""What happened was not a tactical retreat, but simply the flight of Defense Ministry units from the flanks. This means that the enemy will approach Bakhmut and be at a distance of 500 meters from Bakhmut, having occupied all the tactical heights. With the loss of Berkhovsky reservoir (which is 5 square kilometers) just today, the enemy completely freed the road Chasov Yar-Bakhmut, which we blocked by encircling Bakhmut. And the enemy will be able to use this road and he has occupied tactical heights, from which Bakhmut is visible as in the palm of his hand. The next step is to begin the gradual encirclement of Bakhmut after they get to Berkhovka.Exactly what I have been saying for a long time."
Le pauvre, ses troupes risquent de se faire encercler à Bakhmout parce que l'armée russe ne tient plus les flans