- HIL BIL ACH EÜL MOUVOL - But why aren't you answering the questions? - LASS OUTHOU ANOTH DICH ANDA RELICH! - EL ESRAËUM! - But you're so extreme! - EL ESRAËUM! - Your intelligence is your milk? - Azmër el esraëum vitniaz ouv wallah. Ich böm! EDREÏM OM OUV! - Hertzi jürovel veli doli RALOUF! EDREÏM OM OUV! - Vardizim oupehr veri - Well, of course, but I know you're quite approachable - That you give interviews quite easily - HERCHT! - Mister Zemmour! - EDREÏM OM OUV! - GO BAYAY ! - But why are you getting... why are you getting so worked up? - Edreïm om ouv, galhöm lesraëtist! - Okay but... - El esraëum neghvé - Oum soussoun the twelve policemen, you see? - I'm not harassing you! - But you're still someone... someone famous that we... - ...that we draw from, that we feed on the milk - ... as you say - Stop acting like a child walking away determinedly - Being all whiny - Mister Zemmour! Come back ! - Passive? - So ? - Mister Zemmour! Stop acting like a child, really! - No breakfast? - So we're going to... walk side by side without talking? - Nen eïberr de maïmam ivesvoïr - Tell them I'm joining my father Nogé - Oh dear! - It's the "side by side" that you didn't like? - We can... Maybe we can exchange things across the.. - Herum far, indji euv jürks? - Across the street? - I'm here on one side of the sidewalk, you're on the other - And I was paid rrrrr a bi-chav - Nia more uch uh.. uh.. - Stop acting like a child walking away determinedly - Being all whiny - It's not my father Jaheus! - Mister Zemmour! Come back!