Topic de h8ubnsibs663 :

Jeûne intermittent: Je mange seulement entre 20h et minuit

Pas de nourriture du tout entre minuit et 20h, au bout de combien de temps cela va-t-il faire effet? Je le fais depuis 1semaine et j'ai déjà perdu 2kg.

Je fais 1m83 pour 82kg, je souhaite redescendre à 75kg, poids optimal

Je bois assez pour être bien hydraté en journée.

Effets secondaires, j'ai une haleine de chacal et je pète beaucoup

"Pas de nourriture du tout entre minuit et 20h, au bout de combien de temps cela va-t-il faire effet?"

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:51:54 :
Je bois assez pour être bien hydraté en journée.

Effets secondaires, j'ai une haleine de chacal et je pète beaucoup

Faut pas juste picoler de 20h à minuit :ok:

J'ai acheté une balance à impédencemètre et apparement j'ai trop de graisse sous cutané

Graisse corporelle 24,6% (vert)
Graisse sous cutanée: 21,9% (orange)
Masse musculaire: 59,50kg (vert)
Masse osseuse: 3,13kg (vert)

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:56:59 :
"Pas de nourriture du tout entre minuit et 20h, au bout de combien de temps cela va-t-il faire effet?"

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?

est-ce une façon efficace sur le long terme de perdre du poids?

Sachant que je mange pas comme un porc, je mange un bon repas à 20h et des noix/amendes un peu avant minuit.

Je bois uniquement de l'eau et je fais un peu d'exercice dans la journée + 10k pas de marche

Tu me fais pitié l'op, viens en mp si tu veux véritablement maigrir plutôt que de perdre ton temps.

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:00:27 h8ubnsibs663 a écrit :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:56:59 :
"Pas de nourriture du tout entre minuit et 20h, au bout de combien de temps cela va-t-il faire effet?"

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?

est-ce une façon efficace sur le long terme de perdre du poids?

Sachant que je mange pas comme un porc, je mange un bon repas à 20h et des noix/amendes un peu avant minuit.

Je bois uniquement de l'eau et je fais un peu d'exercice dans la journée + 10k pas de marche

Oui, c'est la façons la plus rapide et efficace de perdre du poids, et généralement excellent pour la santé.

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:01:48 :
Tu me fais pitié l'op, viens en mp si tu veux véritablement maigrir plutôt que de perdre ton temps.

Négatif, explique ici

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:58:10 :
J'ai acheté une balance à impédencemètre et apparement j'ai trop de graisse sous cutané

Graisse corporelle 24,6% (vert)
Graisse sous cutanée: 21,9% (orange)
Masse musculaire: 59,50kg (vert)
Masse osseuse: 3,13kg (vert)

T'es au courant que c'est de la merde ce genre de gadget ?
Ça mesure uniquement ton taux de graisse dans les jambes, pas dans tout le corps

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:03:08 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:00:27 h8ubnsibs663 a écrit :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:56:59 :
"Pas de nourriture du tout entre minuit et 20h, au bout de combien de temps cela va-t-il faire effet?"

Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?

est-ce une façon efficace sur le long terme de perdre du poids?

Sachant que je mange pas comme un porc, je mange un bon repas à 20h et des noix/amendes un peu avant minuit.

Je bois uniquement de l'eau et je fais un peu d'exercice dans la journée + 10k pas de marche

Oui, c'est la façons la plus rapide et efficace de perdre du poids, et généralement excellent pour la santé.

Good, c'est vrai que jusque là j'abusais des sucreries surtout le chocolat.

Les jus utiles ou pas?

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:04:30 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:58:10 :
J'ai acheté une balance à impédencemètre et apparement j'ai trop de graisse sous cutané

Graisse corporelle 24,6% (vert)
Graisse sous cutanée: 21,9% (orange)
Masse musculaire: 59,50kg (vert)
Masse osseuse: 3,13kg (vert)

T'es au courant que c'est de la merde ce genre de gadget ?
Ça mesure uniquement ton taux de graisse dans les jambes, pas dans tout le corps

Ah ouais?

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:03:21 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:01:48 :
Tu me fais pitié l'op, viens en mp si tu veux véritablement maigrir plutôt que de perdre ton temps.

Négatif, explique ici

I know everyone has different feelings about DNP. Personally, I use it and have had no serious problems, however, it's not for everyone. I'm posting these articles that I did NOT write for informational purposes ONLY! Again, as in the "massive newbie" post, I don't agree 100% with all the opinions stated but the overall info is good...

By: Kingofmasters on AR

Many boards have DNP-guides, but in essence they are the same 3 guides over and over again; These guides are not only outdated, they tend to over do the supplements thus making it more complicated than needed and they are life-threatening to newbies because they don't elaborate enough on important aspects as the 36-hour half-life (thus the accumulative effect) and the electrolyte-loss (they just tell you to drink V8 ).
Not only that but instead of REALLY BASING THEIRSELVES ON SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, they just post some PUBMED researches and long quotes out of them (not summarized or put in lay-mans terms), just to impress the reader!
And often you have the feeling that they really don't know what they are talking about, also they tend to tell more about its history than its practical use and action (BY KNOW WE ALL KNOW IT WAS USED AS AN EXPLOSIVE, INSECTICIDE, YELLOW PAINT etc.)!
They don't elaborate enough on Practical inconveniences as well; The foul tasting and dry mouth one gets and the fact that if you are making the caps yourself without precautions it is very likely to cover the room with unremovable (except with TEK) Yellow stains everywhere.
The final and most important thing is that this new approach is not only at least as effective at fat loss or even more so, but also countless times more convenient and with countless less horrible sides!



The new approach to cycling DNP:

DNP has a 36-hour half-life meaning it will build up in your blood and due to it being an exponential 2nd degree math function, after a certain amount of time the accumulative effect will be too small (insignificant) and thus blood levels will peak and remain stable...

The international Physics formula for Half-life:

In physics
N(0) = dosage at time zero
N(t) = dosage left at recent time
t(1/2) = half life in seconds/hours/days/years (depending on compound)

N(t) = N (0) x (1/2)^(t/t(1/2))

at 200 mg every day the peak level will be 540 mg...
@ day 6 you will already be over 500 mg...!

(but given the margin of error in capping and dosing times we take 600 mg as standard!)

more info:

So a 20 day cycle @ 200 mg ED, will result in a 540 mg peak level which is a very comfortable dose for any healthy grown man!

A 20 day cycle will also yield great results, most likely greater than a "horrifying sideful" traditional 8 day cycle @ 400 mg.

Most of you who are trying DNP for the first time are not willing to jump in a
20 day cycle right away, so a 10 or 12 day cycle @ 200 mg will be more suitable, just make sure that you carb deplete 2 days in advance for optimum results in such a short low dose cycle...



Beneficial Properties:

1. DNP is both Liver and kidney friendly.
2. DNP has anti-catabolic properties.
3. DNP boosts the immune system
4. DNP is Anti-Carcinogenic
5. DNP is non-hormonal and thus fat loss is easier to maintain



At such a low dose the most likely sides will be:
Sweating (+ feeling hot)
Heavy breathing
Irregular Sleep Pattern
Rashes for some (take an anti-histamine for this, if it lasts discontinue DNP!)
Decreased Strength
Muscle cramps (Not likely at all especially at such a dose with enough mineral supplementation).
Increased Hunger
(especially Sugar-cravings, Sibutramine totally annihilates this side!)

I got "the rash" the first and last part of the second cycle...
I never took citadrizine HCL...
But by cycle 3 (actually end of cycle 2; so 2,5) I never developed an allergy any more...
Still Anti-histamines can aid in fat loss if supplemented with Ephedrine and Yohimbine!

All these can be combated to a certain extent...

Practical Sides:

DNP will provide a hideous sent of it under your Armpits due to the sweating
(especially in the last few days) so always wash under your armpits a couple of times a day and put plenty deodorant under it even before bed
(I swear the scent will annoy you in bed).

DNP leaves a foul and dry taste in your mouth all day long; I found out that
drinking Diet Soft drinks helps against it so sweets always get the taste away, but seeing we want to LOSE weight Diet soda is the best option!
(normal soft drinks contain sugar and we WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT
best bets: Fanta, Fanta Pomelo, Fanta Cassis, Fanta Lemon, Coca Cola Lemon, Sprite etc. ALL LIGHT!).
I finish about 2 bottles a day
(Ice cold preferably also seeing drinking water all day gets tiresome!!).



All over messge boards I read that an ECA boosts metabolism by 3%,
Clen + T3 20% and DNP 50-75%!

I don't know where people get these numbers but it is not true!

Fat loss not only has to do with metabolism, but also with many other processes like affecting alpha and beta receptors
(why Yohimbine has got such fat loss potential for "love handles").
Increased metabolism also means better protein synthesis, which is not always the case with these fat burners!

Not to mention a 75%-boost on DNP would not make sense since for instance let's take a 2000 calorie boost (And that would mean a maintenance
Caloric Requirement of about 2800 Kcal a day!!, which is very high!)
--> giving a maximum of 250 gram pure fat loss a day!
That would mean an 8 day cycle would yield a maximum of 2 Kg fat loss
(I know the off days count as well but that would be compensated by glycogen-reserves, increased appetite etc.).

The real deal:
A degree Fahrenheit increase in BMR on DNP is equal to a
120% boosted Caloric-expense!

Practical Effectivity:
Now here's the big question......
will it yield the same results fat loss-wise as the shorter higher dose cycles?

Yes, not only shall the DNP be more effective, but things like T2 and Yohimbine need longer cycles to work their magic and thus you will have even better results!
(also the fat loss will be more gradually from the ancillaries and thus prove easier to maintain that weight).

Note: The Scale will lie and so will the mirror!
Due to the water bloat and thus water weight
(The water bloat is less obvious then with Deca for instance since it "hides" around the midsection + love handles!), also the carb depletion will make your muscles appear less "pumped".

So remember that while "on" you will feel fat and bloated and your muscles will be anything but pumped!
Fun thing is 5-7 days after discontinuance you will see the drastic change in the mirror and on the scale!

The feeling one gets when coming off is great
(no more sweating, dry mouth, clearance of bloat etc.)!


Weight loss is semi-permanent!:

I and many other people have noticed that after a DNP-cycle even after months less than 50% of the weight loss is gained back.
(And that is even with crappy training and diet)
While common rule in dieting is that the more weight one loses in a
short time span, the more likely he/she is to gain all that weight back plus even a bit more fat most of the times (the dreaded YOYO-effect!!).

Also this research confirms that 3 obese people (2 men and a women) after
long term T3 and DNP supplementation lost a lot of weight and managed

As to so many cases of people not experiencing a drastic rebound with DNP
(anything that guarantees under 50% of the weight loss gained back is an effective diet-aid in my opinion) it got me thinking as to WHY...

So a simple theory which I came up with:

DNP is so dangerous, because it doesn't involve in a feedback system
(meaning if there is to much present in the blood there is no way the body can combat that).
Also it is non-hormonal
(hormonal systems always have a feedback-mechanism).

This means that it doesn't affect your body's "setpoint"
(which is what your body thinks is your "healthy" weight and thus always wants to return to that point).

Some mechanisms in the "setpoint" are still unknown but it mostly has to do with dopamine/adrenaline and the various Neuropeptides
(especially B, K and Y that all regulate appetite).

The "setpoint" is best adjusted if weightloss is as gradually as possible
(phentermine users always get the yo-yo effect meaning all the lost weight
+ some new fat comes back after discontinuance; not only because fat is lost so rapidly but mainly because it affects all those "setpoint" features and after discontinuance they will try to regain homeostasis!).

DNP has no (significant) role in manipulating the "setpoint"
(meaning your body will not feel the urge to gain some weight after discontinuance).
Also it competes with T3, meaning after you stop DNP, T3 will peak
(instead of like with most diets; will be on low)
couple that with the fact that it is not catabolic
(actually a bit anti-catabolic for that matter) so your BMR stays
rougly the same after the DNP-cycle.

And the conclusion confirms the reality -->
Fat loss induced by DNP is not likely to come back for a significant part!

Most people supplement certain compounds with DNP -->
I for instance take Sibutramine, T2, T3 and an ECY which are
most likely to be the MAIN cause of the "gained weight afterwards"
due to the KNOWN disturbance of some processes in the body's metabolism by these ancillaries.


First things, First! --> Obtaining DNP

1) Make it yourself!

Unless you are an experienced home brewer I can not advise to do this,
DNP stains are impossible to remove (with the exception of with TEKTROL), and the DNP powder is at its cheapest $1 (for small amounts) per gram, considering the fact that you pay $1 for a 200 mg cap on average and you only need a small amount of caps per cycle; it is not worth it...

The pro with making it yourself is that you can add all sorts of things in thus minimizing the amount of tabs/caps/powder one has to swallow.

I used to make them containing per cap:
200 mg DNP
100 mg Quercetin (anti-histamine and anti-oxidant)
10 mg Sibutramine HCL (Appetite suppressant)
150 mg Magnesium Malate
180 mg Synthetic Vitamin E (Comes down to 400 IE/IU)
5 mg Vitamin B12
5 mg Yohimbine HCL

2) Buying them:

As to such a potentially dangerous substance, if over dosed,
I wouldn't buy it unless it was from someone who is really well known.
There is such a guy and he makes the 200 mg DNP caps with 200 mg Quercetin (Anti-histamine and Anti-oxidant) in them for just $1.
If you are a regular on this board and are well respected here, you can ask a mod/vet for his e-mail; normally I wouldn't post this but it is due to the fact that in case of DNP you have to have a real trusted dealer!


Usage --> Diet:

Lots of Water! and other fluids like Diet Sodas!

A diet while on DNP is nonsense since due to its non-hormonal actions there is no benefit in shifting nutrients.

You will get bad sugar-cravings though!
(Yohimbine, Ephedrine and especially Sibutramine are effective in combatting this!).

Just remember that carbs will get you heated
(so after carb intake you will start to feel warm for about 10 minutes, but without carbs you will find everything to taste disgusting!).

The 2 gram per lbs of bodyweight protein rule is also nonsense!
(DNP is not catabolic at all).

Keep your intake of vegetables high
(especially any kind of Lettuce, cucumber etc.)
Also Fruits (with the exception of Bananas/strawberries/grapes)
do combat a lot of sides
(refrigerate some Apples, Oranges, Mangos, Peaches and a Pineapple and you will have a tasty meal that also makes you feel more at ease while "on").


Supplementing T2 and T3 or not?:

This has been a controversial subject...

Let's clear some things up (MALLET will thank me for it!):
T3 is NOT catabolic!
In certain amounts it is very ANABOLIC....

T2 + T3 help DNP operate at peak efficiency; Maximizing Fat Loss!

Especially since the thyroid can shut down, the amounts we supplement are quite anabolic/anti-catabolic (Why I GAINED 4 lbs LBM)!

For the people afraid of suppressing their thyroid:
Fact is T3 and DNP compete a little, so supplementing T3 on a DNP-cycle would be far less suppressive on TSH than on a T3/Clen or T3-only cycle.
Not to mention the fact that getting off DNP would give your Thyroid a boost too so recovering would be easier than from the proposed T3-only cycle...

T2 info (there is little info available on such a wonderful substance!):

(((((I read most Pubmed searches on Thyroid-metabolites and found this to be the found most important things to know)))))

- Potency wise: 400 mcg T2 = 50 mcg T3
- T2 is far less catabolic than T3 even when abused:
- T2 is far less suppressive on FSH than T3
- 3,5-T2 is more suitable for fat loss than 3,3-T2.
- T2 is only active for about an hour.
- T2 is most effective when supplemented with T3
(or when natural production of T3 is high).
- Although T3 has a long half-life, periodic intervals per day of taking it yields far better results!

T2 is best taken as much divided during the day as possible; 3 is a minimum
(it is only active for one hour and preferably with meals since it will burn all the fats/carbs you get in immediately!).

T2 unlike T3 is not likely to be catabolic even when abused.
(as previously mentioned T3 engaged in proper usage is quite anabolic!).

T2 is available @ Team LR

P.S. Team LR probably uses ethanol (Nail polish remover) as a dissolver so the stuff tastes like crap, right before taking it, put it in an Empty cap
(the cap will dissolve within 2 minutes of coming in contact with a liquid so take it just before!).


Proper supplementation:

People tend to use TOO MUCH supplements on DNP.
Therefore making it way too complicated and frightening

In low dose cycles the described supplements (below) are more than enough!

In dosages like 600/800/1000 mg ED
Magnesium/Phyto-chemicals/GSE become essential!

2-10 gram Potassium Gluconoate ED
ECY (E/C/Y/G/A @ 25/200/5/40/75 mg)
2x Vitamin C @ 500 mg
2x Vitamin E @ 400 IU
3x 400 mcg T2
3x 15 mcg T3

Ketotifen or Benadryl (preferably on hand!)
Melatonin (preferably on hand!)
Magnesium (very useful in higher dosages like 400 mg DNP or more!)
Taurine @ 500 mg ED

ECY (E/C/Y/G/A @ 25/200/5/40/75 mg):
@ 25/200/5/40/75 mg!
(should contain SYNTHETIC guggelsterones and SYNTHETIC yohimbine both available at ********).

Usage: To combat Lethargy, Curb Appetite and Cravings, to free fatty acid for better fat burning and for better fat burning in "stubborn fat".

T2 + T3:
Fat loss, preventing lethargy and maybe even anabolism/anti-catabolism

Vitamin C & Vitamin E:
Basically all the Anti-oxidants you need: A Water soluble and a Fat soluble one!
due to their activity-span take twice a day!

Potassium Gluconoate:
You loose a lot of minerals through sweating!
The electrolytes you have to replace are Sodium and Potassium
(in Latin Natrium and Kalium),
sodium is relatively easy to get through ones diet
(table salt is sodiumchloride/natriumchloride).
Potassium is a little harder to get
(Still Potassium is present in a lot of vegetables).

10 grams a day of Potassium Gluconoate is best
(actually 10 grams is way overkill especially since that would mean
1,6 gram of Potassium supplementation a day for a 200 mg cycle).
2 grams is more than enough...

Potassium Gluconoate will keep strength up and battle muscle cramps!

Potassium gluconoate (16% Potassium) is $20 per 3 lbs at ********!

Ketotifen or Benadryl (Ketotifen is much more potent):
As Anti-histamine (for Allergies)
As sleeping Aid (take before bed!)
Upgrading the Fat cell receptors
Keeping the ECY effective (during longer runs like 30 days)

Anti-oxdidant + Sleeping Aid.

Compensate Taurine Levels in Liver...

Magnesium or R-ala
As Anti-Oxidant!

Obtaining supplements:
                • for all the bulk powders for the ECY (and all the other supplements)
                  animal kits for Vitamin E powder


DNP for PCT: Will elaborate on that later!


Funny Note:
Hitler gave it to his troops invading Russia to keep them warm during Russia's infamous winters!


Phyto-chemicals Story!

Morin, Luteolin, Quercetin, Kaempferol and Reservatol are especially good at suppressing Sugars from being metabolized
(not to mention their life-extension abilities and positive effects on Lipid Levels and Cardiac Function).
Fisetin, Myrecetin, Baicalein, Galangin are far less effective
(In That order --> with the most effective one mentioned first and the least effective one mentioned last).

Epigallocachin, Epicatechin, Hesperetin, Taxifolin, Rutin, Flavonol, Flavone didn't do anything at all....

About Phytochemicals:
Li BH, Tian WX. Inhibitory effects of flavonoids on animal fatty acid synthase. J Biochem. 2004 Jan;135(1):85-91

Grapeseedextract inhibits fatcells from growing instead of inhibiting sugars being metabolized like the other phytochemicals!

About GrapeSeedExtract:
Moreno DA, Ilic N, Poulev A, Brasaemle DL, Fried SK, Raskin I. Inhibitory effects of grape seed extract on lipases. Nutrition. 2003 Oct;19(10):876-9.

Which frees a lot of fatty acids from stubborn fat, makes fatcells more sensitive for Adrenaline, imitates caloric restriction and actually kills fatcells to a degree!
Not to mention its sex-boosting properties, its lifespan enhancing ability and the fact that it pumps your muscles full of Anti-oxidants especially in a
PWO-shake to make recovery easy and thus produce an anabolic enviroment!

About Reservatol!:
Picard F, Kurtev M, Chung N, Topark-Ngarm A, Senawong T, Machado De Oliveira R, Leid M, McBurney MW, Guarente L. Sirt1 promotes fat mobilization in white adipocytes by repressing PPAR-gamma. Nature. 2004 Jun 17;429(6993):771-6

Konrad Howitz, Kevin Bitterman, Haim Cohen, Dudley Lamming, Siva Lavu, Jason Wood, Robert Zipkin, Phuong Chung, Anne Kisielewski, Li-Li Zhang, Brandy Scherer, David Sinclair. Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan. Nature 24 August 2003.

Molecules Discovered That Extend Life In Yeast, Human Cells; Group Of Compounds Found In Red Wine, Vegetables Simulate Benefit Of Low-calorie Diet. Science Daily, 25-8-2003

That's why I wondered a cap containing
a Fat inhibitor like Orlistat (or maybe an even more effective one in the future)
and a Glucose-inhibitor like the mentioned Flavonides and Grape Seed Extract should make the eating of Fast Food/Junk Food perfectly acceptable!


I'd like to say that I wouldn't suggest DNP to anyone... as a disclaimer... if you use it, you use it at your own risk... however, I am aware that people will use it, regardless of any warnings I might give, therefore, I feel is it important that they be completely informed on the subject... I spent some time posting this up on Intense Training last night... thought it might do some good here.


DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol), has throughout the years gained some popular (and unpopular) press as a fat loss drug. DNP can boost your metabolic rate up to 50%... and people have reported a 10-12lb fat loss in as little as 10 days (on HIGH dosages... on a more moderate dose... fat losses would be around 2-3% bf).
Many people think this drug is VERY dangerous... and it is... if misused... basically, there is NO upper-limit to how HIGH your body-temperature can go on this stuff... which means your dosage REALLY has to be watched closely.

I'll skip the HISTORY of this drug... but I will say that in the early 1900's, it was used to ignite TNT... ... which is why you should keep this stored in your basement, or a cool place... if you leave it in LARGE amounts out in the sun... and it dries out ....

DNP on a Molecular basis accomplishes an AMAZING boost in the metabolic rate through inhibition of the F0F1 ATP synthase molecule, which is located on the inner wall of every mitochondrion.... While the electron transport chain will still pump hydrogen ions into interrmembrane space, coupling of the proton gradient to ATP production is rendered impossible by DNP. This results in ATP production being GREATLY reduced... and the energy is then turned into heat. Now, you'll really generate ALOT of heat... so much so, that even being AROUND the person on DNP will make YOU uncomfortable (or your spouse/girlfriend). It's a good thing that this heat does not contribute to total body temperature, but is thrown off the body as radiated heat... in particular, your head. Typical doses of DNP will increase your body temperature by around 1-1.5 degree C... this is good for your CNS and other tissues in your body...because the body heat is radiated off... and not within the body... usage of fans and air conditioning (or opening the windows in winter) can help this... A raise in BODY temperature is a very real danger... a danger that can be addressed through the proper dosage, and following the "rules" of using DNP.

Well... sure.. .DNP is a GREAT fat loss drug right?? But what about the GREAT risks involved???

1. Overheating -- DNP can turn your body into the surface of the sun... meaning that there is no limit to how HOT DNP can make your body... you can literally COOK from within. Dosages of 4-6 times a recommended dose can be LETHAL... overdoses of a smaller variety can cause damage to the brain or other body functions...

2. Carcinogenesis -- 2,4-dinitrophenol has never been accused of being a cancer-causing agent, but many people are concerned... and this is not without warrant. In addition to being a phenol, which has inherent carcinogenic properties... DNP produces free radicals and the releasing of compounds stored in the adipose tissue during the rapid fat losing process of DNP can also be potentially harmful...


1. HOT, HOT, HOT -- I can't describe this well enough... you will be VERY uncomfortable... and VERY hot. If you ask someone who has taken DNP before about their experiences... this is the FIRST thing out of their mouth. In the winter time, inside, with the temperatures cool... you can find your SHIRT soaked through with sweat. Take this into consideration if you have a job... you'll look like you just ran a marathon... also, if you plan on dating ... and aren't too "close" with the woman... she'd better get used to your ragged appearance during your usage... (or a guy, if a woman is using).

2. Insomnia -- Many people complain of this... being extremely uncomfortable while taking this can probably explain the reason...
Valerian root or melatonin can help you out with this.

3. Yellow body fluids -- LOL -- if you've taken this, you MAY have noticed your urine, semen or even vaginal (if woman) secretions to have a yellow tone to them... this isn't or hasn't been found to be dangerous in anyway... but it can be a relative side-effect.

4. Soreness of Muscles -- Duchaine has commented that using a weight that will allow you no FEWER than 15 reps, while on DNP, is recommended. When ATP levels drop too low, they can cause soreness of the muscle... adding in heavily encumbered recovery can cause even greater soreness, or even catabolism...

5. Allergic Reactions -- Hives, blisters, and/or inexplicable rashes can occur through the usage of DNP... these are really individualized... and around 5-10% of all DNP users may experience them. If you experience these sides, and they become unbearable... stop taking DNP... or perhaps look into possible anti-allergy meds... perhaps try taking it again... with a lower dosage.. .but I wouldn't KEEP taking.

6. The CARB crave -- needless to say...

When Can you expect to start noticing the effects and symptoms of DNP???

Day 1 -- No real effects, could have some temp increase, or even some carb cravings.

Day 2 -- T3/T4 decreases, you start to feel like you are dragging, temperature raising and others might notice your heat radiation.

Day 3-5 - Heat raises... water retention starts.

Day 6-8 - NOTICEABLE water retention, noticeable muscle flatness (due to glycogen depletion) and water retention. Last dosage of DNP should be taken on the evening of day 8.

Day 9-10 -- DNP starts clearing out of the system.

Day 11-12 -- Water leaving system now... use of some diuretics can speed up this process... you can notice more muscular and cardiovascular endurance.
Day 13-14 -- Looking GOOD! Glycogen is back, and most of the water retention is gone!!

      • Results typical with Crystal DNP, Powder takes longer to activate and effect... ***

I restate the disclaimer that was listed at the beginning of the post.

        • SUPPLEMENTATION*** this is important to the safe-usage of DNP...
      • Information taken from DNP Manuel***
        Magnesium (1500mg)
        Vitamin C (3000mg in divided doses)
        Vitamin E (1200 IU in divided doses)
        Glutathione (200mg in divided doses)
        NAC (various amounts)
        T3 (dose according to personal preference)
        Calcium (2000mg not taken with the Magnesium)
        5-HTP (if not on antidepressant medication) (various amounts) Meridia, Redux, or Fenfluramine (various amounts)
        Hydroxycitric Acid (particularly in the evenings to curb cravings) Pyruvate (2-6g/day in divided doses)
        Glycerol (3 tbsp/day in divided doses)
        Alpha-Lipoic Acid (500-1000mg daily in divided doses)

Of these.. .the first three are necessary for DNP program
Gluthathione is of particular importance for women in prevention of possible cataracts
5-HTP, Meridia, Redux, Fenfluramine, Hydroxycitric Acid -- are for appetite suppression... use at your own discretion.

More considerations:

1. Use fans at night... have one pointing at your head... as that is where most of the heat shoots out of... I also prefer to have a fan blowing on my body... actually.. one on each side of my body, and I sleep on my side.

2. Wear loose, light clothing... goes without saying, but you can "breath better".

3. Clean your sheet -- you are going to be SWEATING profusely at night... you should wash them daily... your pillow cases... maybe even your pillows... spare pillows? This is to not only prevent your bed from smelling like a gym-bag... but cleanliness also prevents the spreading of disease and the smelling of your bed like DNP... ack! Keep in mind, you should be washing your clothes too... (sheets!), as your immune system is MUCH lower while on DNP and you are more susceptible to infection.

4. Hydrate your muscles -- I know I've drunk over a gallon of water per day... Glycerol helps in keeping your muscles hydrated... which is important, because even slightly dehydrated muscles can cause a catabolic effect.

5. Doing cardio -- I would suggest doing LIGHT cardio for around 30 minutes... with a FAN blowing directly on you. This varies from person to person... I've heard of people doing HARD cardio for the same length of time while on it... if you start getting really weak.. .then stop! If you are getting weak and you feel like you can't stand up... you may have to eat some candy quickly to give you some "living" energy... which is why I like to stay on a LIGHT cardio scale... no need to PUSH it ... let the DNP do it's work

6. Diet... while many think there is no general guideline... I would keep my diet at 50% carbohydrates (CLEAN!), 20% fats, and 30% proteins. Carbs fuel the ATP process... or LACK thereof... thereby FEULING the heating effect... ergo... more burning via ATP inhibition.

Basically, the more carbs you eat, the hotter you will get... you could eat an even diet of 40/30/30 but... hey... it's 3:40am...

Experienced an anabolic rebound effect?? -- I'm not quite sure what causes this... but I have heard of it happening... I have not experienced it... but it could be caused by several factors... that I will get into once I GET this effect LOL.

DNP is a POWERFUL fat burning tool, but that doesn't mean it is the BEST for everyone... and it doesn't mean, by any means, that it is safe... but that doesn't change the fact that DNP is the most effective fat burning tool that is out there now.


Je fais le jeûne intermittent également.
Fais gaffe car le piège c'est de trop manger pendant ta fenêtre de 4h.

Si tu consommes trop de calories alors tu perdras pas de poids.

Le sport, le cardio, augmente drastiquement la vitesse à laquelle tu vas perdre du poids.

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:06:10 :

Je fais le jeûne intermittent également.
Fais gaffe car le piège c'est de trop manger pendant ta fenêtre de 4h.

Si tu consommes trop de calories alors tu perdras pas de poids.

Le sport, le cardio, augmente drastiquement la vitesse à laquelle tu vas perdre du poids.

Non, tu ne comprends pas l'utilité du total calorique alors arrête de dire n'importe quoi.

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:05:45 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:04:30 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:58:10 :
J'ai acheté une balance à impédencemètre et apparement j'ai trop de graisse sous cutané

Graisse corporelle 24,6% (vert)
Graisse sous cutanée: 21,9% (orange)
Masse musculaire: 59,50kg (vert)
Masse osseuse: 3,13kg (vert)

T'es au courant que c'est de la merde ce genre de gadget ?
Ça mesure uniquement ton taux de graisse dans les jambes, pas dans tout le corps

Ah ouais?

Yup, ça envois un courant électrique dans chacun de tes pieds
Le courant remonte dans les deux jambes et s'arrête quand il rencontre le courant qui traverse l'autre jambe, donc au niveau de ta taille

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:06:10 :

Je fais le jeûne intermittent également.
Fais gaffe car le piège c'est de trop manger pendant ta fenêtre de 4h.

Si tu consommes trop de calories alors tu perdras pas de poids.

Le sport, le cardio, augmente drastiquement la vitesse à laquelle tu vas perdre du poids.

COol, merci pour ton retour.
Tu le fais depuis cb de temps + résultats?

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:08:26 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:05:45 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 07:04:30 :

Le 02 juillet 2021 à 06:58:10 :
J'ai acheté une balance à impédencemètre et apparement j'ai trop de graisse sous cutané

Graisse corporelle 24,6% (vert)
Graisse sous cutanée: 21,9% (orange)
Masse musculaire: 59,50kg (vert)
Masse osseuse: 3,13kg (vert)

T'es au courant que c'est de la merde ce genre de gadget ?
Ça mesure uniquement ton taux de graisse dans les jambes, pas dans tout le corps

Ah ouais?

Yup, ça envois un courant électrique dans chacun de tes pieds
Le courant remonte dans les deux jambes et s'arrête quand il rencontre le courant qui traverse l'autre jambe, donc au niveau de ta taille

Je sinon, le taux de graisse dans les jambes n'est pas proportionelle à celui du reste du corps?

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