Topic de Seducteur82 :

Prêche annoncé par prophéties

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Alchimie = illumination luciférienne

Notez les arbres de vie kabbalistique sur les portes

« Un jour, j'entendis une voix qui me disait : Regarde ! regarde ! Je ne voulais point regarder, de crainte d'être trompée. Cependant, entendant de nouveau cette voix, je me recommandai à Dieu, je levai les yeux et j'aperçus devant moi un personnage singulier. Il me paraissait d'un tempérament robuste et d'un caractère capable de résister à tout. Il portait une robe qui descendait jusqu'aux genoux, ses bras et ses pieds étaient nus. Je ne saurais dire de quelle

matière était cette robe. Elle n'était ni en or, ni en argent, ni en fer, mais forte comme le fer, l'argent et l'or. Le diadème qu'il portait sur le front était de la même matière que sa robe. La chair de ses membres n'était pas comme celle du reste des hommes ; elle paraissait être d'une dureté extrême. Il se plaça dans le sanctuaire, en face du tabernacle ; il se tint sur ses deux pieds et resta inébranlable. Je vis une multitude de personnes, vêtues de blanc, se ranger autour de lui, et il prononça un discours ou sermon qui était conforme aux enseignements de l'Eglise : je ne me rappelle point les paroles qu'il prononça, mais il exhorta, à peu près comme l'apôtre, à vivre selon l'esprit et non selon la chair. Parmi les vices que nous devons fuir, il fit mention de celui que l'apôtre défend de nommer. Il termina en engageant à éviter le mal et à pratiquer le bien. Après qu'il eut parlé, un homme tout noir se dirigea vers lui ; mais il lui donna sur la tête un coup si-vigoureux, que l'homme noir tomba mort à ses pieds. Aussitôt survint une multitude innombrable de corbeaux qui enlevèrent le cadavre hors de l'Eglise. Ils retournèrent bientôt près de celui qui se tenait toujours dans le sanctuaire.

Mais celui-ci se défendait sans se mouvoir ; il en saisit un avec ses mains, le coupa par le milieu du corps et le jeta loin de lui; tous les autres s'enfuirent immédiatement. Quelques instants après, j'aperçus un nombre considérable d'autres oiseaux voler autour de lui et l'importuner extrêmement. On lui apporta un filet avec lequel il les prit presque tous. Il jeta ce filet dans l'air avec une force extraordinaire, et les oiseaux qu'il n'avait pas pris s'enfuirent. Une voix se fit entendre dans le ciel, qui disait : Celui-là est vraiment un homme fort, il a vaincu ses ennemis. »

Ce passage est la figure des dernières guerres du Grand Monarque et des victoires qu'il doit remporter. La même voyante décrit, sous l'allégorie suivante (Let. LXI), le renversement de la révolution par le même Envoyé : « Alors on vit sur le pont un homme, monté sur un éléphant, s'avancer hardiment, tenant une épée à double tranchant. Il paraissait extrêmement vigoureux ; il était revêtu d'une robe qui n'était point en étoffe, mais elle paraissait très-dure, ainsi que le diadème que cet homme portait sur la tête. Il traversa la foule et s'avança jusque auprès de la bête, tenant d'une main son épée et de l'autre une croix. Te voilà, monstre infernal, dit-il, voyons qui des deux sera le plus fort ! ? Oseras-tu t'élever contre ? Toute ta puissance sera réduite à néant ». Aussitôt il s'élance sur la bête, il lui enfonce dans la gueule son épée, dont la pointe ressortit sur le dos. La bête se retira dans le marais dont elle était sortie. Cet homme reçut toutes sortes de félicitations de la multitude , qui éclatait en transports de joie ».

Une ancienne religieuse :

«Je lui donnerai toute puissance sur la terre et il marchera à ma droite jusqu'à ce que je réduise ses ennemis à le servir. Et le sceptre lui sera donné pour défendre l'autel et le trône ; et ses ennemis trembleront au jour de sa force. Il sera le roi fort et le Pape saint ».

Rosa Colomba :

«Grande révolution éclatera en Europe. La paix ne reparaîtra que lorsqu'on verra les lys, descendant de saint Louis, sur le trône de France. Ce qui arrivera ».

Religieuse de Belley :

« Il (le Grand Monarque) paraît au milieu de la confusion, de l'orage ».

Pirus :

« Jamais il ne s'est vu un monarque si puissant et si heureux ; il sera seul seigneur et empereur du monde, aimé et redouté de tous ».

« La République sera proclamée, mais elle durera peu ; ensuite nous serons gouvernés par un prince d'une grande sagesse et d'une grande piété, qui vivra très-vieux et fera le bonheur de la France. Il viendra au moment où on s'y attendra le moins ».

il prononça un discours ou sermon qui était conforme aux enseignements de l'Eglise : je ne me rappelle point les paroles qu'il prononça, mais il exhorta, à peu près comme l'apôtre, à vivre selon l'esprit et non selon la chair. Parmi les vices que nous devons fuir, il fit mention de celui que l'apôtre défend de nommer.

Cette partie de la prophétie annonce ce texte, je démystifie l'illumination luciférienne, elle n'a rien de mystique et spirituel, cet expérience n'es qu'une intoxication (comme une drogue) dut aux hormones et a la chimie du corps et cerveaux, illumination luciférienne n'a rien de mystique et spirituel, ce n'est qu'une hallucination, une illusion, un mirage

The opiate substance secreted from the pineal gland during Samadhi has been called ambrosia, amrita. The term Amrita is Sanskrit it literally means "deathlessness". This has obvious parallels to "ambrosia" the name of the classical Greek which means "no death."

During shaktipat, or through initiation this is produced and drips down the back of the throat. an associated phenomena to the generation of the nectar, is the light that occurs during its "manufacture." This secretion gives one the experience of being a divine God or Goddess. It is described as intoxicating and gives the feeling of being imbued with holiness.

I interpret this experience as simple biophysics. kind of like being plugged into a light socket and getting a jolt of electricity. And this occurs quite apart from the secondary layer of our belief, intention and projection. That is the energetic "electrocrution" occurs regardless of the contents of the conscious or subconscious mind. The point I want to stress here, is that the physical chemistry is occurring often quite apart from the contents in our minds, and yet will amplify and affect those contents.

The main function of the pineal gland is its role in mediating circadian rhythms of the animal through the production of the hormone melatonin, from its precursor amino acid tryptophan. The pineal gland is most active in early morning hours. The pineal gland is the only singular organ in the brain and is located near the upper end of the spinal cord, which ends or terminates in the oldest anatomical region in the brain. It's between the old brain at the back and the new brain at the front of the head, between the left and right hemispheres, sitting above the two wings of the ventricles.It rests between the two large cerebrums at the anterior end of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is one of the oldest features of the brain, involved in coordinating muscular activity in the body. It's said that when the pineal gland is activated it becomes illuminated.The sense of light flowing within and without may be when the pineal gland is highly activated producing DMT type chemistry during the height of the peak.

When it lights up a secretion from the area might be released into the back of the throat. "The Drop" would be some intense opiate.

The pituitary gland is located inside a round bony cavity that is separated from the sphenoid sinus by a thin bone that forms the roof of the sphenoid sinus. The sphenoid sinus is the most posterior sinus. The drainage from the sphenoid is almost directly down the throat from an ostium that opens into the posterosuperior part of the nasal cavity. The sphenoid sinus is adjacent to the main nerve that is responsible for vision, the optic nerve. The main artery that goes to the brain, the carotid artery, travels along the wall of this sinus.

Also nerve impulses from the eyes and ears pass through the colliculi with the pineal directly overhead separated by CSF. Thus secretions from the pineal would have a direct impact on the colliculi. The colliculus is part of the brain that sits below the thalamus and surrounds the pineal gland. It is involved in the generation of eye movements and hand-eye coordination. The colliculus receives visual, as well as auditory inputs, and its deeper layers are connected to many sensorimotor areas of the brain. The colliculus as a whole is thought to help orient the head and eyes toward something seen or heard.

During initiation, hormones including oxytocin and vasopressin are released from the pituitary into the blood stream. The fact that the nerves and blood vessels that feed the eyes and middle ear pass through the cavernous sinus either side of the sphenoid sinus leads us to speculate on

Lead us to speculate on the mechanisms behind both Music that is heard when it is lit up, and changes in the eyes such as light emerging from them, changes of consciousness seen in the eyes.

When the it is lit transcendental vision occurs. vision probably occurs due to increased kundalini flow raising dopamine and phenylethylamine etc... All kind of changes happen in the retinas and occipital lobes, including increased ATP production acting as a neurotransmitter and histamine increasing blood flow in the brain, and increase in nitric oxide metabolism. The end result being that one has an increase in inner visions, inner lights, seeing auras and vivid dreams. If you try the drug Ecstasy you are likely to see auras, and have transcendental vision so there must be some similarity in the chemical mechanism between Ecstasy and kundalini.

Amrita is a mixture of endogenous cannaboids, enkephalins, glutamate, oxytocin and vasopressin and Ca2+ ions and polarized water that have been generated by glial and neurons, accumulated in the cerebrospinal fluid and collect in the ventricle underneath the pineal gland (possibly finding its way to the sphenoid sinus under the pituitary). At a point of maximum excitation, very much like an orgasm, this fluid is excreted out from the sinuses and into the back of the throat. In a similar fashion amrita is excreted out of the G-Spot area of women during sex.

In order to be extruded from the brain during what amounts to a brain orgasm, the likely properties of Amrita are: Small molecular size, lipid soluble, hydrogen bonding increasing the H+ positive charge, affinity for carrier mechanisms, produced in high concentration during maximum excitation.

The amrita is forced out of the brain at the peak of ecstatic charge, not for any purpose in itself perhaps, but because there is simply too high a hydraulic and ionic pressure within the Cerebrospinal Fluid (CFS) that it is forced out of the ventricles, and into the sphenoid sinus. In the joint Samadhi of tantra however this secretion would act to bond the individuals.

Factors of kundalini and tantric initiation that might influence the efflux of a potent secretion of CFS that has been altered through hyperactivation of the pineal and pituitary and other circumventricular organs include:

Increase in temperature, release of histamine which increases the pore space between cells in the vessel membranes and possibly increasing the permeability between ventricles and sinuses.

A higher concentration of ions in the CSF increases the electrochemical gradient with the membrane of the opposite charge increasing diffusion.

Ionized water molecules with changes in the bonding angles.

Increased cerebral blood-flow, blood pressure and oxygen content of the blood, from HPA axis activation and increased breathing.

Increased production of CSF itself creating greater hydraulic pressure.

Facilitated diffusion through a change in transporter molecule in the membrane by specific amino acid, peptide or opiate.

The negatively charged membrane surface may be triggered into absorptive-mediated transport by electrostatic interaction with positively charged substance (Ca 2+ or H+).
As far as the primary active ingredient of amrita goes besides the opiates which give a analgesic effect, the "wakefulness" chemical is probably a tryptamine or a phenethylamine. Research will probably find that many secretions from about five different organs including the pineal and pituitary may contribute to the mixture. That is the production of amrita may be a joint effort of the circumventricular organs secreting into the CFS. High levels of opiates, oxytocin, vasopressin, phenyethelamine and tryptamine would render the individual into an experience, ie: Samadhi.

The pineal produces melatonin and serotonin. The amino acid percursor of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is tryptophan. Adequate levels of vitamin B6 are necessary for the synthesis of serotonin.

Within the pineal gland, serotonin is acetylated and then methylated to yield melatonin. The highest density of melatonin receptors are found in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, the anterior pituitary and the retina. Melatonin is a hormone that communicates information about light and entrains biological rhythms including sleep-wake cycles and reproduction. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland is why some call it the "third eye." Melatonin inhibits the secretion of the gonadotropic hormones luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary. Much of this inhibitory effect seems due to inhibition of gonadotropin-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus.

As well as melatonin the pineal secretes other neuroactive peptides. Melatonin has the same indole structure as LSD but neither melatonin nor LSD is the psychoactive substance in amrita. More likely it is some form of tryptamine that the body produces, perhaps similar to 5-MeO/DMT. Or it could be a phenethylamine similar to Mescaline (3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine). Mescaline made from the peyote cactus is one of the oldest psychedelics known to man and is used in ceremonies. Curiously it can produce an internal light.

Tryptamine is a naturally occurring compound found in both the animal and plant kingdoms. It is an endogenous component of the human brain. The amino acid phenylalanine is the precursor for phenethylamine and the essential amino-acid tryptophan is the precursor for tryptamine, which is slightly psychedelic. Tryptophan when administered with methionine (another amino-acid known to methylate things) it produces methylated tryptamines, the two best studied being N-methyltryptamine (NMT) and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Tryptamine and LSD have a common mode of action. Our bodies can convert the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine and phenylethylamine (PEA). Tyrosine is also a precursor to the excitatory neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine.

Endogenous Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), the naturally occurring chemical cousin of serotonin, is a widespread and essential brain neurotransmitter. Rick Strassman proposed that the pineal gland is responsible for manufacture of DMT. The pineal gland has the highest levels of serotonin, as serotonin is the precusor to melatonin. Melatonin is the primary pineal hormone, but Strassman thinks that the gland also creates DMT. "Because it possesses the highest levels of the necessary enzymes and precursors, the pineal gland is the most reasonable place for DMT formation to occur." P. 67 He says DMT may be released during dreams, near-death, death, birth.

DMT increases all pituitary homones and beta-endorphins, vasopressin, prolactin, Growth Hormone, and corticotrophrin (cortisol). It is proposed that DMT induced surge of beta-endorphins creates euphoria. Serotonin receptors are activated by DMT and Serotonin receptors regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, pupil diameter. Apparently DMT is a small molecule not much larger than glucose and Strassman says that it is like brainfood that is rapidly transported across the BBB.

The term circumventricular organs refers to the highly-vascularized, specialized tissues distributed principally along the midline of the ventricular system from the forebrain to the hindbrain, bordering the 3rd and 4th ventricles. The CVO's include the pineal gland, median eminence, neurohypophysis (posterior pituitary), subfornical organ, area postrema, subcommissural organ, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, and the choroid plexus. The intermediate and neural lobes of the pituitary are sometimes included and note the posterior pituitary releases neurohormones like oxytocin and vasopressin into the blood.

The subcommissural organ contacts the third ventricle covering the posterior commissure. It comprises a complex of neurosecretory ependymal cells known to secrete various glycoproteins into the CSF. The functional significance of these glycoproteins has not yet been determined. Except for the SCO all the circumventricular organs lack a blood-brain barrier and are recognized as important sites for communicating with the CSF, and between the brain and peripheral organs via blood-borne products. They have a high capillary density and it is through the CVO's that the brain is able to monitor the makeup of the blood. They all contact the cerebrospinal fluid of the ventricles or subarachnoid space. These organs have common morphological and endocrine-like characteristics that distinguish them from the rest of the nervous system and neural connections with strategic nuclei establishing circuitry for communications throughout the neuraxis.

Ventricles are hollow cavities within the brain that produce CSF from their lining (choroid plexus). The choroid plexus consists of many capillaries, separated from the subarachnoid space by pia mater and choroid ependymal cells. Liquid filters through these cells from blood to become CSF. There is also much active transport of substances into, and out of, of the CSF as it's made. CSF normally contains no red or white blood cells and little protein; all constituents of CSF are resorbed, including small molecules, proteins and microorganisms. There is a higher concentration of most molecules in the brain than in the CSF, this creates a chemical gradient between the two compartments. CSF allows for distribution of neuroactive substances, and is the "sink" that collects wastes produced by the brain: the main ones being C02, lactate and excess hydrogen ions (H+). It also serves as a heat sink.

CSF itself is clear and colorless, and contains small amounts of protein, glucose, potassium and relatively large amounts of sodium chloride. CFS passes through ventricles and into the fourth ventricle from which it escapes into the subarachonoid space through the median and lateral apertures. From there it circulates via hydrostatic pressure through the subarachonoid cisterns at the base of the brain, and then is directed up over the hemispheres and down around the spinal cord, flowing down to about the second sacral vertebrae. After it is reabsorbed into venus sinus blood via arachnoid villi; note that arachnoid villi become hypertrophied and calcified with age (arachnoid granulations). Arachnoid villi are small protrusions of the arachnoid (the thin second layer covering the brain) through the dura (the thick outer layer). They protrude into the venous sinuses of the brain, and allow cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to exit the brain, and enter the blood stream. The arachnoid villi act as one-way valves. Normally the pressure of the CSF is higher than that of the venous system, so CSF flows through the villi and granulations into the blood. It has been suggested that the endothelial cells of the venous sinus create vacuoles of CSF, which move through the cell and out into the blood.

The CSF is moved under the influence of hydrostatic pressure generated by its continuous production and its circulation allows for homeostasis of the environment that surrounds the brain. CSF movement allows arterial expansion and contraction by acting like a spring, which prevents wide changes in intracranial blood flow. It is expected that the brain tissue and the CSF would have the same hydrostatic pressure in any part of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid fills the cavity of the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces. The subarachnoid space extends caudally around the spinal cord and ends in lumbar-sacral dural sac where it surrounds the cauda equina. The lining of the tube is composed of ependymal cells and cili, the beating of which is required for normal CSF flow. Cilliated cells are common throughout the respiratory and genital tracts and also in the tympani-the cartilaginous and bony margins of auditory tube, Eustachian tube connecting the back of the nose to the middle ear and ventricals of the brain.

The fluid is made at the rate of 21ml/hr is completely changed every 6-7 hours. It is believed that CSF takes one to two hours to reach the basal cisterns, 3 to 4 hours to reach the sylvian fissure and 10 to 12 hours to spread over the cerebral subarachnoid space. By 24 hours it started to be cleared into the superior sagittal sinus.

As much as the brain tissue is protected by a blood brain barrier from changes outside the central nervous system, the CSF has the same protection and does not change biochemically as a result of changes in the systemic circulation. These barriers are at the level of the endothelium of brain capillaries, at the level of the epithelium of the choroid plexuses and the outer layers of arachnoid matter. These barriers protect the brain and the subarachnoid spaces from damaging influences outside the brain. Along with the other circumventicular organs the pineal lies outside of the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB).

The pineal gland is located above a crucial byway for CSF. The pineal gland can influence the rest of the brain via circulation of CSF. It is close proximity to the limbic and sensory centers of the brain. In the fetus the pineal gland develops from specialized tissue in the roof of the mouth and migrates to the center of the brain. This is perhaps so because both the pineal gland and the intestinal tract produce serotonin. Blood vessels surrounding the pineal gland transfer melatonin to the rest of the body, but it is circulated directly in the brain via CSF. CSF serves as a route for the conduction of neuroactive peptides and hormones and may serve as a reservoir of neuroactive substances that can be transported outward by glial tanycytes. These are specialized ependymal cells with long basal processes, rich in mitochondria which serve a transporter role in the brain.

Glial cells form a layer around brain blood vessels, however they do not contribute to the BBB, rather they maybe important for the transport of ions from the brain to the blood. The Blood Brain Barrier has many fascinating physiological components and one of the most interesting is that there is an estimated 5-6 times more mitochondria in BBB endothelial cells compared to muscle tissue. This increase in mitochondria and consequent increase in energy potential, is thought to be required for active transport of nutrients from the blood to the brain.

Voilà on a extirpé tout les mythes et légendes qui existent autour de l'illumination luciférienne pour garder uniquement la vérité nu, ce n'es qu'une hallucination provoqué par la chimie interne du corps humains

Pour conclure cet exposé

2 Thessaloniciens 2:11
Aussi Dieu leur envoie une puissance d'égarement, pour qu'ils croient au mensonge, afin que tous ceux qui n'ont pas cru à la vérité, mais qui ont pris plaisir à l'injustice, soient condamnés.

Albert Pike franc maçon du 33eme degré et initié aux mystères de l'illumination luciférienne (hallucination) a dit

" Lucifer, le porteur de lumière ! Quel nom étrange et mystérieux pour l'esprit des ténèbres ! Lucifer, le fils du matin ! Est-ce lui qui apporte la lumière et qui de sa splendeur intolérable aveugle les âmes faibles, sensuelles ou égoïstes ? N'en doutons pas"

Depuis le début de l'humanité satan répète le même mensonge que l'arbre interdit (illumination luciférienne) permet de devenir un Dieu, la vérité c'est que ce n'est qu'une hallucination dut a des substance chimique

Sourate 7 verset 10

Certes, Nous vous avons donné du pouvoir sur terre et Nous vous y avons assigné subsistance. (Mais) vous êtes très peu reconnaissants!

Nous vous avons créés, puis Nous vous avons donné une forme, ensuite Nous avons dit aux Anges: "Prosternez-vous devant Adam." Ils se prosternèrent, à l'exception d'Iblis qui ne fut point de ceux qui se prosternèrent.

[Allah] dit: "Qu'est-ce qui t'empêche de te prosterner quand Je te l'ai commandé?" Il répondit: "Je suis meilleur que lui: Tu m'as créé de feu, alors que Tu l'as créé d'argile".

[Allah] dit: "Descends d'ici, Tu n'as pas à t'enfler d'orgueil ici. Sors, te voilà parmi les méprisés."

"Accorde-moi un délai, dit (Satan) jusqu'au jour où ils seront ressuscités."

[Allah] dit: "Tu es de ceux à qui délai est accordé."

"Puisque Tu m'as mis en erreur, dit [Satan], je m'assoirai pour eux sur Ton droit chemin,

puis je les assaillirai de devant, de derrière, de leur droite et de leur gauche. Et, pour la plupart, Tu ne les trouveras pas reconnaissants."

"Sors de là" dit (Allah) banni et rejeté. "Quiconque te suit parmi eux... de vous tous, J'emplirai l'Enfer".

"Ô Adam, habite le Paradis, toi et ton épouse; et ne mangez en vous deux, à votre guise; et n'approchez pas l'arbre que voici; sinon, vous seriez du nombre des injustes."

Puis le Diable, afin de leur rendre visible ce qui leur était caché - leurs nudités - leur chuchota, disant: "Votre Seigneur ne vous a interdit cet arbre que pour vous empêcher de devenir des Anges ou d'être immortels!"

Et il leur jura: "Vraiment, je suis pour vous deux un bon conseiller"

Alors il les fit tomber par tromperie. Puis, lorsqu'ils eurent goûté de l'arbre, leurs nudités leur devinrent visibles; et ils commencèrent tous deux à y attacher des feuilles du Paradis. Et leur Seigneur les appela: "Ne vous avais-Je pas interdit cet arbre? Et ne vous avais-Je pas dit que le Diable était pour vous un ennemi déclaré?"

Tous deux dirent: "Ô notre Seigneur, nous avons fait du tort à nous-mêmes. Et si Tu ne nous pardonnes pas et ne nous fais pas miséricorde, nous serons très certainement du nombre des perdants".

Sourate 14 verset 22
Et quand tout sera accompli, le Diable dira : "Certes, Allah vous avait fait une promesse de vérité; tandis que moi, je vous ai fait une promesse que je n'ai pas tenue. Je n'avais aucune autorité sur vous si ce n'est que je vous ai appelés, et que vous m'avez répondu. Ne me faites donc pas de reproches; mais faites-en à vous même. Je ne vous suis d'aucun secours et vous ne m'êtes d'aucun secours. Je vous renie de m'avoir jadis associé à Allah". Certes, un châtiment douloureux attend les injustes.
35 : 6 - Le Diable est pour vous un ennemi. Prenez-le donc pour un ennemi. Il ne fait qu'appeler ses partisans pour qu'ils soient des gens de la Fournaise.

Le Prophète a dit: « Aucun prophète n’a été envoyé sans avoir averti son peuple contre le menteur à un œil. Prenez garde ! il est est borgne et votre Seigneur n’est pas borgne, et il y aura écrit entre ses yeux (le mot) « Kafir » (mécréant).

Entre les deux yeux se trouve la glande pinéale symbolisé dans l'esoterisme par l'oeil d'Horus

Hors si on décompose l'oeil d'horus on trouve le mot "kafir" "mécréant" en arabe

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