Topic de Yaqout :

Les Morisques ont été expulsés d'Espagne en 1609

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Il s'agit de Musulmans qui se sont convertis de force au Christianisme mais qui ont gardé leur religion en secret.

Point de vue chrétien :

You know that over the past many years, [we have tried] to guide, confirm
and lead the New Christians of the Andalus, the inhabitants of this sultanate
and that of the Castile, to our glorious religious and faith. But neither the
great nor the small benefited because none of them is a true Christian.
Scholars and reverent men have warned us of the danger of and evil that
would befall us for turning a blind eye [ to the presence of those crypto-
Muslims], and they have told us that the matter has to be corrected in order
to please God and remove His anger against our community. They determined
that, without doubt, it is permitted us to punish them in their persons and
possessions, for by continuing in their misdeeds, they were judged and
condemned as hypocrites and enemies of the divine and human majesty. It
was fully within our power to punish them for the guilt and evil deeds they
committed. Despite that, I chose to treat them with patience and leniency,
without seeking vengeance. As a result, we ordered the august assembly,
which I attended with all the scholars and nobility of that city, to find a
new way to expel them from our kingdom. In that [meeting], we looked
into the matter and confirmed that they [Moriscos] had sent emissaries to
the Grand Turk in Istanbul and to Mulay Zaidan in Marrakech asking them
for help, and reporting them that they had 150,000 Muslim men, just like

those in the land of African Morocco. They also communicated with our
maritime enemies in the northern region under the pole, who assured them
of naval support. Meanwhile, the sultan of Istanbul had reached a peace
agreement with the sultan of the Persians, who had fought against him. As
for the sultan of Marrakech, he planned to conquer the land and occupy it.
If they all agree with each other, we will find ourselves in [such a dire]
situation that cannot be kept undisclosed. (Matar 2003b: 40-41).

Point de vue musulman :

When Qasim moved from the city of Leyden to the city of Hague, he met
the prince of Holland, Maurice of Nassan (1567-1625), who asked him the
following question, "why did the sultan of Spain expel the Andalusians from
his land?" Qasim’s answer was based on the position of Spain during the Great
Explorations; he also observed that the number of the Christians decreased:
"among those [Catholic] Christians, there are large numbers of priests and
monks and nuns, and by renouncing marriage, they leave no offspring," whereas
the number of Andalusians was on the increase because "there were no priests
or monks or nuns; rather they all married and increased by having children and
by neither going to war nor out to sea" (Matar 2003b: 36). This situation was,
Qasim argues, the main cause that prodded the Spanish King, Philip II, to give
an order for a general census for all the Andalusians, "young and old, even those
in the wombs of pregnant women: and none knew the secret reason for that.
Seventeen years later," Qasim added, "another census was carried out just like
the first one, and none knew the secret of that either [...] As soon as they
discovered that they were on the increase, they ordered their expulsion" (Matar
2003b: 36).

Ça nous indique que l'Islam est une religion puissante. On ne parle pas de la religion maya ou aztèque ou des animistes d'Afrique ou de Philippines. Même en position de faiblesse, elle ne se laisse pas faire facilement.

Sachant que la plupart des territoires actuellement musulmans étaient chrétiens et il n'y avait aucun besoin d'expulser les chrétiens de ces territoires.

Le Maghreb était chrétien, l'Egypte était chrétienne, le Levant était chrétien. Même la Perse était à un stade de christianisation avancée;

Le 07 janvier 2023 à 21:58:54 :

Le français n'est pas la langue de la recherche et des érudits.

En même temps, l'Espagne... C'est le pays qui avait un continent gorgé d'or et d'argent entre les mains et qui en a fait de la merde...

Ce n'est pas étonnant qu'ils expulsent le peuple le plus industrieux de Grenade en agriculture...

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Date de création
7 janvier 2023 à 21:55:41
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7 janvier 2023 à 22:18:00
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