Topic de Aramcoooo :

6000 Algériens contre 32 000 Européens Qui gagne ?


Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:43 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:00 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:16 :
L'humiliation des DZ

Les DZ dans leurs huttes à mendier pendant que les corsaires blancs rachètent leurs beurettes

Y a même plus de corsaires juifs que DZ AYAAAAAA

C'est faux. D'autant plus qu'hormis Arudj et Khayr-ad-Din Barberousse, la plupart des grands corsaires étaient algériens (Raïs Hamidou, etc.)
C'est faux, (((ils))) faisaient du commerce d'esclaves en méditerranée.

Barberousse algerien :)

Quitte le topic.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:57 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:20:48 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:34 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:35 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:15:31 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:14:30 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:13:28 :
J espere que tt le monde a screen :) c est pas marrant sinon

Pourquoi j'aurais screen ? Un électeur de macron qui se la prends dans le cul, ça vaut un screen ? Je vais devoir en screen des choses

Alors je prends pas de grosses bites comme toi par contre

toi tu te prend que les petite bite de chofa dans le cul qui se rassemble s'assemble

je suis pas homophobe en passant chacun sa vie je te juge absolument pas

Il n'y a pas plus hypocrite que l'extrême-droite.
Ils déplorent la décadence en étant décadents.
Je l'ai compris avec Mishima, Camus et Faye.

Mais bordel je suis meme pas decadent :rire:

Quitte le topic. J'en ai marre de t'humilier.
J'en viens à ressentir de la gêne pour toi.

Quitte d abord la gauchiasse ensuite tu me leeckera les feet salope

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:43 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:00 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:16 :
L'humiliation des DZ

Les DZ dans leurs huttes à mendier pendant que les corsaires blancs rachètent leurs beurettes

Y a même plus de corsaires juifs que DZ AYAAAAAA

C'est faux. D'autant plus qu'hormis Arudj et Khayr-ad-Din Barberousse, la plupart des grands corsaires étaient algériens (Raïs Hamidou, etc.)
C'est faux, (((ils))) faisaient du commerce d'esclaves en méditerranée.

Barberousse algerien :)

bordel mais ta vraiment un QI de singe j'avais raison

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:00 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:16 :
L'humiliation des DZ

Les DZ dans leurs huttes à mendier pendant que les corsaires blancs rachètent leurs beurettes

Y a même plus de corsaires juifs que DZ AYAAAAAA

C'est faux. D'autant plus qu'hormis Arudj et Khayr-ad-Din Barberousse, la plupart des grands corsaires étaient algériens (Raïs Hamidou, etc.)
C'est faux, (((ils))) faisaient du commerce d'esclaves en méditerranée.

"C fo"

Raïs Hamidou était un corsaire éclatax qui s'est fait humilier par la France

Tous les corsaires sérieux étaient turcs ou européens, pas DZ

Les DZ ils étaient dans des huttes à mendier

T'es dans le déni le golem

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:26 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:34 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:35 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:15:31 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:14:30 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:13:28 :
J espere que tt le monde a screen :) c est pas marrant sinon

Pourquoi j'aurais screen ? Un électeur de macron qui se la prends dans le cul, ça vaut un screen ? Je vais devoir en screen des choses

Alors je prends pas de grosses bites comme toi par contre

toi tu te prend que les petite bite de chofa dans le cul qui se rassemble s'assemble

je suis pas homophobe en passant chacun sa vie je te juge absolument pas

Il n'y a pas plus hypocrite que l'extrême-droite.
Ils déplorent la décadence en étant décadents.
Je l'ai compris avec Mishima, Camus et Faye.

"macaron Forever" extreme droite" Tu es vraiment retardé toi, en attendant c'est ton gourou qui incite à voter Macron. Donc parler d'extrême droite..

Pardon ?
Il appelle à ne pas voter pour l'extrême-droite.
Personnellement, je voterai blanc au second tour et la France Insoumise aux législatives.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:03 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:20:07 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:30 :
His father, Yakup Ağa, was an Ottoman official[2][3][4][5] of Turkish[6][7][8] or Albanian descent.[9][10][11
What little is known about Ward's early life comes from a pamphlet purportedly written by someone who sailed with him during his pirate days. Ward seems to have been born about 1553, probably in Faversham, Kent, in southeast England.[
Kemal Reis was born in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of the Ottoman Empire in circa 1451.[1]
Gedik Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and admiral who served as Grand Vizier and Kapudan Pasha (Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy) during the reigns of sultans Mehmed II and Bayezid II.[1][2]
Sinan Reis, also Ciphut Sinan, "Sinan the Chief", and Portuguese: Sinão o Judeo, "Sinan the Jew", was a Barbary corsair and Jewish pirate who sailed under the famed Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
For many years, little was known about the identity of Piri Reis. The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name).[6] Today, based on the Ottoman archives, it is known that his full name was "Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri"[7] and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in present-day Turkish Thrace),[8][9] or in Karaman (his father's birthplace) in central Anatolia,[7
Dragut (Turkish: Turgut Reis) (1485 – 23 June 1565), known as "The Drawn Sword of Islam",[1][2] was a Muslim[3] Ottoman naval commander, governor, and noble, of Turkish[4][5][6][7] or Greek[8][9] descent.
inanüddin Yusuf Pasha or in short Sinan Pasha (Croatian: Sinan-paša), (died 21 December 1553) was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha), who served the Ottoman Navy for nearly four years between 1550 and the end of 1553, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. He was born in Istanbul to Croat parents,[1]
urtoğlu Hızır Reis was the son of the famous Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral Kurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis, who was known as Curtogoli in Europe, particularly in Italy, France and Spain.[1]
The name Kurtoğlu means Son of Kurt (Wolf) in Turkish, a patronymic epithet derived from the name of Muslihiddin's father, Kurt Bey, a Turkish seaman from Anatolia who went to northwestern Africa for privateering together with the other Ottoman corsairs of that period such as the Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa.[1]
Salah Rais was born in Alexandria[3][4] in Ottoman Egypt in around 1488.[2] According to the sources, he was of Arab or Moorish origin.[5][6][1][7]
Seydi Ali Reis was born in the Galata[2][3] across the Golden Horn from Constantinople as the son of a Turkish family which had its origins in Sinop[2][3] on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.[2][3
His exact place of birth is unknown, though he was probably born in Hungary.[1] He was of Hungarian[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] or Croatian[9][10][11][a] origin.
Giovanni Dionigi Galeni was born to the seaman Birno Galeni and his wife Pippa de Cicco, in the village of Le Castella (near modern Isola Capo Rizzuto) in Calabria, southern Italy.[
Ali Bitchin (c.1560-1645) was a "renegade" (Christian converted to Islam) who made his fortune in Algiers through privateering. Bitchin (or Bitchnin) was believed to be born with the family name of Piccini or Puccini or Piccinino in Venice
Siemen Danziger (c. 1579 – c. 1615), better known by his anglicized names Zymen Danseker and Simon de Danser, was a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. His name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.
Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer (died October 10, 1620 near Cartagena[1]) was a 17th-century Dutch corsair.[2] A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to piracy and became an officer under Simon the Dancer.
Born into an Albanian family on Rhodes in 1534 he began his career when he joined the crew of Turgut Reis at a very young age.[2][
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Reis Mourad the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641), was an Ottoman Dutch pirate in Algeria and Morocco who converted to Islam after being captured by a Moorish state


Le copypasta qui a terminé les DZ

le plus grand commandant est un sang pur qu'est-ce que tu raconte le low

et t'es fier que tes cousins et fréres nous aide a capturer vos propre soeurs ?

Raïs Hamidou le corsaire éclatax

Le cope des DZ miskine

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:23:28 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:03 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:20:07 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:30 :
His father, Yakup Ağa, was an Ottoman official[2][3][4][5] of Turkish[6][7][8] or Albanian descent.[9][10][11
What little is known about Ward's early life comes from a pamphlet purportedly written by someone who sailed with him during his pirate days. Ward seems to have been born about 1553, probably in Faversham, Kent, in southeast England.[
Kemal Reis was born in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of the Ottoman Empire in circa 1451.[1]
Gedik Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and admiral who served as Grand Vizier and Kapudan Pasha (Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy) during the reigns of sultans Mehmed II and Bayezid II.[1][2]
Sinan Reis, also Ciphut Sinan, "Sinan the Chief", and Portuguese: Sinão o Judeo, "Sinan the Jew", was a Barbary corsair and Jewish pirate who sailed under the famed Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
For many years, little was known about the identity of Piri Reis. The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name).[6] Today, based on the Ottoman archives, it is known that his full name was "Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri"[7] and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in present-day Turkish Thrace),[8][9] or in Karaman (his father's birthplace) in central Anatolia,[7
Dragut (Turkish: Turgut Reis) (1485 – 23 June 1565), known as "The Drawn Sword of Islam",[1][2] was a Muslim[3] Ottoman naval commander, governor, and noble, of Turkish[4][5][6][7] or Greek[8][9] descent.
inanüddin Yusuf Pasha or in short Sinan Pasha (Croatian: Sinan-paša), (died 21 December 1553) was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha), who served the Ottoman Navy for nearly four years between 1550 and the end of 1553, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. He was born in Istanbul to Croat parents,[1]
urtoğlu Hızır Reis was the son of the famous Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral Kurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis, who was known as Curtogoli in Europe, particularly in Italy, France and Spain.[1]
The name Kurtoğlu means Son of Kurt (Wolf) in Turkish, a patronymic epithet derived from the name of Muslihiddin's father, Kurt Bey, a Turkish seaman from Anatolia who went to northwestern Africa for privateering together with the other Ottoman corsairs of that period such as the Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa.[1]
Salah Rais was born in Alexandria[3][4] in Ottoman Egypt in around 1488.[2] According to the sources, he was of Arab or Moorish origin.[5][6][1][7]
Seydi Ali Reis was born in the Galata[2][3] across the Golden Horn from Constantinople as the son of a Turkish family which had its origins in Sinop[2][3] on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.[2][3
His exact place of birth is unknown, though he was probably born in Hungary.[1] He was of Hungarian[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] or Croatian[9][10][11][a] origin.
Giovanni Dionigi Galeni was born to the seaman Birno Galeni and his wife Pippa de Cicco, in the village of Le Castella (near modern Isola Capo Rizzuto) in Calabria, southern Italy.[
Ali Bitchin (c.1560-1645) was a "renegade" (Christian converted to Islam) who made his fortune in Algiers through privateering. Bitchin (or Bitchnin) was believed to be born with the family name of Piccini or Puccini or Piccinino in Venice
Siemen Danziger (c. 1579 – c. 1615), better known by his anglicized names Zymen Danseker and Simon de Danser, was a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. His name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.
Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer (died October 10, 1620 near Cartagena[1]) was a 17th-century Dutch corsair.[2] A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to piracy and became an officer under Simon the Dancer.
Born into an Albanian family on Rhodes in 1534 he began his career when he joined the crew of Turgut Reis at a very young age.[2][
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Reis Mourad the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641), was an Ottoman Dutch pirate in Algeria and Morocco who converted to Islam after being captured by a Moorish state


Le copypasta qui a terminé les DZ

le plus grand commandant est un sang pur qu'est-ce que tu raconte le low

et t'es fier que tes cousins et fréres nous aide a capturer vos propre soeurs ?

Un sang pur né en Espagne " Ils ont peur de naître en Algérie ?

alger c'est en espagne ? j'était pas au courant

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:30 :
His father, Yakup Ağa, was an Ottoman official[2][3][4][5] of Turkish[6][7][8] or Albanian descent.[9][10][11
What little is known about Ward's early life comes from a pamphlet purportedly written by someone who sailed with him during his pirate days. Ward seems to have been born about 1553, probably in Faversham, Kent, in southeast England.[
Kemal Reis was born in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of the Ottoman Empire in circa 1451.[1]
Gedik Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and admiral who served as Grand Vizier and Kapudan Pasha (Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy) during the reigns of sultans Mehmed II and Bayezid II.[1][2]
Sinan Reis, also Ciphut Sinan, "Sinan the Chief", and Portuguese: Sinão o Judeo, "Sinan the Jew", was a Barbary corsair and Jewish pirate who sailed under the famed Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
For many years, little was known about the identity of Piri Reis. The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name).[6] Today, based on the Ottoman archives, it is known that his full name was "Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri"[7] and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in present-day Turkish Thrace),[8][9] or in Karaman (his father's birthplace) in central Anatolia,[7
Dragut (Turkish: Turgut Reis) (1485 – 23 June 1565), known as "The Drawn Sword of Islam",[1][2] was a Muslim[3] Ottoman naval commander, governor, and noble, of Turkish[4][5][6][7] or Greek[8][9] descent.
inanüddin Yusuf Pasha or in short Sinan Pasha (Croatian: Sinan-paša), (died 21 December 1553) was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha), who served the Ottoman Navy for nearly four years between 1550 and the end of 1553, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. He was born in Istanbul to Croat parents,[1]
urtoğlu Hızır Reis was the son of the famous Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral Kurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis, who was known as Curtogoli in Europe, particularly in Italy, France and Spain.[1]
The name Kurtoğlu means Son of Kurt (Wolf) in Turkish, a patronymic epithet derived from the name of Muslihiddin's father, Kurt Bey, a Turkish seaman from Anatolia who went to northwestern Africa for privateering together with the other Ottoman corsairs of that period such as the Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa.[1]
Salah Rais was born in Alexandria[3][4] in Ottoman Egypt in around 1488.[2] According to the sources, he was of Arab or Moorish origin.[5][6][1][7]
Seydi Ali Reis was born in the Galata[2][3] across the Golden Horn from Constantinople as the son of a Turkish family which had its origins in Sinop[2][3] on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.[2][3
His exact place of birth is unknown, though he was probably born in Hungary.[1] He was of Hungarian[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] or Croatian[9][10][11][a] origin.
Giovanni Dionigi Galeni was born to the seaman Birno Galeni and his wife Pippa de Cicco, in the village of Le Castella (near modern Isola Capo Rizzuto) in Calabria, southern Italy.[
Ali Bitchin (c.1560-1645) was a "renegade" (Christian converted to Islam) who made his fortune in Algiers through privateering. Bitchin (or Bitchnin) was believed to be born with the family name of Piccini or Puccini or Piccinino in Venice
Siemen Danziger (c. 1579 – c. 1615), better known by his anglicized names Zymen Danseker and Simon de Danser, was a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. His name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.
Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer (died October 10, 1620 near Cartagena[1]) was a 17th-century Dutch corsair.[2] A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to piracy and became an officer under Simon the Dancer.
Born into an Albanian family on Rhodes in 1534 he began his career when he joined the crew of Turgut Reis at a very young age.[2][
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Reis Mourad the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641), was an Ottoman Dutch pirate in Algeria and Morocco who converted to Islam after being captured by a Moorish state


Aucun corsaire DZ miskine

Même ça c'est pas eux putain

Guerre d'Algérie : on éstime les morts côté Algérien entre 250 000 et 1 000 000, perte Française, seulement 25 000, tu as ta réponse je pense

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:23:19 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:21:00 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:16 :
L'humiliation des DZ

Les DZ dans leurs huttes à mendier pendant que les corsaires blancs rachètent leurs beurettes

Y a même plus de corsaires juifs que DZ AYAAAAAA

C'est faux. D'autant plus qu'hormis Arudj et Khayr-ad-Din Barberousse, la plupart des grands corsaires étaient algériens (Raïs Hamidou, etc.)
C'est faux, (((ils))) faisaient du commerce d'esclaves en méditerranée.

"C fo"

Raïs Hamidou était un corsaire éclatax qui s'est fait humilier par la France

Tous les corsaires sérieux étaient turcs ou européens, pas DZ

Les DZ ils étaient dans des huttes à mendier

T'es dans le déni le golem

Face aux Américains.
Ne pas savoir cela, c'est se décrédibiliser.
Maintenant, je t'ignore.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:23:22 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:26 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:34 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:35 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:15:31 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:14:30 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:13:28 :
J espere que tt le monde a screen :) c est pas marrant sinon

Pourquoi j'aurais screen ? Un électeur de macron qui se la prends dans le cul, ça vaut un screen ? Je vais devoir en screen des choses

Alors je prends pas de grosses bites comme toi par contre

toi tu te prend que les petite bite de chofa dans le cul qui se rassemble s'assemble

je suis pas homophobe en passant chacun sa vie je te juge absolument pas

Il n'y a pas plus hypocrite que l'extrême-droite.
Ils déplorent la décadence en étant décadents.
Je l'ai compris avec Mishima, Camus et Faye.

"macaron Forever" extreme droite" Tu es vraiment retardé toi, en attendant c'est ton gourou qui incite à voter Macron. Donc parler d'extrême droite..

Pardon ?
Il appelle à ne pas voter pour l'extrême-droite.
Personnellement, je voterai blanc au second tour et la France Insoumise aux législatives.

Par contre, pour appeler à pas voter macron..
Ah oui c'est vrai prout

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:25:37 :
Guerre d'Algérie : on éstime les morts côté Algérien entre 250 000 et 1 000 000, perte Française, seulement 25 000, tu as ta réponse je pense

Dois-je citer les mémoires de De Gaulle pour t'humilier ?
Et, les français ont été contraints de quitter la France et d'accueillir des millions d'algériens qui les colonisent à leur tour. Si j'étais toi, je ne ferai pas le fier.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:26:06 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:24:03 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:03 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:20:07 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:30 :
His father, Yakup Ağa, was an Ottoman official[2][3][4][5] of Turkish[6][7][8] or Albanian descent.[9][10][11
What little is known about Ward's early life comes from a pamphlet purportedly written by someone who sailed with him during his pirate days. Ward seems to have been born about 1553, probably in Faversham, Kent, in southeast England.[
Kemal Reis was born in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of the Ottoman Empire in circa 1451.[1]
Gedik Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and admiral who served as Grand Vizier and Kapudan Pasha (Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy) during the reigns of sultans Mehmed II and Bayezid II.[1][2]
Sinan Reis, also Ciphut Sinan, "Sinan the Chief", and Portuguese: Sinão o Judeo, "Sinan the Jew", was a Barbary corsair and Jewish pirate who sailed under the famed Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
For many years, little was known about the identity of Piri Reis. The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name).[6] Today, based on the Ottoman archives, it is known that his full name was "Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri"[7] and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in present-day Turkish Thrace),[8][9] or in Karaman (his father's birthplace) in central Anatolia,[7
Dragut (Turkish: Turgut Reis) (1485 – 23 June 1565), known as "The Drawn Sword of Islam",[1][2] was a Muslim[3] Ottoman naval commander, governor, and noble, of Turkish[4][5][6][7] or Greek[8][9] descent.
inanüddin Yusuf Pasha or in short Sinan Pasha (Croatian: Sinan-paša), (died 21 December 1553) was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha), who served the Ottoman Navy for nearly four years between 1550 and the end of 1553, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. He was born in Istanbul to Croat parents,[1]
urtoğlu Hızır Reis was the son of the famous Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral Kurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis, who was known as Curtogoli in Europe, particularly in Italy, France and Spain.[1]
The name Kurtoğlu means Son of Kurt (Wolf) in Turkish, a patronymic epithet derived from the name of Muslihiddin's father, Kurt Bey, a Turkish seaman from Anatolia who went to northwestern Africa for privateering together with the other Ottoman corsairs of that period such as the Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa.[1]
Salah Rais was born in Alexandria[3][4] in Ottoman Egypt in around 1488.[2] According to the sources, he was of Arab or Moorish origin.[5][6][1][7]
Seydi Ali Reis was born in the Galata[2][3] across the Golden Horn from Constantinople as the son of a Turkish family which had its origins in Sinop[2][3] on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.[2][3
His exact place of birth is unknown, though he was probably born in Hungary.[1] He was of Hungarian[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] or Croatian[9][10][11][a] origin.
Giovanni Dionigi Galeni was born to the seaman Birno Galeni and his wife Pippa de Cicco, in the village of Le Castella (near modern Isola Capo Rizzuto) in Calabria, southern Italy.[
Ali Bitchin (c.1560-1645) was a "renegade" (Christian converted to Islam) who made his fortune in Algiers through privateering. Bitchin (or Bitchnin) was believed to be born with the family name of Piccini or Puccini or Piccinino in Venice
Siemen Danziger (c. 1579 – c. 1615), better known by his anglicized names Zymen Danseker and Simon de Danser, was a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. His name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.
Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer (died October 10, 1620 near Cartagena[1]) was a 17th-century Dutch corsair.[2] A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to piracy and became an officer under Simon the Dancer.
Born into an Albanian family on Rhodes in 1534 he began his career when he joined the crew of Turgut Reis at a very young age.[2][
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Reis Mourad the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641), was an Ottoman Dutch pirate in Algeria and Morocco who converted to Islam after being captured by a Moorish state


Le copypasta qui a terminé les DZ

le plus grand commandant est un sang pur qu'est-ce que tu raconte le low

et t'es fier que tes cousins et fréres nous aide a capturer vos propre soeurs ?

Raïs Hamidou le corsaire éclatax

Le cope des DZ miskine

il a capturé plus de blanche que tout les autres rais de son époque réuni
d'ailleur si on pouvais échanger ta soeur contre un oignon c'est bien grace a lui

Les corsaires blancs ils souillaient tes soeurs contre 30 grammes de semoules pour le couscous

Un peu de couscous dans la hutte c'est la fortune pour les DZ

La lose des DZ miskine

Aaayaa ce br*nler sur l'histoire algérienne qui est aussi misérable qu'aujourd'hui :rire:

Fais-moi mon couscous et tais-toi l'inexistant :)

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:26:42 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:23:22 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:22:26 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:19:34 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:35 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:15:31 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:14:30 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:13:28 :
J espere que tt le monde a screen :) c est pas marrant sinon

Pourquoi j'aurais screen ? Un électeur de macron qui se la prends dans le cul, ça vaut un screen ? Je vais devoir en screen des choses

Alors je prends pas de grosses bites comme toi par contre

toi tu te prend que les petite bite de chofa dans le cul qui se rassemble s'assemble

je suis pas homophobe en passant chacun sa vie je te juge absolument pas

Il n'y a pas plus hypocrite que l'extrême-droite.
Ils déplorent la décadence en étant décadents.
Je l'ai compris avec Mishima, Camus et Faye.

"macaron Forever" extreme droite" Tu es vraiment retardé toi, en attendant c'est ton gourou qui incite à voter Macron. Donc parler d'extrême droite..

Pardon ?
Il appelle à ne pas voter pour l'extrême-droite.
Personnellement, je voterai blanc au second tour et la France Insoumise aux législatives.

Par contre, pour appeler à pas voter macron..
Ah oui c'est vrai prout

Pas fini de se faire humilier ?
Il ne disait pas que c'était le président le plus xénophobe, mais qu'il était xénophobe.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:25:37 :
Guerre d'Algérie : on éstime les morts côté Algérien entre 250 000 et 1 000 000, perte Française, seulement 25 000, tu as ta réponse je pense

on compte les pertes civiles et on se pense intelligent
qu'il y est autant de civile mort prouve bien votre incompétence

et pour ce qui est des soldats c'est 30k soldats francais et 90k traitres
d'ailleur merci de nous avoir permis de les débusquer et d'avoir ramener chez vous le reste
mon grand pére s'est bien occupé d'eux

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:27:07 :

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:25:37 :
Guerre d'Algérie : on éstime les morts côté Algérien entre 250 000 et 1 000 000, perte Française, seulement 25 000, tu as ta réponse je pense

Dois-je citer les mémoires de De Gaulle pour t'humilier ?
Et, les français ont été contraints de quitter la France et d'accueillir des millions d'algériens qui les colonisent à leur tour. Si j'étais toi, je ne ferai pas le fier.

Tu colonises rien du tout le loser t'es un mendiant le DZ

Colonisé par les Phéniciens

Colonisé par les Romains

Colonisé par les Arabes

Colonisé par les Turcs

Colonisé par les Espagnols

Colonisé par la France

Le destin DZ miskine

D'ailleurs, je vois que ça me signale.
Bande de lâches.

Le 16 avril 2022 à 08:17:30 :
His father, Yakup Ağa, was an Ottoman official[2][3][4][5] of Turkish[6][7][8] or Albanian descent.[9][10][11
What little is known about Ward's early life comes from a pamphlet purportedly written by someone who sailed with him during his pirate days. Ward seems to have been born about 1553, probably in Faversham, Kent, in southeast England.[
Kemal Reis was born in Gallipoli on the Aegean coast of the Ottoman Empire in circa 1451.[1]
Gedik Ahmed Pasha was an Ottoman statesman and admiral who served as Grand Vizier and Kapudan Pasha (Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy) during the reigns of sultans Mehmed II and Bayezid II.[1][2]
Sinan Reis, also Ciphut Sinan, "Sinan the Chief", and Portuguese: Sinão o Judeo, "Sinan the Jew", was a Barbary corsair and Jewish pirate who sailed under the famed Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa.
For many years, little was known about the identity of Piri Reis. The name Piri Reis means Captain Piri (Reis is not part of his proper name).[6] Today, based on the Ottoman archives, it is known that his full name was "Hacı Ahmed Muhiddin Piri"[7] and that he was born either in Gelibolu (Gallipoli) on the European part of the Ottoman Empire (in present-day Turkish Thrace),[8][9] or in Karaman (his father's birthplace) in central Anatolia,[7
Dragut (Turkish: Turgut Reis) (1485 – 23 June 1565), known as "The Drawn Sword of Islam",[1][2] was a Muslim[3] Ottoman naval commander, governor, and noble, of Turkish[4][5][6][7] or Greek[8][9] descent.
inanüddin Yusuf Pasha or in short Sinan Pasha (Croatian: Sinan-paša), (died 21 December 1553) was an Ottoman Grand Admiral (Kapudan Pasha), who served the Ottoman Navy for nearly four years between 1550 and the end of 1553, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. He was born in Istanbul to Croat parents,[1]
urtoğlu Hızır Reis was the son of the famous Turkish privateer and Ottoman admiral Kurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis, who was known as Curtogoli in Europe, particularly in Italy, France and Spain.[1]
The name Kurtoğlu means Son of Kurt (Wolf) in Turkish, a patronymic epithet derived from the name of Muslihiddin's father, Kurt Bey, a Turkish seaman from Anatolia who went to northwestern Africa for privateering together with the other Ottoman corsairs of that period such as the Barbarossa brothers, Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa.[1]
Salah Rais was born in Alexandria[3][4] in Ottoman Egypt in around 1488.[2] According to the sources, he was of Arab or Moorish origin.[5][6][1][7]
Seydi Ali Reis was born in the Galata[2][3] across the Golden Horn from Constantinople as the son of a Turkish family which had its origins in Sinop[2][3] on the Black Sea coast of Turkey.[2][3
His exact place of birth is unknown, though he was probably born in Hungary.[1] He was of Hungarian[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] or Croatian[9][10][11][a] origin.
Giovanni Dionigi Galeni was born to the seaman Birno Galeni and his wife Pippa de Cicco, in the village of Le Castella (near modern Isola Capo Rizzuto) in Calabria, southern Italy.[
Ali Bitchin (c.1560-1645) was a "renegade" (Christian converted to Islam) who made his fortune in Algiers through privateering. Bitchin (or Bitchnin) was believed to be born with the family name of Piccini or Puccini or Piccinino in Venice
Siemen Danziger (c. 1579 – c. 1615), better known by his anglicized names Zymen Danseker and Simon de Danser, was a 17th-century Dutch privateer and corsair. His name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.
Ivan Dirkie de Veenboer (died October 10, 1620 near Cartagena[1]) was a 17th-century Dutch corsair.[2] A privateer during the Eighty Years' War, he later turned to piracy and became an officer under Simon the Dancer.
Born into an Albanian family on Rhodes in 1534 he began his career when he joined the crew of Turgut Reis at a very young age.[2][
Jan Janszoon van Haarlem, commonly known as Reis Mourad the Younger (c. 1570 – c. 1641), was an Ottoman Dutch pirate in Algeria and Morocco who converted to Islam after being captured by a Moorish state



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