Topic de Akifumi6 :

Les Célestins, sont-ils fragiles ?

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Niveau personnalité

The characteristics of a fragile personality are:
1. A hesitant character, unable to make decisions, and waiting for others to decide everything for them.
2. Never takes an initiative, and can’t express their feelings.
3. Their determination is discouraged and do not have the activity and vitality.
4. Avoids taking responsibility, and always blames others.
5. They has no ambition, and never perform the obligations required of them.
6. They tend to introvert, isolate themselves and stay away from people, also their relationships with others are just superficial.
7. Their confidence is low and shaky.
8. They tend not to admit facts or things.
9. Lacking leadership qualities.
10. Have a negative personality and pessimistic most of the time.
11. Cries for trivial reasons, and in front of people.
12. An intellectually distracted personality, always preoccupied with the mind, without being preoccupied with something useful practical that comes out to reality.

Célestino quoi

Perso--------> 0 amis


Bien la fameuse 'élite' :)

Le 24 mai 2022 à 08:46:33 :
The characteristics of a fragile personality are:
1. A hesitant character, unable to make decisions, and waiting for others to decide everything for them.
2. Never takes an initiative, and can’t express their feelings.
3. Their determination is discouraged and do not have the activity and vitality.
4. Avoids taking responsibility, and always blames others.
5. They has no ambition, and never perform the obligations required of them.
6. They tend to introvert, isolate themselves and stay away from people, also their relationships with others are just superficial.
7. Their confidence is low and shaky.
8. They tend not to admit facts or things.
9. Lacking leadership qualities.
10. Have a negative personality and pessimistic most of the time.
11. Cries for trivial reasons, and in front of people.
12. An intellectually distracted personality, always preoccupied with the mind, without being preoccupied with something useful practical that comes out to reality.

Célestino quoi

On fait quoi quand on coche tout

Le 24 mai 2022 à 08:49:18 :

Le 24 mai 2022 à 08:46:33 :
The characteristics of a fragile personality are:
1. A hesitant character, unable to make decisions, and waiting for others to decide everything for them.
2. Never takes an initiative, and can’t express their feelings.
3. Their determination is discouraged and do not have the activity and vitality.
4. Avoids taking responsibility, and always blames others.
5. They has no ambition, and never perform the obligations required of them.
6. They tend to introvert, isolate themselves and stay away from people, also their relationships with others are just superficial.
7. Their confidence is low and shaky.
8. They tend not to admit facts or things.
9. Lacking leadership qualities.
10. Have a negative personality and pessimistic most of the time.
11. Cries for trivial reasons, and in front of people.
12. An intellectually distracted personality, always preoccupied with the mind, without being preoccupied with something useful practical that comes out to reality.

Célestino quoi

On fait quoi quand on coche tout

On pleure un bon coup, puis on retourne rager sur internet à propos des femmes, de Zemmour, de Minecraft, de Star Wars ou je ne sais quoi :)

Alors, y'a des kheys qui relate ou qui ont des réponses ? :)
Alors, y'a des kheys qui relate ou qui ont des réponses ? :)

Perso, je ne vois pas comment qui que ce soit pourrait s'identifier avec les 12 trucs cités

Vous êtes ouf les kheys

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24 mai 2022 à 08:42:49
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