Topic de UOSS117_2 :

[TWITTER] 1ère mesure de Musk : Bannir la propagande LGBT AYAAA

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In accordance with the acquisition of Twitter by my company, we will put our teams as quickly as possible as to the strict moderation of deadly ideologies likely to hinder the emotional development of children. Extremist groups insidiously advocating theories that are now being challenged such as gender theory or its affiliations (LGBTQI+) will be put on notice until further examination.

We are for the most total freedom of expression, but not when it can seriously harm the development of our youth. We are already seeing its effects and do not wish to continue in this ideological scourge. :rire: :rire:

Le 25 avril 2022 à 21:12:47 :

Si c'est nofake, c'est dommage mais compréhensible, une grosse partie de la commu LGBT anglophone sur Twitter ont des délires malsains voire illégaux

Source Evian nonobstant

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Données du topic

Date de création
25 avril 2022 à 21:12:13
Date de suppression
26 avril 2022 à 02:13:07
Supprimé par
Modération ou administration
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