Topic de Omi-El :


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Invariably at the gatekeeping levels of power in Sweden, efforts against child-sexual-abuse and pedophilia are consistently blocked, thwarted and undermined. In order to protect elite pedophiles and cover-up their scandalous filth.

While all the VIP pedophiles continue getting away with rape and murder of children, Sweden has an agenda to make a globally interconnected child sex trafficking network.

This has led to hundreds of thousands of childrens, girls and boys, being trafficked, sexually abused and exploited inside Sweden as sex slaves. The child victims in Sweden come from neighbouring Baltic states like Estonia, and nearby Poland.

Children housed in Swedish asylum centers have also gone missing in droves, 5000 from 2019 to 2023 alone. a trafficking syndicate is sweeping children up, that are abducted into highly organized network operating in Sweden.

Even more disturbing is the fact that those asylum centers are state-run facilities. Meaning the pedophiles are working within the system to traffick abused children.

The ruling elite’s orchestrated Sweden’s expanding pedophilia crime network whereupon hundreds of thousands of children victims are being sexually abused.

Europol chief of staff cited a “criminal infrastructure” to abduct or buy child slaves not only for sex trafficking but organ and adrenochrome harvesting as well.

Those criminal activities demonstrates why the cabal’s child trafficking network has become the planet’s most lucrative industry, abducting millions of children out of the total of 8 million disappearing each year.

Swedish Eva Anderson is the director of her own Center in New York, where Sweden’s Queen Silvia paid a visit. As Silvia’s daughter Princess Victoria’s nurse, Eva Anderson maintains close ties with the Swedish royal family, even attending the christening of Victoria’s daughter.

After Eva Andersson married billionaire Glenn Dubin, Eva and Epstein remained tight friends to the extent that her three daughters’s godfather was none other than the infamous pedophile trafficker himself.

Anderson's husband : Glenn Dubin became a close business partner with Epstein. According to Eva Anderson’s chefs Rizzo, a distraught girl arrived at the Dubin residence accompanied by Epstein, instructed by Eva Anderson to sit. According to Rinaldo, the girl was visibly shaking, explaining that she was Epstein’s “personal assistant.” But when Rinaldo said she looked too young for such a job, the girl broke down in tears. It became clear she had been sexually abused on Epstein’s Island, where Epstein built an ornate satanic temple, complete with an underground tunnel system. Where satanic child sacrifice rituals were practiced. 

This testimony certainly incriminates the Dubins’s involvement in the Epstein criminal case.

Another prominent Swedish woman who remained a longtime close friend of Epstein is Ehnbom, a Swedish born New York business executive in finance. Ehnbom’s career background includes working as security analyst for Rothschilds.

Prior to meeting her husband : Swedish Prince Carl Philip, model Sofia Hellqvist met her mentor Ehnbom in 2004.

Ehnbom is apparently tight with Swedish royals and was assigned as Sofia’s mentor, even attending the prince marriage. The royal couple, also, showed up for Ehnbom’s Swedish American Summit in 2011. Ehnbom's sister was also Swedish ambassador to Australia.

Both Swedish socialites in Epstein’s life, Eva Andersson and Ehnbom, have hobnobbed at the same events in the same high society circles for years. Swedish business woman Ehnbom, is a similar cabal cutout to another figure, gatekeeper Esther Rantzen.

The Scandinavian child sexual abuse scandals exposure within the elite’s power structure, outed Swedish politicians and royal family members as pedophiles.

It's quite odd that the Swedish media has so little coverage of a nationwide pedophilia network.

When members of the elite in Sweden rape children, hardly a word gets reported on this dark subject. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that the last time someone attempted to expose Sweden’s satanist pedophiles network, he was murdered before his 29th birthday. Tim Bergling, the popular music producer known as Avicii died on April 20th 2018, after he vowed to unveil the truth about a powerful elitist pedophilia network operating in Sweden Government.

If nobody kills Rasmus Paludan and Salwan Momika, there might be someone who will do it hismelf

Zekeriya Yapicioglu vows to block Sweden’s NATO membership in parliament

Erdogan was slammed by both opposition and allied party leaders.

Zekeriya Yapicioglu Chairman of the Free Cause Party (HUDA-PAR), and a close ally of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) criticized Erdogan for exhibiting a “soft” reaction to the sacrilegious blasphemies in Sweden, Zekeriya Yapicioglu said all members of his party vowed to do everything in their power to prevent the approval of Sweden’s NATO membership by the Turkish Parliament.

the Turkish government said Swedish officials bore full responsibility :

“Those who commit those crimes as well as those who allow it, those who tolerate those despicable acts will have to face justice”

Yapicioglu is allegedly tied to Hizbullah, a militant group designated as a criminal organization. Hizbullah has been accused of targeted political assassinations on ennemies.

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