Eh oui les modos, je n'ai rien fait de mal à part discuter avec mes khey
Pourquoi en votre qualité de modérateur, vous ne faites rien pour sensibiliser aux dingueries qu'on peut lire ici, les mêmes dingueries qui ont été des motifs d'attaques terroristes et de meurtres à 4000 km d'ici
Pourquoi cette complicité ?
We are aware of the manifesto allegedly written by the suspect and we’re working to definitively confirm that he is the author,” the law enforcement official said.
The manifesto includes dozens of pages antisemitic and racist memes, repeatedly citing the racist “great replacement” conspiracy theory frequently pushed by white supremacists, which falsely claims white people are being “replaced” in America as part of an elaborate Jewish conspiracy theory. Other memes use tropes and discredited data to denigrate the intelligence of nonwhite people.
In the manifesto, Gendron claims that he was radicalized on 4chan while he was “bored” at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020.
Radicalisé pendant le confinement sur 4chan
Je me demande c'est le cas de combien de khey
le meilleur pour la fin
The document also claims “critical race theory,” a recent right-wing talking point that has come to generally encompass teaching about race in school, is part of a Jewish plot, and a reason to justify mass killings of Jews.
C'est bizarre ça me rappelle JVC