Topic de FoutreKosmik :


Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:54:26 :
Thank you for the AAH the slaves

Your sisters pay my pizzas

Les pavé des membres du brocante game.

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:49:18 :

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:44:46 :

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:42:46 :

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:37:10 :

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:36:38 :

> Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:35:52 :

>> Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:32:18 :

> >Ils ont carrément déposé la marque risimon :rire:

> >

> >


> Pour rappel:


> Leurs nom d'entreprise: 410 studio


> Sauf qu'en fouillant bien:


> Il n'est pas sensé y'avoir d'employé


> Hop hop hop, ça go signal gouv

Ils sont pas payé du coup ? Il a juste promis à des pyj de les payer quand le jeu se vendra si ça se trouve

Si mais non déclaré et donc illegal

Le dossier se rempli

Ba pour le coup loin de moi l'idée de vouloir les défendre mais ça ça veut rien dire, juste qu'au moment de la création de sa société ils avaient pas d'employés
Techniquement les gens qui bossent dessus peuvent très bien être freelance ou juste des bénévoles ayant signé une cession de droit d'auteurs (même si on pourrait peut-être assimiler ça à du travail dissimulé)

Sauf que ya 0 contrat rien du tout vu que chaque post ou la question est posé sont tout simplement ignorés.

peut etre ils travaillent sans salaire mais vont touchés des droits sur les ventes

un peu ce qu'a fait George Lucas avec star wars

non mais si tu veux faire ça faut quand même l'écrire noir sur blanc sur un contrat dès le départ, en précisant que la personne est d'accord pour que son taf soit utilisé, et ce qu'elle touchera en contrepartie.
sinon ils s'exposent à des plaintes des gens ayant bossés dessus

Les kheys sympas qui leur font toutes leur traductions sans le savoir

Grandfather knitting the folder is ready

" 12 12 22 good evening ?! Gueridon small dick"

Hello Karl

How does Shark remove his condom? By farting... Yeah, I don't really get the joke

well on the other hand you're going to stop criticizing the chick, since earlier
you've been talking badly about her, there's nothing unpleasant about it... a bunch of mates
buddies who've known each other since childhood and who've decided to make a dream come true.
dream. The chicks don't give you the creeps at all, they fit in
perfectly into the group. You can tell just by looking at the frustrated people here
that 99% of the people here will never own a home, so you take the opportunity
take the opportunity to spit on those who succeed in their projects. Start
by airing out your room and getting a real job before making fun of those
those who get up in the morning to be useful to society.

I will stop here because i know me, it will go in balls

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:54:58 :
We don't give a damn, son of a bitch, we just want to fuck. Summer is approaching and the smell of stinking pussies intoxicates us, our balls are so full that we hear voices. If you too are tired of polishing your niakoué in front of your computer like a sad lonely loser and you want to start stripping vaginal walls at the speed of a TGV, move your loser fat, leave this Down's syndrome piss-poor author who miraculously escaped abortion, to finally serve you your cheese-filled micro-dick.

Bordel :rire:

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:54:58 :
We don't give a damn, son of a bitch, we just want to fuck. Summer is approaching and the smell of stinking pussies intoxicates us, our balls are so full that we hear voices. If you too are tired of polishing your niakoué in front of your computer like a sad lonely loser and you want to start stripping vaginal walls at the speed of a TGV, move your loser fat, leave this Down's syndrome piss-poor author who miraculously escaped abortion, to finally serve you your cheese-filled micro-dick.


Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:57:13 :
How does Shark remove his condom? By farting... Yeah, I don't really get the joke


The Belgians: "Do you know how to pass me the salt for my French fries one time?"

Ahah Mark Ofthehole, love this guy

Doctor what do you think about the low cost water ? Top product or not ?

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:59:01 :
Doctor what do you think about the low cost water ? Top product or not ?

"Hello doctor I come from Long live hit the air "

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:56:47 :
Les kheys sympas qui leur font toutes leur traductions sans le savoir

Ahi, ils n'auront pas leur clef steam. :rire:

Affirmative, but who are you the glossator?

No physically present homo sapiens has the advertence of your materiality

Do you intervene in the culmination of global madness?

You enthrone a unanimous unease, subsequently you're asked to take a powder of escampete

Ataraxia on your creature, despite

Eh beh, on en apprends de tous les jours

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:57:57 :

Le 23 mai 2024 à 01:54:58 :
We don't give a damn, son of a bitch, we just want to fuck. Summer is approaching and the smell of stinking pussies intoxicates us, our balls are so full that we hear voices. If you too are tired of polishing your niakoué in front of your computer like a sad lonely loser and you want to start stripping vaginal walls at the speed of a TGV, move your loser fat, leave this Down's syndrome piss-poor author who miraculously escaped abortion, to finally serve you your cheese-filled micro-dick.

Bordel :rire:


"Women don't like mens bodies" ...
Chouffans: Came a lot, WTC, Bob the Nuns, Player from the attic, ....
Don't touch Alexander Spear, right ?

Le 23 mai 2024 à 02:03:18 :
Chouffans: Came a lot, WTC, Bob the Nuns, Player from the attic, ....
Don't touch Alexander Spear, right ?

Even with mapa gloves I don't touch that

Your teacher of shit fart trap : "okay turn to page diarrhea farting" your reaction ?

Données du topic

Date de création
17 mai 2024 à 19:41:59
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