En gros à partir de lundi,
les test Négatifs ne sont plus acceptés dans les restaurants ou les bars
Pass Sanitaire ou certificat de guérison du covid
"Control measure for protection of unvaccinated people
Only the certificates that prove vaccination or recovery from COVID-19 will remain effective as COVID certificates. This means that people who are not vaccinated against COVID or recovered from the disease can no longer participate in organised activities where a COVID certificate is required.
The restriction covers sports, training, youth work, hobbies, hobby education, in-service training, also sports competitions, sports and exercise events, public saunas, spas, swimming pools, water parks, public meetings and events, conferences, theatres, concerns, cinemas, museums, exhibition halls, provision of entertainment services and food service companies."
Dire qu'un certain Gourou chauve conseille ces pays avec comme argument "Ya la liberté ici pas de restrictions covid blabla "
PS : Tallinn > All quand même