Topic de JaneSTOP :

Alerte: les bombardements NAZI sur LONDRES en 1940 ont DECHAINE la LIBIDO des PETITES ANGLAISES

  • 1 sur la photo 3 londoniennes qui s'amourachent entre elles pendant que des bombes allemandes se déversent sur Londres :oui:

Article passionnante sur la libération des moeurs sexuelles dans le Londres de 1940-1941 en pleine attaque éclair ("Blitz") de l'aviation Allemande.

Quelques passages intéressants :rire: :

People had love affairs they wouldn't have had before the war, says Alison Wilson, who was a schoolgirl as the Blitz raged in 1940 and 1941. Her mother was one of many who, despite being married, took wartime lovers - in her case, a Scottish civil servant posted to London.

He was a married man with two children, and after the war he went back to his family, adds Wilson. There was a live-for-the-moment attitude. You never knew when you were going to be killed by a bomb.

The Blitz intensified sexual desire. A full two decades before the so-called permissive society of the Sixties, a dramatic, if understated, sexual revolution was already taking place - one which would, significantly, prove to be a forerunner of the mores by which Britons live today.

It was not just the risk of death that made this first sexual revolution possible. The blackout offered anonymity and excitement. The arrival of foreigners - coinciding with the departure of husbands - offered hitherto unheard-of temptation, while the evacuation of children left mothers suddenly free from their parental responsibilities and with unexpected time on their hands.

Underground air-raid shelters offered unprecedented opportunities for sexual liaisons. What else could be expected when people were lying alongside each other in the dark for long periods, alternately scared and bored?

There was a huge amount of adventure, excitement and romance, because there was a breaking down of conventions, he says. London was full of foreigners, and women behaving amazingly. It was a permissive period more secretive than the Sixties, and never quite admitted.

The Woodstock generation may have thought they invented sex, but in truth they were only following a path that had been long since trodden by the uninhibited, trailblazing men and women of the Blitz.'''

Et encore je vous ai pas mis les passages sur les actes d'homosexualité débridés au sein de l'armée britanniques :oui:

Le H a provoqué la plus rapide contre culture sexuelle de l'histoire de l'humanité, sans le vouloir :rire:

Les GI américains à Londres se sont aussi mis bien, très bien:

"In this seize-the-day atmosphere, out-of-wedlock sex was no longer taboo with many women starved of male company and imminent danger acting as a powerful aphrodisiac. In 1942, the first of two million American GIs arrived in Britain, en route for Normandy. British women fell hard and fast for their smart collar-and-tie uniforms, their generosity with food and nylon stockings from their own military stores, and what they imagined to be Hollywood glamour (even if their soldier was a conscripted farmhand from Iowa). This freshly hewn sexual liberation was followed by a steep rise in STIs, unwanted pregnancies and divorce. There remained a stigma attached to having an illegitimate child, so risky backstreet abortions -of the kind seen in the 2004 film Vera Drake - were all too common. Divorce rates in 1945 were double what they had been in 1938."

En gros la vie des Anglaises c'était de bosser en usine en journée, de conduire des ambulances, de piloter des avions de sauvetage de civils, de réparer sur le front le matériel déffectueux, ou bien évidemment infirlière, et le soir venu:
-cinéma avec Clark Gable
- de longues soirées à danser en se maquillant de rouge à lèvres avec une garde robe très légère puisque rationnée par l'Etat
- tromper leur mari et faire exploser la natalité et les maladies vénériennes
ce comportement de civil autrichienne pendant la guerre, vous en pensez WHAT?
L'op que ne comprends tu pas dans le mot "toutes"?
Les femmes sont toutes bi
T'as vraiment cru qu'on allait se farcir un énorme pavé en anglais?
  • 1

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