Topic de Encyklope3 :

Cette vidéo d'un ANGLAIS qui dégomme complètement Napoléon 2023 :rire:

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AYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA même les anglais trouve ça à chier :rire:

Le 29 novembre 2023 à 19:52:59 Encyklope3 a écrit :

" i want to come home"

GOUDJA :rire::rire::rire::rire:

Dis must be a joke ong bro

Rod Steiger's performance in Waterloo was the man who got me obsessed with Napoleon. Even as an Englishman, I was rooting for him through the whole movie, even though I knew the end.


You also forgot to cover how every battle, and much of the movie, has this hideous dark grey-scale all over it making it look uglier and more incomprehensible the further it goes along. Man I sure do love seeing those famous grey Austrian unforms, black French uniforms and mud British uniforms.


If you didn't know anything about the history of napoleon, you'd literally just be watching random clips that have no relation to one another with romantic scenes destroying the pacing every 6 minutes


Ridley Scott is old and doesn't have that much time left. Meaning he made the movie with an eye towards his own demise. A younger Ridley would have been a better choice. 20 years ago he could have come up with a movie that works.

Les anglais sont tellement méchants :rire:

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29 novembre 2023 à 19:51:49
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