Topic de Mikoto_Urabe :

Ciotti a récupéré le compte des LR !!

Le 13 juin 2024 à 00:06:22 :
Ciotti a vraiment perdu la tete, faut qu'il aille consulter c'est meme plus marrant la

Au contraire il est turbo BASED et va mettre KO la fausse droite Macroniste.

quelqu'un pour résumé ?
Ciotti est exclu ou pas pour finir ?
les has been pecresse, bertrand, wauquier ,copé etc.... c'est eux qui gerent le pati ?

en vrai, fallait bien que ca arrive un jour
ca fait trop longtemps que 2 lignes sont dans ce parti

une ligne proche du RN avec Ciotti
une ligne centriste avec bertrand, wauquier, pecresse, bertrand, darmanin

et dire que tout ça fait partie du plan de macron

Le 13 juin 2024 à 03:04:23 DonaId_Trump a écrit :
quelqu'un pour résumé ?
Ciotti est exclu ou pas pour finir ?
les has been pecresse, bertrand, wauquier ,copé etc.... c'est eux qui gerent le pati ?

Il a récupéré le compte LR de twitter, il avait prévu le putsch, il a viré la vice présidente la veille :

Et demain il instaure de nouvelles règles pour les membres de LR, ils devront tous avoir un IMC inférieur à 25 :cool:

le tweet a été supprimé et ils ont retweet Gerard Larcher

Good morning, 47. Your next mission takes you to Paris, where the Republican party dissidents have barricaded themselves in the party headquarters while attempting an inside coup. Your first target is Valérie Pécresse, the second in command of the party and governor of the Île-de-France state. Don't let her bureaucratic appearance fool you, this woman is a real political tiger. Our informant pointed out that she is located in the party president office under heavy guard. Your second target is Senate president Gérard Larcher. Located in the party headquarters canteen, this man has too long fooled French people and stolen their taxes. Our intelligence suggests that the man eats a lot, maybe could you find a solution implicating food ?

Our contractor, Republican party president Eric Ciotti, has empathized that those two targets are eliminated as soon as possible, and that the coup is stopped.

Le 13 juin 2024 à 10:21:14 :
Good morning, 47. Your next mission takes you to Paris, where the Republican party dissidents have barricaded themselves in the party headquarters while attempting an inside coup. Your first target is Valérie Pécresse, the second in command of the party and governor of the Île-de-France state. Don't let her bureaucratic appearance fool you, this woman is a real political tiger. Our informant pointed out that she is located in the party president office under heavy guard. Your second target is Senate president Gérard Larcher. Located in the party headquarters canteen, this man has too long fooled French people and stolen their taxes. Our intelligence suggests that the man eats a lot, maybe could you find a solution implicating food ?

Our contractor, Republican party president Eric Ciotti, has empathized that those two targets are eliminated as soon as possible, and that the coup is stopped.

je meurs de rire

Le 13 juin 2024 à 10:21:14 :
Good morning, 47. Your next mission takes you to Paris, where the Republican party dissidents have barricaded themselves in the party headquarters while attempting an inside coup. Your first target is Valérie Pécresse, the second in command of the party and governor of the Île-de-France state. Don't let her bureaucratic appearance fool you, this woman is a real political tiger. Our informant pointed out that she is located in the party president office under heavy guard. Your second target is Senate president Gérard Larcher. Located in the party headquarters canteen, this man has too long fooled French people and stolen their taxes. Our intelligence suggests that the man eats a lot, maybe could you find a solution implicating food ?

Our contractor, Republican party president Eric Ciotti, has empathized that those two targets are eliminated as soon as possible, and that the coup is stopped.


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Date de création
13 juin 2024 à 00:02:02
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