationalism. " In 1919, the reshape of Austria looked like a tiny body with huge head. Palaces, vast offices, churches, grands avenues, parade grounds, were built not for the rulers of not 5 but for 50 millions of people. Austria was the heart of the Austrian Hungrary empire. But a heart cannot function without the rest of the body. It was a state with no direction left to find his own way almost immediatly. The coutry was in a sorry state. In Vienna alone, there was 125 000 unemployed. The coutryside was a Barren Wasterland. The livestock had all been used up. Shops were empty. DIseases were rising. Even middle class girls sold themselves into prostitution in order to eat. And starving childrens line the streets begging for a morsel of food. Worse, people had to be ripped from their countrymen and had been assigned to others nation with no regard about what the Austrians themselves felt about it. The Czech took 3 millions of ethnic Germans with them. 2 fifth of the Austrian population was concerned with these movings. Austria was furious. Because after all, wasn't peace supposed to be after Wilson's famous self determination principle. Among the depression, an idea rised, the Anschluss. Chancellor Renner recalled quote : " The fear of famine and unemployment and the sudden contraction of the field for entreprise made everyone think of Anschluss as the only possible solution. ".
And it wasn't just people as a whole. On 12nd November 1918, the day after the war ended, the Austrians government passed a resolution in favor of uniting with Germany. Negociations were opened. The fear is that the Austrian catholic heritage might get swallowed by the protestant north. But reality is that the majority of German population was catholic and seemed to be getting alone fine especially Bavaria who shared by far the most cultural similarities with the Austrians. Both sides were cautious during the negociations however. The Austrians wanted their unique character to be respected. The Germans didn't want to annoy the peacemakers in Versailles before they received their terms. Not only it was not time for such union but the allies banned this idea mostly on the wishes of french representatives. French representatives in Austria even before this had warned Austria to not go ahead of such an union. If they did so thei said their terms would not be such benevolent. Austria, interwar, was in a confused situation. it was a small country with no direction. Mussolini in Italy saw it as a buffer state against Germany. As a result, the nation drifted politically toward fascism. In the north, people drifted toward national socialisme. Inflation post war was extremely though but eventually the nation maanged to get a handle on this. The Great Depression however, was an another story. The effects of the Wall Street crash absolutly rocked Austria. In May 1931, the biggest bank in the coutry collapsed. In a form of a custom union with Germany, the Anschluss came back as a solution for some. But they were once again denied.
Following year, Engelbert Dolphus of the social party took power and the nation slid into authoritarian regime. Dolphus was running a nation that was becoming more and more national socialist. Dolphus argue that Austria must remain separate for the sake of preserving their unique identity especially catholicism but since most germans were catholics, that could be interpreted as his wish to keep power only.
Mussolini was in good terms with Dolphus. They appeared to be friends both politically and socially. However what Dolphus and public wanted continued to widen although for now his position was safe as Hitler continued to move from strenght to strenght. Dolphus position still became more difficult as he desperatly tried to keep a lid on things in 1934. Issues would erupt to the surface in the form of civil war. This civil war was a failure and could barely be called a civil war at all due to its tiny and unorganized scale. But it showed direction things were taking. As a result of uprising, Dolphus cracked down hard and Hitler chose to keep safe distance from the situation. He would let his opportunity to feet up and let the Austrians chose their own future as it was clear which way wind was blowing even if Dolphus had not yet. realized this. In may, a one partystate was declared and the official title of the state was changed from Republic of Austria to the Federal State of Austria. Dolphus was forming his own and unique dictatorship. It was clear that him and his variation of fascism, austrofascism was declaring war on national socialism. Crackdown only increased after the one party state was annnouced which was rather understandable given the fact he didn't act. The national socialists would eventually come to power under a democratic system . Sadly for Dolphus the nation socialists had a diferent idea in their mind. Their response to the crack down was simply to get rid of Dolphus, the only that could realy stand in their way of their rise to power. On 25th July of 1934, 154 Austrian SS mens marched into the chancellery disguised as soldiers and shot Dolphus. The killer was a man named Otto Planeta. He himself would be executed in the vents to come. Buthe went to become something bigger for the Austrian nazis and the Germans up north.
He became a martyr for the national socialists, in the same vein as those Germans who fall in the failed beer hall put in 1923. in Munich. The assassination was a success. But the coup was not. A couple of 100 people died in all on both sides. 13 were executed for their role in the coup, including Planenta. 4 000 rebels were sent into prison including many police officers. Many more fled into hiding in neighbooring countries including Yougoslavia or Germany itself. Hitler on the other hand was absolutly livid. He flew into rage. It was evident that almost immediatly he would be blamed despite the reality being quite opposite. Mussolini came into the same conclusions. He had the task to tell Dolphu's family who were currently staying with him for a time visit. About the Chancellor's death, Mussolini offered Austria full support in case of Germany sending troops here. He said : " Hitler is the murderer of Dolphus. He is the guilty man. He is responsible for this. And he flew into rage about all the things Hitler from fuhrer's personnal life all the way down to national socialism in general or the German race.Luckily for Europe, war didn't break out, And Hitler didn't have any intention doing so. In fact when he heard there were negociations for the murderer of Dolphus to be sent to Germany, he went berserk. He said that he would have the expelled conspirators taken into protective custody and transferred to a concentration camp. " Kirchhausening was the man choosen to replace Dolphus. The crisis was just beginning however and Kirchhausening had quite tasks into his hands.
In 1937, Neville Charmberlain came to power in England and set up to find an understanding with Hitler. Many others at time including general public in Great. Great Britain were seeing some logics in Hitler's arguments. The Great War propaganda had worn off with time and in general, Versailles was seen as harsh and brutal. The msot hated aspect was the lack of self determination given to the Germans which was at the end of the day the entire reason they amde peace. The Germans had been locked into Denmark, Belgium, France and Italy. These, Hitler was willing to writte off. Sure he would prefer them at home but he simplyu wasn't worth the trouble. These coutries were stable and safe. The Germans got along well enough except maybe in Italy case where they were being italianized by Mussolini. Hitler was happy enough to write them off most of the annoyance of some in the party in order to appease Mussolini. The problem wasn't in Denmark, France, Belgium and Italy however. It was in Austria, Czechoslovakia and Lithuania. The Austrians had been refused the wish of an Anschluss. The Czechs absorbed 3 millions Germans who didn't want to be here at all. Their territory however was incredibly valuable to the Czechs. Without it it would fall apart, which it later did. The Lithuanians held Memel where the Germans once again weren't happy at all. Both of these latter cases, they were being mistreated.. At some point Hitler wanted them all back home. First crisis was not any of these however. It was in Austria. The Germans weren't mistreatened for their ethnicity. But regardless, the people wanted to come home and the barrers begin the desintegrate. There were 3 main characters in this. The Austrian government itself, Mussolini and the British. The french at this point, didn't really matter so much. Their foreign policy was just about an alliance with the British.
The Austrian government was stil determiend to keep Austria dependent. But this was harder than it sounded. By 1938, the public was actually clamoring the be united with Germany. Germany, had come from being economically completly ruined to being the leader of Europe within the space of 5 years. And the Austrians as Germans themselves wanted to be a part of it. Austrian Germans felt they could be proud of their people again and patriotic feelings were running high. Many grew tired and sicks of the excuses of the government kept coming for not such an union to happen. The Germans wanted this as much as the Austrians. There were still two barrers however. First was Mussolini. Mussolini as mentionned earlier saw Austria as a buffer state against Germany. But now him and Hitlers were allies in regard to foreign policies, they agreed to follow the same path during Mussolini's 1937 visit to Berlin. Hitler had given Mussolini a free hand into the Mediterranean. In return, supposedly, Mussolini had given way on Austria to Hitler. Mussolini was now no longer a problem. The British in the other hand were a more complicated issue. But finally there was some light at the end of the tunnel for Hitler; In november 1937, Lord Halifax came to Germany. The reason on paper was to attend a hunt to a girl ring. But in reality he was sent there to meet Hitler unofficially. Thus why Chamberlain sent him and not his foreign minister who he trusted far less. He said that the British would not interfere in the Austria case.Hitler at first couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he quickly got the hing, either Chamberlain had sent Halifax especially to drop this hint so the 2 nations could be reconciled or Halifax had completly let the cat out of the bag. In fact, Eden warned Halifax not to mention Austria beforehand. Regardless the messsage sent was clear. When the opportunity aroseregarding that Austria could afford to gamble less importantly but still notably even France was soft.
Données du topic
- Auteur
- Mr-Grey
- Date de création
- 4 octobre 2018 à 00:12:54
- Nb. messages archivés
- 50
- Nb. messages JVC
- 48