Topic de GreatSuccess :

(eng) Est-ce que je suis un bâtard avec mon daron ?

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J'aurais besoin de votre avis sur quelque chose qui s'est produit y a quelques heures maintenant. Je voulais poster sur reddit, mais ils sont super cancer pour les règles concernant les posts sur certain subreddit, alors je m'excuse mais c'est en anglais. Bien sûr, y a plein de fautes, et ceux qui auront le courage de lire tout ça, merci !!

Hello, so for a bit of context, I'm residing in Belgium and a 25 years old pretty much oblivious to everything some would consider "adulting". My mom and my dad got stuck in a very nasty divorce for years, while, my sisters and brothers (we're 5, me included ) had to pretty much figure life by ourselves. And, miraculously, my parents were finally able to find an arrangement recently, and I hope, give up on fighting eachother. The arrangement was mostly financial, but I'll spare you the details.

At the beginning of the year, my dad, who lives on social welfare ( he was a hardworking man, there's no denying to that, very smart but I guess too smart ). He got burned out of working in general, and honestly, at his age, 63, retiring doesn't sound so weird. He's enjoying a rather nice life now, living in a very frugal appartment, and spends most of his time researching on various historical subjects. I always thought of him as a brilliant mind, but more recently, since the beginning of COVID, I think, and with age, he got ahead of himself, and started making some questionable comments on vaccine and the likes. It kinda made it hard to talk with him sometimes, but still, we could still have great conversations at times. All is fine ( it wasn't, but I dont wanna have a constrained relationship with him, and out of spite, I usually listen to him gently, being more of a passive listener than anything ), until, a few days ago, he tried to reach me on facebook. Not unusual, we used to chat infrequently, and call eachother every two weeks or something. But his tone was rather pressing, and he told me he needed to talk with me about some "important" stuff ( he's rather secretive concerning his situation, personal and financial ).

I obliged, I did want to talk to him, but I'm always on the backfoot when he's adressing me with this kinds of things. I'm graduating as a comics artist in Brussels. I mention this, because he was always supportive of me making art my living. He gave me his love for books, and it's something I'll always be grateful to him.

So, to start adressing the core of the issue here, he called me and we start having a casual conversation. He barely asks me what I'm up to, though. I was kinda feeling sick since the start of the day, some cold or something idk, so he tells me we're going to make it quick. I appreciate it, my head was hurting pretty bad, and I just felt like shit in general. My dad starts his psyops on me ( he always follows the same scheme when he needs something ), presenting his issue as very mundane, and well, not as an issue at all. He tells me, since he's fiscally fucked ( like for over 100K euros ), that he'd like to use my idendity to immatriculate a car he's importing from Denmark (??), costing approximately 3k euros. Since he's deductible from the government, the car would be impounded immediately, and wants to use me to circumvent belgians laws, while telling me that's it's a very legal thing to do, since I'm over 18 blabla. I had some serious doubts from the beginning, but it was the nail in the coffin. I know jackshit about legal procedures, and I'm afraid I'm gonna get shorthanded in this situation. I don't know why, but I didn't felt it, ever moreso considering his past behaviours ( abusing my mother's trust, stealing her a lot of money, basically doing the same with my sisters, and in general, him being very secretive and opaque concerning his life, and so many lies ). Obviously, he told to not speak about it to anyone.

He reacted very badly, as I told him that I didn't trust him on this. I told him I was sorry, but I didn't want to carry anymore burden, their divorce having been a very hard thing to live trough. He started menacing me, that it would probably be the last time, if I refused, that we would be talking to eachother. That he was hurt by the way I saw him, and the resentment I carry towards him ( it's accurate, I don't think I'll ever be able to digest some things he got us, my siblings and me, into ). My words, from what he said were very hurtful, but I didn't feel like it, to be honest. I remained calm, and I told him that menacing me wouldn't work, quite the contrary. I didn't feel bad on the moment, the opposite actually, I felt like, for once, I stood up to him. He ended the conversation abruptly, giving me an ultimatum (friday) to apologize, I guess, and he would find another way for his car. He told me very bluntly to have a good evening, and best luck in life. He's a very manipulative person, and everyone's of his words were chosen carefully, but so were mine. I was relieved when the call ended, but as the night progress, I have less and less clue on how to feel about all this.

Sorry for the lengthy post, and the bad english. Thank you in advance to anyone who'll read it, and have a great night/day.

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