Topic de Fachodebile00 :

15 FEMMES MUSULMANES et il les a toutes NIQUE

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200 ans après la mort du prophètes(sws) histoire qui a du se passer au 9-10 eme siècle :

Thab Ibn Musa al-Kaladhani told me the following' anecdote which he heard from Sulaiman Ibn Ahmad the poet, who added that the woman who related it to him was named Hind, and that he had seen her in the East; she had performed the pilgrimage five times and was a most pious and zealous old lady. " My dear nephew ", she told Sulaiman, "never have too good an opinion of any woman. I will tell you some about myself, which Allah knows is true. I took ship many years ago now, returning from the pilgrimage, for I had already renounced the world; with me on the same vessel were fourteen other women, all of whom had likewise been to Mecca. We were sailing through the Red Sea. Now one of the crew was a fine upstanding fellow, tall, slim, with broad shoulders and a splendid physique. On the first night out I saw him come up to one of my companions and show off his virility to her. She surrendered to his embraces on the spot. On the following nights each of the rest accepted his advances in turn, until only I was left. I said to myself, 'I will punish you for this, you scoundrel.' With that I took a razor, and grasped it firmly in my hand. He came along as usual that evening, and behaved precisely as he had done on the preceding nights. When he approached me I brandished my razor, and he was so scared that he would have run off. I felt very sorry for him then, and grasping him with my hands I said, 'You shall not go until I have had my share of you.' So ", the old lady concluded, "he got what he wanted, God forgive me!

résumé, une vieille femme dit a un homme de ne jamais avoir une trop bonne opinion des femmes. Elle racontes qu'elle étaient avec des femmes ayant fait plusieurs fois le pèlerinage . il y avait 15 femmes sur le bateau et un homme grand fin et beau.

Il a accosté les 15 femmes musulmanes et il les a toutes niqué une par une sur plusieurs jours

Toutes les femmes savaient qu'il avait niqués x femmes avant qu'elles se fassent niquer elle meme

La Famosa pudeur musulmane.

Le 25 octobre 2021 à 21:22:07 :
La Famosa pudeur musulmane.

c'est pas parce qu'elle porte un voile que c'est pas une pute. Méfiez vous et ne soyez pas des cucks.

Le 25 octobre 2021 à 21:23:08 :

Le 25 octobre 2021 à 21:22:07 :
La Famosa pudeur musulmane.

c'est pas parce qu'elle porte un voile que c'est pas une pute. Méfiez vous et ne soyez pas des cucks.


Toute sauf moman et heureusement.

Le 25 octobre 2021 à 21:24:12 :
Toute sauf moman et heureusement.

en effet

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Données du topic

Date de création
25 octobre 2021 à 21:15:55
Date de suppression
25 octobre 2021 à 21:33:40
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