Topic de PRIMArabeTE :

Ayaaaaaaaaaa ce paragrahe d'un article wikipedia :rire:

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Brandes initially insisted that Meiwes attempted to bite his penis off. This did not work, and ultimately, Meiwes used a knife to remove it. Brandes apparently tried to eat some of his own penis raw but could not, because it was too tough and, as he put it, "chewy". Meiwes then fried the penis in a pan with salt, pepper, wine, and garlic; he then fried it with some of Brandes's fat, but by then it was too burnt to be consumed. He then chopped the penis up into chunks and fed it to his dog.[1] According to court officials who saw the video (which has not been made public), Brandes may already have been too weakened from blood loss to eat any of his penis.

J'ai lu la dernière phrase et pas envie de lire le reste

Le 26 décembre 2021 à 09:14:45 :
I don't speak english.

It was bad for you

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