[MATH] Dérivée de...
Le 05 juin 2024 à 21:06:16 :
C'est pas compliqué khey, c'est la dérivée d'une fonction au carré multipliée par une constante.Suffit d'appliquer la formule (u^2)'=... et tu dérives tout facilement !
ouais je sais mais je suis déjà tombé sur des trucs comme x^((1-x)/(x)) donc ça me fait hésiter pour tout vu que je comprend pas quand il faut remplacer
ln(x)^2 c'est la même chose que ln(x)*ln(x).
Et normalement tu dois connaître par coeur la dérivée d'un produit de fonction, c'est-à-dire (uv)'=u'v+uv'
D'ailleurs, tu vois bien qu'en remplaçant ton v par u, tu retrouves bien (u^2)'=u'u+uu'=2uu' !
Tiens kheyou pour t'aider je te copie/colle une post de math.stackechange qui explique très bien la preuve de la règle de la chaine
Let f and g be differentiable and g non-constant. If g is the constant function, then clearly (fog)’ is zero since fog would be constant. So trivially it is true that (fog)’=f’(g(x))g’(x) since g’=0. I'll assume they're both defined on all of R
to avoid annoyances with domains and ranges.
Then we wish to evaluate (fog)’(x)
. From the definition of the derivative, we have
Let's multiply by a clever form of 1
to make things easier on ourselves, particularly we'll multiply by
This is where I required that g
be non-constant. If it were constant, the above expression would make no sense since we would be dividing 0 by 0. Note that this resembles the terms inside of f. This is not by accident. Additionally we have that g(x+DELTAx)~g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx for small DELTAx (this is what the derivative is for - linear approximations). If g’(x)=0, then g(x+DELTAx)~g(x)
and in this case, we have
Again, this is clearly equal to f’(g(x))g’(x)
since g’=0. If g’(x)=/=0, we can make use of our clever form of 1
to get
Now both pieces look eerily like a derivative (which is what we want), except that the first piece has g
in it. However if DELTAx->0, we know that g(x+DELTAx)->g(x) since g is differentiable (and therefore continuous). Clearly limDELTAx->0g(x+DELTAx)-g(x)DELTAx exists since g is differentiable so we need only to argue that limDELTAx->0f(g(x+DELTAx)-f(g(x))g(x+DELTAx)-g(x)
is well-defined. By limit theorems we know that if both limits exists, we can distribute the limit to each piece and evaluate.
So we want to argue that
is well-defined. Using our approximation for g(x+DELTAx)
from above, we have
Cancelling appropriate terms we have
Repeating the same logic as above with f(g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx)
, we have that f(g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx)~f(g(x))+f’(g(x))g’(x)DELTAx
. And so we get
Since the limit of the first piece makes sense and the limit of the second piece makes sense, we can distribute the limits to get that
by our above calculations. So in each case that emerged we had that (fog)’(x)=f’(g(x))g’(x)
and so we conclude that the chain rule holds.
Le 05 juin 2024 à 21:15:51 :
Tiens kheyou pour t'aider je te copie/colle une post de math.stackechange qui explique très bien la preuve de la règle de la chaineLet f and g be differentiable and g non-constant. If g is the constant function, then clearly (fog)’ is zero since fog would be constant. So trivially it is true that (fog)’=f’(g(x))g’(x) since g’=0. I'll assume they're both defined on all of R
to avoid annoyances with domains and ranges.
Then we wish to evaluate (fog)’(x)
. From the definition of the derivative, we have
Let's multiply by a clever form of 1
to make things easier on ourselves, particularly we'll multiply by
This is where I required that g
be non-constant. If it were constant, the above expression would make no sense since we would be dividing 0 by 0. Note that this resembles the terms inside of f. This is not by accident. Additionally we have that g(x+DELTAx)~g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx for small DELTAx (this is what the derivative is for - linear approximations). If g’(x)=0, then g(x+DELTAx)~g(x)
and in this case, we have
Again, this is clearly equal to f’(g(x))g’(x)
since g’=0. If g’(x)=/=0, we can make use of our clever form of 1
to get
Now both pieces look eerily like a derivative (which is what we want), except that the first piece has g
in it. However if DELTAx->0, we know that g(x+DELTAx)->g(x) since g is differentiable (and therefore continuous). Clearly limDELTAx->0g(x+DELTAx)-g(x)DELTAx exists since g is differentiable so we need only to argue that limDELTAx->0f(g(x+DELTAx)-f(g(x))g(x+DELTAx)-g(x)
is well-defined. By limit theorems we know that if both limits exists, we can distribute the limit to each piece and evaluate.
So we want to argue that
is well-defined. Using our approximation for g(x+DELTAx)
from above, we have
Cancelling appropriate terms we have
Repeating the same logic as above with f(g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx)
, we have that f(g(x)+g’(x)DELTAx)~f(g(x))+f’(g(x))g’(x)DELTAx
. And so we get
Since the limit of the first piece makes sense and the limit of the second piece makes sense, we can distribute the limits to get that
by our above calculations. So in each case that emerged we had that (fog)’(x)=f’(g(x))g’(x)
and so we conclude that the chain rule holds.
merci khey je lirai ça demain
Données du topic
- Auteur
- sig12
- Date de création
- 5 juin 2024 à 20:51:05
- Nb. messages archivés
- 25
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- 25