Topic de
[RMC] 21h10 📹 J'irai dormir chez vous ! 🇺🇸
- Bonjour petit bangladeshien, my name is Antoine.
- What is it for ?
- I'm filming mon voyage and i want to meet the true people from Bangladesh, can i sleep in your home tonight ?
- I would love to invite you... Antoine, but my home is too small and my child is suffuring from cholera i need to buy a medecine as quickly as possible but i can't afford it
- "J'irais bien dormir chez quelqu'un moi, ah tiens voilà quelqu'un !"
- "Hello, I came here for meet people !"
- "Ok, so speak about your paset !"
- "My son died because he had a cancer, I loved him so much..."
- "Ah yes ! So you have a bed for me because your son died !"
Données du topic
- Auteur
- [LeDjinn8]
- Date de création
- 3 juin 2022 à 04:13:47
- Nb. messages archivés
- 552
- Nb. messages JVC
- 537
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