Topic de JFDRIG7 :

[VACCIN] Vous serez connectés à la "grid"


Le 20 mai 2021 à 12:16:31 JFDRIG7 a écrit :

Le 20 mai 2021 à 12:14:32 :
photo de la plus petit puce du monde :
c'est pas des conneries.

On ne parle pas exactement de puce ici mais de millions de nano-transistors disséminés dans le corps.

sur les test sur les rats ils disent avoir envoyé plusieurs puce en effet. apparemment il en faut plusieurs.
5G will emit 10 times more radiation as it will use frequencies which are “ten times higher than those used by current network technologies” according to Euronews. 5G uses millimeter waves that are known as extremely high frequency. Although they “only” penetrate a few millimeters into the body and this is being used to quell any opposition by the telecom and other industries, “our skin is the biggest organ in the body and is linked to numerous things including immune response,” Leszczynski, an expert in molecular biology, explained (Euronews).

These high frequencies will not replace the current ones but will be added to the existing network. A spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) told Euronews that “To account for the increase in the volume of information that will be transferred by 5G networks, more spectrum at higher frequencies will be required”; namely, it will require installing many more cell towers.

This microwave radiation surrounds us and leads to decrease in fertility (sperm count decrease), which seemingly may be related to the depopulation agenda (See Agenda 21). It was discovered that sperm is damaged even from very low radiation rate at 0.00034- 0.07 micro-watt per centimeter, according to the BioInitiative 2012 Reoprt.

Martin Pall, PhD, an expert on human effects of RF radiation, warns that humanity is approaching extinction due to infertility with the level of radiation we’re exposed to these days:

“DNA damage known to be produced by these EMFs occur in human sperm and may also occur in human eggs, leading to large increases in mutation in any children born. It is thought that an increase in mutation frequency of 2.5 to 3-fold will lead to extinction because of accumulation of large numbers of damaging mutations. We may already be over this level, and if so, simply continuing our current exposures will lead to eventual extinction. Further increases in exposures will be more rapidly self-destructive.”

According to Nexus Magazine, both the cellular masts and 5G satellites will utilize a system called the “phased array”, in which “antennas are co-ordinated to radiate pulses in a specific direction and in a specified time sequence. This allows a concentrated beam of radio waves to enable signals to be sent or received. Because the beams are concentrated in this way, this adds to their power, which means they are able more easily to penetrate buildings. But it also means that any living creature that gets in the way of such a concentrated beam will be subjected to a powerful dose of extremely high frequency radiant electricity.”

Le topic qui BIDE comme pas possible

Les kheys qui ne réalisent pas la qualité des informations qu'ils ont sous les yeux

Le 20 mai 2021 à 12:21:18 :
5G will emit 10 times more radiation as it will use frequencies which are “ten times higher than those used by current network technologies” according to Euronews. 5G uses millimeter waves that are known as extremely high frequency. Although they “only” penetrate a few millimeters into the body and this is being used to quell any opposition by the telecom and other industries, “our skin is the biggest organ in the body and is linked to numerous things including immune response,” Leszczynski, an expert in molecular biology, explained (Euronews).

These high frequencies will not replace the current ones but will be added to the existing network. A spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) told Euronews that “To account for the increase in the volume of information that will be transferred by 5G networks, more spectrum at higher frequencies will be required”; namely, it will require installing many more cell towers.

This microwave radiation surrounds us and leads to decrease in fertility (sperm count decrease), which seemingly may be related to the depopulation agenda (See Agenda 21). It was discovered that sperm is damaged even from very low radiation rate at 0.00034- 0.07 micro-watt per centimeter, according to the BioInitiative 2012 Reoprt.

Martin Pall, PhD, an expert on human effects of RF radiation, warns that humanity is approaching extinction due to infertility with the level of radiation we’re exposed to these days:

“DNA damage known to be produced by these EMFs occur in human sperm and may also occur in human eggs, leading to large increases in mutation in any children born. It is thought that an increase in mutation frequency of 2.5 to 3-fold will lead to extinction because of accumulation of large numbers of damaging mutations. We may already be over this level, and if so, simply continuing our current exposures will lead to eventual extinction. Further increases in exposures will be more rapidly self-destructive.”

According to Nexus Magazine, both the cellular masts and 5G satellites will utilize a system called the “phased array”, in which “antennas are co-ordinated to radiate pulses in a specific direction and in a specified time sequence. This allows a concentrated beam of radio waves to enable signals to be sent or received. Because the beams are concentrated in this way, this adds to their power, which means they are able more easily to penetrate buildings. But it also means that any living creature that gets in the way of such a concentrated beam will be subjected to a powerful dose of extremely high frequency radiant electricity.”

En effet encore un autre aspect de la 5G, l'infertilité, renforcée avec la protéine Spike du vaccin.

Les kheys qui réalisent que dans l'internet des objets (Internet Of Things - IOT) l'objet c'est vous.
vaccin ou pas les micro ondes sont dangereuses. c'est prouvé plein de fois.
au début de la pandémies ont voyais bien que le virus ce déplacé aussi vite que la lumière. ça vient des ondes électrique.
l'exemple le plus flagrant c'est les marins du charle de gaule pour beaucoup soit disant contaminé. Faut voir les antennes de fou qu'il y a sur les navires.
La protéine Spike c'est celle à la surface du Covid, ils disent si celle dans le vaccin a le même effet ? étant donné qu'elle ne va pas dans tout le corps mais est normalement cantonnée à la zone d'injéction
On va maintenant passer aux témoignages si vous le voulez bien. Attention ça arrive.
J'me suis fais vacciner 1er dose, c'est trop tard ?

Le 20 mai 2021 à 12:29:03 :
vaccin ou pas les micro ondes sont dangereuses. c'est prouvé plein de fois.
au début de la pandémies ont voyais bien que le virus ce déplacé aussi vite que la lumière. ça vient des ondes électrique.
l'exemple le plus flagrant c'est les marins du charle de gaule pour beaucoup soit disant contaminé. Faut voir les antennes de fou qu'il y a sur les navires.

wtf la vitesse de la lumière c'est pour les objets microscopiques, ça ne peut pas s'appliquer aux virus

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20 mai 2021 à 11:58:44
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20 mai 2021 à 12:43:08
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