Topic de BigProphet13 :


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Re: The Child Slave Colonies on Mars
Why Mars Colonization is Doomed to FailureWhen the Seer Almine first spoke publicly about the kidnapping of our children worldwide to create a multinational colony of humans on Mars, many doubted that it could be accurate. But as usual, her visionary information has started to gain outside verification, providing what she calls ‘an additional line through the dot’.

“On June 29, Alex Jones, host of, interviewed Robert David Steele, a former U.S. Marine Corps and CIA clandestine services official, who volunteered insider information about secret events on Mars.

Steele’s comments were covered in a number of mainstream news sources including Britain’s Daily Mail, the Daily Beast, and the Washington Post, all of which downplayed his comments as mere conspiracy theory.”

“We actually believe that there is a colony on Mars that is populated by children who were kidnapped and sent into space” he said.

Steele added that “once they get to Mars, they have no alternative but to be slaves on the Mars colony.”

june 29 quoi ? l'année vite

CIA officer Robert David Steele told Timothy Charles Holmseth that Mike Pence and accomplice raped and then murdered child with a dagger

Last week news outlets began reporting former CIA officer Robert David Steele had died as the result of COVID-19.

In December of 2017, Steele was communicating with investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth regarding information Holmseth obtained regarding an international cartel that is operating the largest human harvesting and child trafficking operation in the history of mankind.

Steele told Holmseth he received an email of “Pence sodomizing a child while choking them to death, at the same time that his female partner, stabbed the child from in front with a curvy dagger in the heart”.

Steele also said whistleblower Tory Smith was murdered by an Indiana State Trooper.

The magnitude of information Holmseth acquired regarding Pence being a satanic pedophile was amplified when Attorney Lin Wood tweeted the formal MEMO that Holmseth mailed to AG Jeff Sessions.

Steele was seeking information from Holmseth regarding specific operatives of a child trafficking operation staging out of Florida connected to the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The operation has been connected to the CIA FINDERS CULT which was investigated by the FBI in the late 1980’s and morphed into other organizations including Veterans For Child Rescue Inc., Arizona, which is a front for global trafficking operations run by Hillary Clinton’s former personal bodyguard Craig Randall (Sawman) Sawyer.

The United Nations Luciferian Connection

Many applaud the United Nations for its public policy and efforts of humanitarian society.

However, the United Nations is a front for Luciferian agendas. Proven by its underlining Luciferian themes and esoteric teaching dedicated to its members WITHIN the halls of the United Nation even an occult meditation room is hosted at the United Nations

People do not realize the influence Theosophists have on the United Nations. Theosophy, founded in the late 1800s by a Satanist Luciferian occultist named Helena Blavatsky, influenced modern Theosophy. A group spawned from it under Alice Bailey called “Lucis Trust.” Lucis Trust, originally founded under the name “Lucifer Publishing” before changing its name, publishes esoteric occult works and promotes its 24 esoteric writings under its main education centers, the Arcane Schools and Findhorn Foundation.

Many prominent United Nations directors were Luciferians, such as Robert Muller and Maurice Strong, who initiated Agenda 21. They were practitioners of Theosophy, occult Luciferians, and drafted policies to initiate New Age through United Nations policies and directions, as the United Nations was developed to do. If you haven’t, see the page I have on the United Nations 2020 summit explaining more detail to prove this.

David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative at the United Nations (department has since been removed from rosters), has said, “Lucifer comes to give us the final Luciferic initiation
that many people now and in the days ahead, will be facing for it is an initiation into the New Age
 No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian initiation.” Benjamin Crùme, another prominent New Age “prophet,” on page 128 of “Matrieya’s Mission,” insists that those who refuse to join in this World Initiation will find themselves in the minority and will have to “withdraw from this life.” Creme exhorts his followers to, “Be not afraid, therefore, when the ‘men of cloth’ raise their voices against the Great Lord, naming Him anti-Christ and arch-deceiver, for they know little of the laws which underlie their faiths and act and speak from ignorance and fear.”

See, Luciferians defend Lucifer as the Great God, the giver of life. As the Light-Bearer he enlightens men and provides knowledge. But in their view, Adonay and Jesus Christ are the imposters to hold that light from us. And they will summon the great ancestors known as the “Ascended Masters” to open the door to the stage of the New Age in the “Age of Aquarius.” And make way for Lucifer to take his place upon the throne.

So far we have been in the “dawning of The Age of Aquarius” since the 1970’s New Age Movement. On September 23, 2017 the planets will align signifying the Age is here. Could this be the plan to usher in the New Age this year in their hope to usher in Lucifer to the throne ? We shall see. In the meantime, consider what the U.N. actually supports and watch the pieces move towards that agenda. And that it represents Luciferians putting Lucifer on the throne for One World Government.

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