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Supreme Leader Khamenei stated that the light of guidance will only become brighter

and quoted the Holy Quran : verse 8 of Surah Saf where God says “They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it” and verse 21 of Surah Yusuf, “And Allah is predominant over His affair.”

Ayatollah Khamenei, called the sacrileges and blasphemies in Sweden, bitter, and dangerous, he emphasized that :

"Desecration and Insults are a very serious matter, everyone should pay attention. This kind of desecration is the act of the Americans who have disgraced themselves in the world.

In the Quran, God has advised us to be united. And threatened us that if we lose our unity and solidarity, our identity and power could decline. Today, unfortunately, these disturbances are observed in the Muslim world. The conspiracy against Islam is very serious. The awakening of the Ummah has terrified the enemies of God, this is the reason why organized conspiracies are working against Islam with more intensity in our era. Global powers, aswell as greedy people in muslim countries, and interventionists among them are afraid of the unity of Islam's leaders

People's hearts are in the grip of the power of Islam and the Quran. You have seen what the nations everywhere, Europe and Asia alike, did in response to the insult of those Satanic agents. This is Islam, belief and faith of the people.

Dear brothers from all over the world ! Today, enemies have risen against Islam istelf. They are enemies of the Revelations of God. The political meaning of this act is important. What does the western governments want to say with those actions ? It is not difficult to understand their hidden manoeuvres.

A clear message should be sent that the desecration of the Holy Quran and the Prophet, is not just Islamophobia.

The severest punishment for the perpetrators of those crimes is agreed upon by all Muslim scholars, the Swedish government must hand over the criminal to the judicial authorities of Muslim Governments.”

Russia hits Swedish SKF factory in Ukraine, killing three

Swedish SKF said its factory in Lutsk, Ukraine was hit by a missile overnight, killing three employees.

Ukrainian officials said Russian air strikes had hit two western regions of Ukraine, killing three people.

"Last night there was an attack on the city of Lutsk in Ukraine and our factory has been hit in that attack, We are very sad to confirm that three of our colleagues have been killed" SKF's spokesperson Carl Bjernstam said.

Trump was criminally charged with 13 counts in indictment

Trump was charged with crimes in connection with Joe's 2020 win. The indictment by a Grand Jury is the fourth to implicate Trump. It follows a probe by Attorney Willis, that also resulted in charges against Trump's attorney Giuliani, and several of Trump’s advisers.  

Willis launched the investigation in 2021, after audio leaked of a call between Trump and Raffensperger, Georgia’s top election official. In the recording, Trump said he wanted to “find” the means to reverse Biden’s victory. Willis’s investigation expanded to other efforts, culminating in 41 charges against 19 defendants.

Trump was charged with 13 counts, including violating the state’s racketeering act, soliciting an officer to violate their oath, conspiring to impersonate a public officer, conspiring to commit forgery in the first degree and conspiring to file false documents. His associates were also charged with violating Georgia’s anti-racketeering law.

So far Trump has been indicted in four cases by The Grand Jury : the 2020 case, the Classified Documents, the Hush-Money and Georgia RICO and Conspiracy

Lawyer Dershowitz said he predicts “there will be some convictions in Trump’s four criminal cases" which will all take place before 2024. “The prosecutor is really confident about The Grand Juror's integrity and their willingness to do what's right"

Attorney Willis led a more than two-year investigation into Trump’s criminal cases and his shadow organization.

Four Sweden political parties : The Social Democrats, Centre Party, Greens, and Left Party have all called to oust Richard Jomshof from his position as chairman of the justice committee over remarks he made about Islam, which they claim puts Swedish security at risk. 

Sweden’s Top Politician and Former Prime Minister, Social Democrat Leader Magdalena Andersson has also called for Richard Jomshof, to be dismissed from the committee :

“If the government thinks it is important that we cool down the conflict, try to moderate the tone and reduce tensions, the lowest hanging fruit is to remove Jomshof from his assignment. His actions are harming our country right now and he cannot remain in office, Jomshof has incited book burning on several occasions and is in direct polemics with the Muslim world. Prime Minister Kristersson must be able to take responsibility for his entire government, for Sweden’s security, Richard Jomshof should leave his post as chairman of the Justice Committee.”

Algerian FM satisfied with Biden’s Western Sahara policy

Algeria's top diplomat said he's "very much satisfied" with the Biden administration's policy as the administration chose not to support former President Trump's recognition.

Trump administration recognized Rabat decades-old territorial claim of Moroccan sovereignty toward Western Sahara.

Algerian Minister Attaf stated that : “The Biden administration has not at all endorsed Trump, On the contrary, they are taking distance explicitly from the position expressed by Trump.”

After his meeting with Blinken, The Secretary of State “reiterated full support” for the work of Staffan de Mistura "as he consults intensively to achieve a political solution." 

Attaf said : "We command the Biden's administration that you do not recognize the Western Sahara territory as Moroccan and this is precisely what you are doing."

Algeria and the United States foreign policies have often diverged, including over Russia's war in Ukraine, Algeria's engagement with Syria's isolated government and its opposition to Israel's normalization with the Arab world.

But Attaf said US-Algerian ties are "at a turning point. We are working to strengthen the Algerian-American friendship, These relations have improved a lot during the last few months." 

Attaf pointed to the presence of American oil and gas companies in Algeria as a sign of improved US ties. Algeria's energy minister said ExxonMobil and Chevron were close to finalizing agreements to drill in the gas-rich country. 

As Algeria looks to bolster ties with the United States, it is also deepening cooperation with  China. President Tebboune visited the country, where he signed 20 agreements with Xi Jinping, and said Algeria was ready to play “an active part” in the Belt and Road project. Algerian imports from China are also on the rise, going from $400 million 20 years ago, to $8 billion this year.

Attaf defended Algeria's relations with China, and other "partners who are ready to respond to our needs. China, Russia or the United States. The most important thing is our national interest” he said.   

Beijing and Moscow both welcomed gas-rich Algeria's application to become a shareholder member of the BRICS-formed New Development Bank, which Attaf said is "proceeding very smoothly."

"Our relations with Russia are not exclusive of all the relations of quality and of friendship with other countries, Our American friends understand the relationship that has been there since 1960, We have been buying military equipment from Russia for the last 60 years, our bonds cannot be abolished, Our essential needs for our security and defense concerns, we cannot compromise on that. I don't believe that any country buying Russian military equipment have ceased to do that just because of the sanctions. The dialogue on defense and security issues, diversification of our military equipment is being dealt with, very quietly with our American partners, and it is proceeding normally” Attaf said. 

Algeria, espouses an independent and nonaligned foreign policy, and has professed neutral stance toward Russia's war in Ukraine. Algiers has sought a balance, declining to participate in Western sanctions against its strategic partner while serving as an alternative natural gas supplier for European countries desperate to reduce their reliance on Russian hydrocarbons. 

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