Topic de EvangineJap :

Un narcotrafiquant vénézuélien se fait jeté dans l'Océan

Faut balancer celui qui film avec

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:44:47 :
Il fait parti de la faune désormais :oui:

Par contre pourquoi il coule instant ?

kilo de merde dans son slip :oui:

"What did Reinaldo Fuentes Campos do?

Reinaldo Fuentes Campos, who went by the name “Taliban” had allegedly dumped a shipment of narcotics worth $10 million into the sea. He reportedly claimed that he did so after a fake coast guard attempted to interrogate him. After providing the explanation to his drug dealers, he hoped that he could keep the cash he was promised.

However, the cocaine in question was not dumped into the water in reality. He allegedly managed to repackage it and took it to a Caribbean island to resell it along with the money he was given by his dealers.

Unfortunately, his plans went haywire after a person reportedly snitched on him. He was then invited to a cartel meeting where it was allegedly decided that he would be killed."

En fait il a essayer d'arnaquer des narco en leur "volant" leur coke et en gardant la thune le mec etait juste un transporteur

Et il bossait avec les taliban aussi

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:44:47 :
Il fait parti de la faune désormais :oui:

Par contre pourquoi il coule instant ?

Ils ont du mettre un boulet à ses pieds je pense. :(

twitter qui laisse oklm des vidéso comme ça :)

par contre pour censurer les émeutes pas de problème :) Merci Musk le franc maçon

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:45:11 :
On connait tous le tuto tiktok pour se débarrasser des serflex.

Appeler ça serflex :rire:

Alors que s'appelle un collier colson :oui:

Le mec reste calme, c'est quand même mieux que de se faire couper les burnes et bruler vif :(
Il est pas foutu de filmer correctement l'autre enculé

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:47:07 :
Le mec reste calme, c'est quand même mieux que de se faire couper les burnes et bruler vif :(

Il a quand même fini en pâture pour les requins. :(

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:47:49 :

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:47:07 :
Le mec reste calme, c'est quand même mieux que de se faire couper les burnes et bruler vif :(

Il a quand même fini en pâture pour les requins. :(

il a perdu la conscience au bout d'une minute ça a été rapide

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:46:00 :
"What did Reinaldo Fuentes Campos do?

Reinaldo Fuentes Campos, who went by the name “Taliban” had allegedly dumped a shipment of narcotics worth $10 million into the sea. He reportedly claimed that he did so after a fake coast guard attempted to interrogate him. After providing the explanation to his drug dealers, he hoped that he could keep the cash he was promised.

However, the cocaine in question was not dumped into the water in reality. He allegedly managed to repackage it and took it to a Caribbean island to resell it along with the money he was given by his dealers.

Unfortunately, his plans went haywire after a person reportedly snitched on him. He was then invited to a cartel meeting where it was allegedly decided that he would be killed."

En fait il a essayer d'arnaquer des narco en leur "volant" leur coke et en gardant la thune le mec etait juste un transporteur

Et il bossait avec les taliban aussi

Naturel. :(

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:41:54 :
La nonchalance du mec face à sa mort imminente n'empêche.

Moi j'aurais pleuré comme une petite fille. :(

Il sait qu'il va mourir, il est resigné

Le 01 septembre 2023 à 14:46:00 :
"What did Reinaldo Fuentes Campos do?

Reinaldo Fuentes Campos, who went by the name “Taliban” had allegedly dumped a shipment of narcotics worth $10 million into the sea. He reportedly claimed that he did so after a fake coast guard attempted to interrogate him. After providing the explanation to his drug dealers, he hoped that he could keep the cash he was promised.

However, the cocaine in question was not dumped into the water in reality. He allegedly managed to repackage it and took it to a Caribbean island to resell it along with the money he was given by his dealers.

Unfortunately, his plans went haywire after a person reportedly snitched on him. He was then invited to a cartel meeting where it was allegedly decided that he would be killed."

En fait il a essayer d'arnaquer des narco en leur "volant" leur coke et en gardant la thune le mec etait juste un transporteur

Et il bossait avec les taliban aussi

sélection naturelle putain essayer de baiser des narcos

Plutôt esprit "bon enfant" comme mort, quand on vois l'ingéniosité perverse de certains trafiquant !

Données du topic

Date de création
1 septembre 2023 à 14:33:58
Date de suppression
1 septembre 2023 à 14:56:00
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